Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 997: Intelligence and attitude

Punk’s blunt statement instantly made Mimibezi speechless in front of him. The **** battle is an endless, never-ending battle. Even if the demonic sub-lords are sent to death in droves, they cannot be wiped out, but it is realistic. The cruelty didn't stop there. Just as several crimson cracks opened wide and the unreliable Grand Duke Oakris became more ill, the only "fool" willing to ride on that battlefield was about to leave!

Suddenly hearing the news, even the "Candy Merchant" who likes to smile can only ask with a wry smile:

"Do you really want to end this cooperation? Mr. "Destroy Whisper"? The council of **** is already discussing increasing the income of the guards of the blood battlefield. The "foreign aid" who helps the blood battle will gain the friendship of the demons, and Oakleys The illness caused by the Duke's infection with the "Soul of Sorrow" has also stopped deteriorating..."

Explaining with bitter words, the small businessman began to repeatedly emphasize the resources that can be obtained in **** battles such as "rich rewards", "hell friendship", "a lot of combat experience" and so on, in order to make punk take back his life.

She knew very well that the person who could really decide Ganatika's stay was not the young Avenger who had fought in **** for seven to eighty thousand years, but the morning star mage with a cold tone in front of her! And she also knows that for a Morningstar professional, the value of the blood war rewards given by the Hell Council has been reduced. In this case, it is not surprising that punk decided to suspend the transaction.

But having said that, the helpless Mimibez still tried to retain the "honest coolie" that she had finally found. After all, the more difficult it is to restrain the crazy Devil Archduke, now it is precisely who needs someone to help share the pressure on the battlefield. important moment.

But it's a pity............ "Destroying Whispers" expressionlessly did not intend to heed "Candy Merchant"'s request:

"Ghanatika has fulfilled all the provisions of the Judgment Eye contract, and now he has the right to leave the **** battlefield and terminate cooperation. This is something that has been decided, and the rewards given by **** are not enough to make me change my mind. …………By the way, where did you know the term "Soul of Sorrow"? How did you know that Mr. Oakley was infected with this special legendary disease?"

Finally, I emphasized that I did not intend to change the attention, and punk also naturally ended the topic of cooperation.

However, in the end, he also noticed something unexpected in Mimibezi's statement-how did this little businessman who is not a member of the "executor" know the existence of the "soul of sorrow"? Isn't that the news that the "chairman" just announced at the fourth "executors" meeting?

"Do you mean my source of intelligence? Of course, the "guild leader" told me that in today's multiverse, the existence of the Soul of Sorrow is still classified information, right?"

Normally explaining his source to punk, the "Candy Merchant" didn't seem to feel anything wrong with the fact that the "President" would give him an answer.

"......Nothing, is this the news that the "guild leader" actively told you"?

Hearing Mimibez’s normal-sounding answer, Punk realized that although the “rule-speaking chairman” has additionally established a special legendary organization of “executors”, he still cares about “silence” What’s the nominal identity of the “Top Leader of the Alliance”?

Perhaps for a mage of the lawful camp, the identity of the leader not only represents a large number of rights, but also represents a certain obligation, so if he gets some vital news, announce it to those who don’t listen to his commands. "Nominal subordinates" are not too surprising. Anyway, the "Chairman" has always been famous for generosity, and the name "Soul of Sorrow" will soon be heard throughout the entire multiverse............

However, Mimibez’s second answer denied the punk speculation...

"No! This is the information that I learned after I made an inquiry, and I think that other "silents" who didn't ask related questions should have not received a notice from Mr. "Chairman"... at the "executors" meeting , Is this kind of information proactively informed by the great shining throne?"

Looking at the caster's projection with a somewhat confused look, the "Candy Merchant" quickly guessed why punk would ask this question with his keen "businessman" intuition.

And in this simple discourse, the concept she wants to express is also euphemistically contained in it-yes, although everyone is a member of the Silent Alliance, you can now get it as an "executor" The "guild leader" actively informed a large amount of information, and the other silent people can only get a little confusing explanation of terms only after inquiring... What do you think this means as a wise morning star mage?

Although there was no clear question, before he knew it, the dark green projection of the candy merchant had put all the questions and feelings of helplessness into a simple statement.

"...No comment, Madam "Candy Merchant", it's not a wise move to talk about the Throne of the Sun in vain. You should be thankful that you have a little intelligence now, instead of trying to make an inch of it."

He didn't answer the obvious question of the little businessman directly, and the punk who had already had a conclusion in his heart directly blocked Mimibezi's mouth with an adjutant voice.

It must be admitted that there is no need for more evidence and phenomena to explain anything. The current attitude of the "chairman" is enough to explain many problems.

Whether it is the core members of the "executors" who are vested interests or the marginalized people of the "silent alliance" like Mimibezi, it can be clearly felt. UU reading follows the "chairman". The more the right of the supreme leader was not recognized, the Throne of Yaori, who was not a philanthropist, finally began to perfunctory many of his obligations as a leader. He began to devote a large amount of intelligence, resources, and energy to the "executors." For other silent people who tend to live in seclusion, the strategy of "stocking no matter" was completely implemented.

If someone asks, just answer two sentences without any ambiguity. If no one asks, just don’t say a word—until today, the lofty status of the "chairman" in the Silent Alliance has truly entered. The embarrassing situation that exists only in name, but no one has pierced the last thin layer of window paper for the time being!

"It looks like the powerful Sun Throne is going to start over again. It's no wonder that the war that was originally private has burned the entire Silent Alliance. He doesn't care anymore. It's just that for the current "President", there are many silences. What do the actors represent? What do the few executors represent"?

After squinting his eyes and thinking gloomily, Punk has probably understood what his boss really thought.

All the legendary members are not stupid. Everyone knows what kind of weird state the Silent Alliance is in. After all, the order is lawful, but the "guild leader" only observes his own order. Most members of the Silent When they all began to disobey the call of the Throne of the Sun, perhaps the lawful "guildmaster" no longer cares about their life and death!

Nowadays............ The "Silent Alliance" that once chanted the slogan "Reproduce the civilization of the wizard in the era of Netheril" might really be... dead in name!


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