Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 999: Soul worm

Being in the mind of truth is still safe, and punk does not have many exchange points, so he plans to study the improvement of spells first, and at the same time rely on the transaction with Bin Rachel to obtain the exchange points needed for daily research. The golem matter had to be put aside for now.

Choosing the spells to be improved needs to consider all aspects, such as the practical value of the spell itself and the room for improvement, as well as whether punk's own economic ability can support research costs for a long time.

After an afternoon of careful screening, Punk finally chose a summoning spell to improve it.

The spell he plans to improve is a relatively backward master-level summoning spell-"Soul Worm".

The history of this spell is so long that it has passed the era of Netheril civilization, and it is even in the same era as the first batch of Summoning spells to be revealed.

However, it is precisely because it is too old, so it is very backward compared to the current spells. In this real world, the progress of spells has never stopped, and as a backward spell, even if the "soul moth" was once It has a very unquestionable historical status, but when a large number of better and more cost-effective spells are revealed, this backward spell becomes an unpopular "research material".

Now, punk intends to improve this "research material" abandoned by the times and let it regain its brilliance with a new attitude.

As a "Distant Space Scholar", Vedraxia has read all the magic books in the entire "Distant Space Library", and has a good understanding of this backward "soul worm" spell.

As a summoning spell, "Soul Worm" is a spell based on a master-level magical creature called "Akney Worm".

Since the old mages have not realized the importance of the special effects of spells, and the number of spells that have been revealed is really scarce, they always like to add as many magic effects as possible to this spell when they explain a spell. , To realize the "one method for all purposes" in a disguised form.

And this "soul worm" is the product of the typical "magic oil" magic concept.

The half-energy moth it summons can not only sneak into the enemy's body to eat the soul, but also rely on the rapidly growing size and solid spell energy as a shield to resist the attack. After devouring the enemy's soul, it also It has the function of extracting enemy memory and delaying self-detonation.

It sounds very diverse, but the so-called all-pass means all-nothing. None of the magical effects of this spell are outstanding, and even at the level of master-level spells, they can't be on the table at all.

And as a price, the spell model of this spell has become very cumbersome. Various runes are superimposed one by one, and the mana consumed to construct it is two or three times more. Not to mention, the casting time has become stinky and long.

Therefore, when a series of spells such as "Soul Devouring Seed Seed", "Mage Armor", "Memory Reading", and "Bloating Fire Wolf" were revealed, "Soul Moth" was naturally eliminated.

It is true that compared with mature modern spells, this ancient spell has many shortcomings, but it is precisely because of its many shortcomings that punk has a lot of room for improvement.

So punk decided that his own magical practice path began with this forgotten master-level summoning spell-"Soul Worm"!

--------split line------

"Okay, just put things here."

Punk said to two apprentices who used "hanging technique" to carry dozens of large boxes.

After deciding to improve the method of "Soul Worm", Punk ordered a batch of fifteen "Ferocious Worms" in the trading area of ​​Truth.

The best way to study a summoning spell is to start with its "prototype". After all, most of the summoning spells are based on the magical creature souls innately possessed by similar spells, and the virtual souls of the summoned creatures It is to use the prototype magical creatures as an important basis. If you want to put aside all the prototypes, the difficulty of "fabricating" a kind of summoned creature is by no means a master-level wizard.

However, the history of "Soul Worm" is too old after all. The species "Ikney Worm" has already gone extinct at some time, so punk can only go back and choose one that has a lot of blood relationship with Ikney Worm. "Fresh-body worm" as the research object.

These fierce worms live in the remote Green Basin swamp, and there is no one in the branch of Thinking of Truth, so transporting them alive consumes a lot of punk exchange points.

But fortunately, although the price is a bit tricky, at least there is merit in terms of transportation. On the third day after punk placed the order, each of these big bugs weighing more than 70 kg was intact. Transported to the magic tower of punk!

Hearing punk's order, the two apprentices transporting the "Ferocious Worm" quickly put all the big boxes in the living room.

They took these large boxes from the teleportation array to the punk magic tower. The way they were frightened to the extreme, the howlings from the dozens of boxes were low and subtle, but they seemed to be directly in the soul. Howling feels terrifying from the bottom of my heart.

It wasn't until I entered the magic tower of punk to see Punk himself, the hissing in the dozen boxes stopped abruptly, and the two apprentices also breathed a sigh of relief in sweat.

After placing the box, an apprentice walked up carefully and asked:

"Dear Master Sai'an, a total of fifteen boxes have been delivered. May I ask you anything else?"

The apprentice lowered his head and did not dare to look into punk’s eyes. Punk gave him more pressure than these dozen "harmless" boxes, but... Although he wanted to turn around and run away, he was in a master It is definitely not acceptable to make such an impolite behavior in front of a class caster.

"Well, yes, nothing is going on. These are two bottles of "Spirit Refining Potions", take them."

Punk felt the fifteen boxes and made sure that there was nothing wrong. After throwing two bottles of apprentice-level potions to the apprentice, he turned and left with the box, which also made the apprehensive apprentice happy.

"Spirit Refining Potion" for punk is just a "little" but it can be called an invaluable treasure for two young masters who are stuck at the fourth-level apprentice level. Up.

Ignoring the two ordinary apprentices who left with ecstasy, Punk put all the more than ten boxes in the "near room" on the lower level of the magic tower.

"Ferocious body worms, official-level magical creatures, with low levels of intelligence, but with magical talents in the soul, with a lifespan of about 1400 years. It is said that their ancestors are the ancient "Aikney worms..."

Putting away the information displayed on the ring, punk waved his hand calmly and opened all the boxes.

"Yes, it's these "little guys", I hope my exchange point is not white." ...


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