New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 1373: reset

Mt. Mt., where you look west toward the sun.

Bai Yujun crossed the two realms and returned to the prehistoric region, passing through Mount Mi, to see some gods in a hurry.

Not here to fight, let alone have no spare time to fight and kill God.

The dome has now lit up the third star. It seems that the brightness does not change, but it is flickering at a high frequency. The faster the flickering frequency, the greater the pressure. The Star Dou Great Formation of billions of years will collapse.

Pointed ears can even hear the dull roar of being squeezed by the formation. Faced with such a crisis of annihilation, the beasts will inevitably feel fear.

Looking up at the dark red sky fire, he muttered something.

"This is just the beginning..."

Danfeng's beautiful eyes have seen too much...

The mountains are high into the clouds, which is the most suitable place to watch the sunset.

Now there is no chance to enjoy the sunset anymore, and the night has not fallen for a long time.

Bai Yujun climbed the mountain quickly, stepped lightly, and jumped to a high place in an instant, and when the inertia was exhausted, she took another step, engulfing Longwei and heading straight to the peak.

Behind the huge dragon-shaped momentum is baring its teeth and claws.

The smooth rock wall at the top of the peak is dyed light red by the sky fire, as if illuminated by the afterglow of the setting sun.

Climbing to the top of Wanchongyan, you can see the mountains and rivers from the starry sky above, there are fairy palaces and caves among the strange rocks and pine trees, and there are guards surrounded by a large array that resembles the starry sky. The dots imitate the layout of the weekly celestial chart.

There is a faint divine light on the top of the mountain, and it is obvious that more than one righteous **** has settled here.

Bai Yujun stopped in front of the big light curtain, raised her hand, and pressed her palm on the light curtain, feeling the same energy as the star formation.

Although I can clearly see everything that will happen next, I still want to go in and take a look.

The talent of the Dragon Clan's Breaking Myriad Techniques was launched, but it was slightly blocked, but it could not resist Bai Yujun's passing through the light curtain of the star map, and the power of the real dragon swept across, startling all the gods on the top of the mountain.

"Bold! Who dares to break into the fairy formation!"


Shouting in anger like thunder, more than a hundred immortals flew into the air aggressively.

The power of so many immortal gods is still very strong, but it is meaningless in front of Bai's slightly green emperor's power, and he only swayed the hair behind his ears a few times.

After all the gods and gods saw the unexpected guest, they were all taken aback.

"White Dragon?"

"The Empress of the Dragon Court..."

This is the only one in the whole prehistoric world with this appearance, he can be said to be the most popular protagonist recently, with a dazzling radiance, the two words of who and who said just now are very embarrassing, the other party is not human at all.

Bai Yujun didn't get angry or show any expression, and suddenly thought that if the monkey was here, he would be very angry.

It resents people not treating it as a monkey the most, and this guy always thinks that calling it a human is basically the same as calling a monkey.

Danfeng's beautiful eyes swept across a group of immortal gods, and all the dereliction of duty star gods were here.

The one who was missing was calculated never to come back.

Among the immortals and gods, a **** with the highest cultivation level stepped out, his body was imposing, and his whole body was surrounded by stars, as if he was born with arrogance.

He bowed to Bai Yujun who was suspended in the air.

"The prestige of the dragon has been spread all over the prehistoric world. It is indeed extraordinary to see it today. Excuse me, why did you force your way into our cave?"

These words are very level, not inferior to the methods of powerful officials in mortal countries.

First of all, he raised his face and then questioned him with the word "crush", without even revealing his name and identity.

A certain white is too lazy to play meaningless word games with them, after all, the scene is under the control of the dragon, so why bother talking nonsense.

Turn your head around and look around, and your eyes stay on the pavilions on the top of the peak.

The young **** showed displeasure, but he couldn't help feeling nervous after paying attention to the places Bai Long was looking at...

Bai Yujun didn't seem to see the fairies in front of her.

Talking lightly to himself seems to be speaking to them.

"At the beginning of the sun's fall, the first to suffer from the fire disaster was a small world far away, very far away and very remote."

To this day, Bai Yujun still remembers what happened there.

