Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins

v3 Chapter 2

Cheng Nuo confirmed that it was not an illusion, and Bai Rui’s back did grow a small piece of copper-sized silver scales. And not only the back, Bai Rui has similar scales on the waist, arms and thighs, and the instrument shines to reflect the silvery white light.

Cheng Nuo couldn't help but touched it carefully. The scales were a bit like jade touch, hard and smooth, and cooler than body temperature.

He suddenly remembered that the streamer changed his body many years ago. Is it that Bai Rui is also a so-called ancient species? However, Bai Rui is obviously not the same breed as Streamer.

When he was in Huamen, he had read a lot of books and did not record the ancients.

It has been said that the ancient species can be transformed after the age of fifteen. So, Bai Rui is just fifteen years old...

Seems to feel his touch, Bai Rui stunned the body to move a bit, Cheng Nuo rushed to recover his hand, with a soft cloth smashing the water to Bai Rui wiped the blood stained body, changed the clean clothes.

When he finally settled Bai Rui, he sighed and closed his eyes and began to practice.

The two had been in the cave for nearly a week, and Bai Rui was always asleep, breathing and heartbeat became much slower than before. The scales on his body are getting more and more, even on the neck and cheeks, and the ears have changed and become pointed and long. The ear is obviously a sensitive point of Bai Rui. When Cheng Nuo touches his ear, he will tremble for a while, so when he is bored, Cheng Nuo will pinch it.

Bai Rui is not a good-looking half-human or half-beat, but I don’t know why Cheng Nuo doesn’t feel weird. He criticizes him every night. Although Bai Rui's body temperature is lower than him, it is always warmer than a person.

Cheng Nuo is also very worried about the streamer. Although Liu Guangsheng is not even clear about himself, he is obviously fifteen years old. If the streamer is going to be in a coma for so many days, who is guarding him? Was it dangerous to be discovered? ......

There are three relationships between him and his troubles. He can't let go of the stream, but now... he can't put down Bai Rui.

Cheng Nuo smiled a bit, simply do not want these. Waiting for Bai Rui to wake up, it is important for the two to find a way to leave this strange seal first.

After a few days, there is still some food in the storage bag, but the water has already been lifted.

It’s obviously not good to have no water. Cheng Nuo cheers himself and is ready to go out and look for water. It was very unsafe to leave Bai Rui alone, and he gave birth to some rattan to force Bai Rui to entangle himself on his back, and removed the stone from the hole and went out.

Surrounded by a gray scene, weeds and beasts.

Cheng Nuo jumped into the tree and watched it carefully. It has been several days, and the ice snakes are likely to be over. He does not want to be used as a snake feed.

Somehow, this time he was tired and thirsty without carrying far away from Bai Rui. Bai Rui seems to be much heavier than before. Cheng Nuuna is puzzled. Ming has understood that Rui has not eaten for several days. How can he become fat? Is it also related to ancient species? Does not meet the law of conservation of mass at all...

Walking and taking a break, Cheng Nuo finally saw a sparkling lake in the distance, and his heart suddenly surprised. Compared with this foggy forest, this lake is really beautiful.

He did not dare to rush close, and he observed the surrounding area for a while before making sure that he did not move before jumping. However, Bai Rui seems to be heavier. He has difficulty in mastering the balance in midair, and he was brought to the ground with his belt. When he landed, he made a clear "beep" sound. The rattan was also broken, and Bai Rui was thrown to the other side.

Cheng Nuo quickly climbed up, only to find that the clothes were covered with wet quail eggs, and what animal eggs were crushed by him. He couldn't think too much and wanted to put Bai Rui back. A chill suddenly struck, and he quickly raised his head and confronted a pair of red eyes not far away.

The whole body was stiff for about a few seconds, and Cheng Nuo finally realized the fact that he had just smashed it, it was an ice snake egg!

The ice snake looked down at him, and spit on the snake letter, and the huge snake tail whipped the ground with anger.

Cheng Nuo was shocked and jumped. He rushed to the waist and hugged Bai Rui. He started to run. Bai Rui seemed to be heavier. He couldn’t do it when he jumped into the tree with Bai Rui. He could only pant and march forward. run.

The ice snake chased it up, and the long body formed a circle around him, and two strange red eyes stared at him angrily.

But the strange thing is that although the ice snake is very angry, but does not leave but is not close, it seems to be taboo.

Cheng Nuo can clearly feel the ice snake body eroding the bones of the cold, he trembled frozen, holding Bai Rui tightly, cold sweat on his forehead popped out, what should I do now? I was afraid that when he touched any part of the ice snake, he would freeze immediately...

After a stalemate for a long time, the ice snake finally couldn’t help it, and opened his mouth to reveal two sharp fangs and flew over to Chengnuo. Cheng Nuo rushed to give birth to some plants to block the body, but those plants hit the ice snake for a moment and all became ice. His body also rushed to the cold and became a popsicle, and he could only watch as the big mouth was getting closer and closer to himself.

At this moment, Huaili Bairui moved a bit and slammed a sharp and long shout.

Cheng Nuo was shocked and fell to the ground, licking his ears in pain, and the ice snake was shocked and retracted to his neck.

After four weeks of silence, Cheng Nuo was surprised to find that Bai Li Rui was gone, and a strange World of Warcraft was fiercely biting the ice snake!

He opened his mouth in horror and looked at the rags and empty palms. The Warcraft... is Bai Rui? !

