Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 981: be prepared

The two dark golden pupils are obviously not particularly complicated Huiyue creations. I saw that less than a hundredth of a second after the beautiful round and delicate eyeballs were enveloped by a gray mist, the answer to the "guild leader" was already indifferent. Make it clear.

Even with the support of rich experience and knowledge, the "birth" of the Huiyue-level eye pupils was discovered in such a short instant:

"This is the alchemy creation of "Archmage Messoul"-the pupil of dark gold. After all, the construction method of the built-in Ekka array is too in line with the consistent style of Messvur. From the solidification of legendary materials Judging from the decay cycle of the law, this "set of" magic equipment should have been born more than 3,797,000 years ago... At that time, "Messoul" had not started its own plan, so this pair of "Dark Golden Eye" is not left behind. Your luck is very good, Mr. "Destroy Whisper"."

"I am grateful for this compliment, then..."

"Although this piece of magic equipment is divided into two parts, the "left eye" and the "right eye", they are actually a complete set of Lunar equipment, with the energy core embedded in the left eye and the magic circle core in the right eye, solidifying spells. It is divided into two halves and portrayed in the two pupils. Only when the two "eyes" are close enough, the curing spell can take effect."

Speaking for himself, the words of the "guild leader" were concise and clear, and the characteristics and functions of the "Dark Golden Pupil" were quickly talked about:

"On the Dark Golden Eye, there is only one very common, simple and rude Spiritual Spell of the Moon-level—Thrilling Gaze. It can be used once when it is full of energy. It lasts for nine hundred and seventy-seven seconds each time. It automatically absorbs the laws of nature to recharge, and the charging cycle is one week under the normal law environment............ This is a very good Moon-level magic equipment, even if you wait until your strength reaches the level of the Moon, it will Can play a good auxiliary effect in battle."

"Sounds really good, so that I have one more hole card..."

"If I'm not mistaken, your purpose of hunting these eyes is not only to increase the cards."

Without waiting for Punk to finish speaking, the "guildmaster" saw the real goal of the caster.

The Sun Throne, who is observant of the details, must know every one of his "subordinates", presumably he has already known that "Destroy Whispers" is worrying about the promotion of Chenxing recently.

But for the "chairman", in this painful era of extreme scarcity, it is very important and crucial to be able to mobilize subordinates, even mercenaries, to advance to Morningstar as soon as possible. As he said, Messoul I have come back, there is not much time left, and the next meeting needs to start as soon as possible.

So I wanted to find an excuse for "deal" in his cognition, and quickly remind the "stunned green" in front of him that some important things are the most important, so I saw the gray projection of the "chairman" when he continued to speak. Said:

"As a "deposit" to book the next batch of Demon Sub-Lord Soul Fragments, I can tell you some relevant experience... You must know that understanding higher levels of power has been an effective "shortcut" to speed up promotion since ancient times, but It is often difficult and dangerous to walk through this thorny shortcut-the difficulty lies in... It is extremely difficult for low-level professionals in the era of Legendary Island to obtain high-level magic creations, after all, this is due to the rigidity of "it" limit!

The danger lies in...whether lower-level souls have the ability to withstand the impact of facing high-level forces directly"!

Seriously warning the spellcaster in front of him, the "guild leader"'s mental power fluctuations appeared profound and secluded. In this "shortcut", an ancient Yaori powerhouse obviously has sufficient right to speak.

"In a sense, the so-called "face up to higher-level power" is basically equivalent to letting one's soul perceive deep into the structure of high-level spells for comprehension. In this process, high-level spells spill over. Realm energy will impose a great burden on lower-level souls, especially some spells aimed at the soul are more likely to irritate certain emotions hidden deep in the heart and memory of the caster, so if you cannot ensure that your will is strong enough, the most So don’t try the so-called "shortcuts" lightly. Every "shortcut" is called a "shortcut" for a reason............ Go make some alchemy potions that help soul recovery, some potions can be used not only Healing injuries can also be used to prepare for a rainy day. The "Legendary Soul Stabilizer" you are good at is very suitable. Remember to take 5.62 times the dose before installing new eyes"!

The gray projection made punk not see any expressions or emotional fluctuations, but even so, "Destroy Whispers" was still certain that the "chairman" was very serious at this time.

After all, no matter how you look at it...the entire executive team has the strongest strength, the greatest potential, the cleanest path, and the clearest need for the "mercenary", and there is only punk. The "guildmaster" has a sense of the legendary wizard The expectation is definitely not small, and the next important plan might require him to act as a "handler"...

Facing the solemn warning from the "guildmaster", the legendary mage who has carefully retrieved the two Huiyue-level eye pupils also nodded calmly and solemnly.

"I know, I will treat the next promotion carefully."

Punk is very confident in his willpower. At the same time, he also understands that the amount of magic potions recommended under the crown of the Yaori Throne will definitely help him to advance, because this is a piece tailored for himself by the Yaori Master. Expertise.

Now that he has these two powerful supports, his own morning star road is enough to call it "suddenly clear"!


"I hope that my investment has not failed, and that when we meet next time, you have successfully stepped into the realm of Morning Star, destroy Mr. Whisper!"!

Without saying anything, the "guild leader" who had explained the last thing quickly dissipated the gray dim projection. The misty gray mist quickly extinguished itself in the dead space of the stars. Finally, a vacuum No traces were left in the environment.

This time the conversation is over.

"5.62 times the dose... It seems that the next batch of materials from the "guildmaster" "trade" will be used in the production of potions..."

Facing the dark and empty starry sky, the mood is so peaceful and punk can't help but mutter to himself.

Looking down at the two dark golden pupils floating in his hands, thinking that these two exquisite little things are about to become his own new eyes, the caster has a lot of real texture for the upcoming key promotion.

Yes, unknowingly, punk is now more than one hundred thousand years old. As the successor of Netheril, it is time for him to step into a new realm and level.


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