New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 410: X file

The newly born Huaxia held a ceremony, and Wesley led the officer corps to attend the ceremony, but this military parade was a bit shabby, and most of the equipment was Japanese-style equipment and domestically-made equipment, but there were also some good places, the Northeast Japanese Army. All the remaining heavy industries are there. Wesley did not move all of them out like the old Maozi, but stayed. In this way, New China has an industrial foundation and it is a matter of time to develop its own equipment.

After the ceremony was over, Wesley had a meeting with the team headed by Taizu, "General Gibson, we will remember everything you have done for China." Taizu said first.

"It’s nothing. I like this country. Compared with European countries, China is more suitable to be an ally of the United States. Our treaty can also be called the Pacific Treaty. The Pacific belongs to us. I don’t know what you do with the northern countries. Look?" Wesley asked directly.

"This..., then I don't know what you think?" Taizu asked.

"You know best what they have done, but there is no benefit to them, and now the intelligence shows that they will not be able to hold on, and they are ready to join the war with Germany, and Germany is worried that the United States will join the war, so they It is very possible to reach a consensus, then we will participate in the war." Wesley said directly.

Taizu’s command, Wesley, knows clearly, and no one knows the Soviet Union’s attitude towards China better than Taizu. Relying on the country to the north is only forced by form. Now it has a more reliable ally and does not interfere in its own internal affairs. Isn't it great?

"We abide by the treaty and respect the spirit of the treaty." Taizu responded.

Wesley laughed, and then continued: "Then I will now discuss the help China needs." Wesley introduced the topic and talked about China's future policies, and Wesley detailed the pros and cons and the direction of development. The elaboration, and using the Soviet Union as an example, Taizu listened very carefully.

"So we shouldn't implement even distribution at the beginning."

"The division still needs to be divided. For example, the land problem. Farmers need land, scientific planting methods, and mobilize their enthusiasm. First of all, we must solve the problem of food. And the United States will provide a large amount of food in the early stage to help you get through. Difficulties, so China will be stable, and we can provide technical support for heavy industry. After all, we will work together soon, and the production of materials is best in China, so that we can save money and you have also developed Opportunity."

"There is no problem with joint operations, so the factory improvement should start with Northeast Heavy Industries, which is very close after all."

"Yes, and according to my estimation, you now have a lot of refugees who have gone to land, so what you need to do now is to gather them and turn them into workers, and save the land distributed to them for concentration and adopt large-scale Large-scale mechanized planting."

"It seems that I still need the general's help in many ways. The whole world knows that you are a genius, no matter what."

"It's a bit exaggerated, but help is inevitable. The better our allies develop, the stronger our strength will not be? And Asia needs the strength of China." Wesley said with deep meaning.

Taizu naturally understood, and then nodded. The two sides kept talking about the evening, and then had a dinner. Wesley was very comfortable with the wine culture of China. He was not afraid of drinking. There was nothing wrong with drinking a cup, Taizu said. Wesley should be from China, which is really right.

But the next day Wesley received domestic intelligence that strange people appeared on the European battlefield. The United States is no stranger to this. After all, they also have strange people, such as Wolverine and Sabretooth. Wesley knows about Seba. Stephen Shaw is probably starting to act. This guy is looking for mutants to join his organization, and the entire World War II has been changed by Wesley.

Holding the intelligence Wesley thought about it, but then left it alone. The mutants are not strong enough now and are of no use to large-scale battles, and Magneto is still a child, not strong enough, and has no impact on the battlefield. Ability.

We are now waiting for changes in the Soviet Union, and the United States is now undertaking the Manhattan Project. Wesley knew about it, but he didn't participate in it. It's not time for this big killer to appear.

Wesley took out the information about Wolverine and Sabretooth Tiger and looked at it. These two guys are still mixing in the army. They don’t do anything else. They can only kill in the army. Wesley has always Both have concerns, and their character is not suitable for recruitment now.

Finally, Wesley sent a telegram back home, suggesting the formation of a special force. These people with special capabilities need to be controlled, and the United States must prepare in advance. Roosevelt agreed and hoped Wesley would form it. After all, The president has a term, and it is more appropriate for the military to do this kind of thing.

Wesley took over this job directly, but it took after World War II to do it. Now it’s just for intelligence agencies to collect information on these special groups of people, but the data is pitiful, after all, it’s not the outbreak period, and Wesley First, a set-up plan was established, named'X File'.

The establishment of the'X File' is extremely confidential. Wesley has just established an outline before it is announced, and the specific operation needs to be studied. He does not agree with the statement of mutants, because With more and more such people, does it mean that humans in this universe will develop along this route? And he also needs the help of some people with special abilities. Scientific and technological means may not allow him to travel through parallel universes. Space gems are still accumulating energy and have not been replenished, and he does not use too much energy to transform his body.

This body is just a transition, and when one's own body appears in front of the public, it is when the'X File' comes out. Everything needs a good plan. Apple has been calculating the feasibility of crossing for so many years, but the effect is not very good. It needs to concentrate a large number of researchers to conduct experiments. However, the current technology and technology are not good. It still takes time and develop.

Take your time. At this time, the Soviet Union officially withdrew from the Allied Powers and joined the Axis Powers. Britain was wailing. But Churchill believed that the time had come and the United States would definitely join the Allied Powers. Because of its interests, the United States could not see it. Following the victory of Axis, Churchill led his team directly to the United States and sent a note in advance. After receiving the news, Wesley directly notified China.