"It" is about the size of an adult cheetah. The whole body is silvery white scales, the ears are pointed, the claws on the limbs are sharp and sharp, and the hairs are silvery at the head and tail. It is similar to the legendary unicorn, elegant and beautiful, but has no horns. It was so incomprehensible that it didn't know why, the ice snake attacked and shook his body and motionless, and was torn apart from the abdomen.

World of Warcraft swallowed a snake, proudly raised a silver-white head, and the golden **** was staring at Chengnu without hesitation. It seemed to discern whether he was an enemy.

Cheng Nuo looked at him with a stunned look. He didn't know if he could become a beast, Bai Rui, and he couldn't recognize himself... If he was usually Bai Rui, then he would definitely not eat raw meat...

Warcraft is approaching him step by step with an elegant and slow pace, and his heartbeat is getting more and more.

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly appeared in his ear, and he laughed with a schadenfreaked voice: "Ha ha ha ha, I did not expect to see a purebred hail ancient man in the white house... Be careful, it is estrus period!"

The voice was very mature and sexy, as if it were near the ear, and Cheng Nuo looked around in surprise, but found nothing. Did not wait for him to return to God, has been thrown down by the World of Warcraft.

Bai Rui took his nails and held Chengnuo's shoulders with two front paws. Cheng Nuo was suppressed and could not be injured. He panicked and shouted: "Bai Rui, wake up!"

It is obvious that Bai Rui is mostly a beast and beast. He uses his tongue and teeth to wrap his clothes, and with a force, a large piece of skin on his chest is exposed.

At this time, Bai Rui’s chaotic brain has only one thought left, and the prey is very delicious! really want……

Cheng Nuo’s old blush was bleeding, and the beast was stretching his tongue and licking his chest! rub! Have you ever eaten raw meat? What is special about human beings? ! And there is a mysterious third person here! ! !

Without waiting for him to return to God, the trousers were also rolled up by Bai Rui. The flexible and warm tongue was covered with coarse particles, and he kept licking his lower abdomen and thighs, making him itch and numb. The sensitive area was suddenly touched, and Cheng Nu couldn't help but make a few sounds that were difficult to suppress, and the shameful heart would explode.

He desperately kicked the head of World of Warcraft and yelled: "Bai Rui! You stop for Laozi!"

Warcraft obviously couldn't understand his words, but turned him over and took him down from his shoulders along the sensitive spine. Cheng Nuo felt that there seemed to be two hard and hard giants who had their hips topped. Moved forward and moved forward, and the hair would be erected. Warcraft is full of jade-like warm and cool touch, only hot scary there.

Cheng Nuo must be scared of madness, no longer care about the image, and his voice is changed in a loud voice: "Stop! Help! Bai Rui, you a beast! Help!!"

Bai Rui is so indifferent and calm, turning into a beast but a beast and a beast!

The voice rang again, and it was just like watching a comedy like a laugh: "Ha ha ha... fun and fun, you can hold on and not die."

Hearing this voice again, Cheng Nuo was mad, twisting his waist and desperately turned around. The beast began to lick his face again, and the wet mouth licked his face, and the discordant place began to scream at him. Cheng Nuo must shed tears, so it is very bad to die!

He shouted: "Which predecessor is it? Help! Help!!"

"Well... it’s not fun to die." The voice snarled. "He should be the first time to change? Let him vent his fine."

... venting?

Cheng Nuo looked down at the difficulty and suddenly smoked his face. The beast was more exaggerated than the male...

He took a deep breath and took the courage to hug him with both hands. The beast was obviously stiff, and then he lay down to reveal his abdomen.

Cheng Nuoqi is biting his teeth, Bai Rui this bastard!

He also refused to pay attention to his own problems, and his hands quickly slammed up. Warcraft stretched out his limbs and wanted to hug him. He seemed to be afraid of hurting him. He just dared to look at him with his golden **** and sighed with a sigh of relief.

Cheng Nuo seems to have seen the shadow of Bai Rui from the big golden eyes. He moved his heart and hurriedly slammed his head and smoked his ears. God wants to bless Bai Rui and will not leave his memory. He hasn’t thought about what to do in the future, so he’s got a shame to come home...

Rub, this **** estrus beast!

After a long time, there was no fineness. Cheng Nuo was so tired and panting, his wrists were sour.

Warcraft squinted at the eyes but it was very cozy. With his hands on his hands, his movements were getting more and more. Cheng Nuo did not take the airway: "Bastard! The old man must be scrapped!"

As if he understood his complaint, the beast added an action, and then a low-pitched body jerked.

Cheng Nuo was screaming, and he looked down at his hands and dyed the strange liquid, and felt that the whole person was not good.

After Warcraft vented, it seemed to be exhausted. He fell to the ground, and then Cheng Nuo looked at him with a stunned look. It was like magic. The scales slowly faded, the pointed ears disappeared, and the limbs returned to adulthood.

One | silk does not hang Bai Rui like to meet the child, sleeping peacefully on the ground, standing next to one by one | silk does not hang himself!

Cheng Nuo’s tears ran, no, there is still a third party who doesn’t know where to hide and watch the show.

The author has something to say: the seal land is of course sealed.

It is said that Cheng Nuo is too weak, so I have to give him a chance to become stronger~

As soon as I come up, the beast will be dead, so take it slowly, I am Xiaoqing~

The meatballs are ready to continue the code word, but it is not too early. I don’t know if I can finish it. I will not finish tomorrow. I don’t have to wait~


Thanks aa girl mine~

Thanks to the grae girl mine~

Thanks to the seven seven gn grenades~