"How could ordinary monks be able to resist the power of the sky fire? Countless souls are desperate, weeping, and praying to all the gods they know. Heh, you also know that this is meaningless."

"At that time, I had a snake demon team stationed in that small world."

"Mieshi has become unstoppable, the mortal snake demon of the snake demon team ordered his subordinates to evacuate, and she said a mortal word."

Bai Yujun paused and continued.

"The captain should go to sea with the wreck of the ship."

"She chose to stay and live and die with the world. This is her honor, the highest honor, and I am proud of her."

Bai Yujun remembered the snake demon named Hua Xing. She was also the first snake demon to transform into a dragon in the thousands of years since the establishment of the snake demon empire. She was recognized by the world.

Speaking of this, many star gods already bowed their heads, not daring to look directly at Dragon Girl, and some star gods were anxious.

After thinking about it, Moubai told another story from a long, long time ago.

"There are also many mortals in the mortal world who deserve the respect of gods, demons and immortals."

"At that time, I was still a snake demon. I witnessed the conquest and unification of the mortal kingdoms with my own eyes. I remember an old official whose capital was besieged by heavy soldiers. There were no soldiers and no generals. The city was destroyed. The unification of the world was unstoppable. Only veterans choose to fight alone."

The scenes of that year are still in front of my eyes.

The old man held his weapon and ran hard in the mud out of breath. Maybe he ran not as fast as others, stumbling, falling and getting up again, even his gray hair was covered with mud.

Facing the dense cold and sharp blades, they slammed into it.

The most memorable thing in that battle was Qiao Jin, she was the main siege general.

Bai Yujun knew that Qiao Jin had never been able to forget, and secretly blamed herself when she was alone. She was not afraid of killing people, let alone killing old ministers and generals, but that old man had the qualities she respected the most, such a person could not be killed and had to be killed.

Because dying in front of the battle is the highest honor that veteran minister pursues.

"Perhaps, many people think he is stupid, but they ignore his dedication and loyalty."

"Instead of dying sadly on the sickbed, he chose to sink with his country. After death, he can face everyone with his head high and his chest high, with a clear conscience."

With a clear conscience, the four words hit the hearts of some star gods hard, very heavy.

The star gods in the lead felt that something was wrong, and when they looked back, some star gods showed guilt and remorse, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

The two stories clearly accuse the gods of mocking themselves for getting cold feet.

Anything more is going to happen.

"You... talking nonsense! You just..."

It's okay to say a few words if you want to be bad, but it's okay to swear and anger Bailong.

Although everyone is a god, but the other party is powerful and powerful, these star gods themselves seem to be mighty and mighty, but they can't stand the white dragon's fierceness at all, and they can't do anything to this dragon in their own Star Dou, not to mention the fact that they are living abroad and their combat power is greatly reduced.

Enraged Bailong, he slapped Sanqian hard and killed Sanqian easily.

There are more than a hundred immortals on my side, and the White Dragon Emperor owes her 2,900 lives after one slap.

It is rumored that Bailong has a magic weapon left by the empress of the Dragon Court. The gods, demons and fairy demons who died in her hands during this period can block the Milky Way. , probably can cover the whole prehistoric. UU Reading

In an instant, the leading Star God, who still maintained an angry expression, sat on the wax, as if he had seen himself lying on the ground...

At this time, a star **** walked out from behind.

He bowed to all the immortals and gods, and bowed heavily to Bai Yujun.

"I figured it out, thank you brothers and sisters for your years of cooperation, thank you Shenlong for awakening, I will return to the star position."

"Go back? Are you crazy? Even if we all go back, we won't be able to resist the fire of the sky! The Milky Way is pouring down, and it's lucky that Nuwa Empress mends the sky. If the fire destroys the world today, who can mend the sky?"

The star **** with the highest level of cultivation couldn't believe that his friends who had known each other for many years would choose to die.

The awakened Star God nodded and smiled easily, very comfortably.

"It's okay, but please have a clear conscience. I always feel that something is missing these days after leaving the star position. Shenlong woke me up with a word. After choosing to go back, I feel much more relaxed. The idea is clear. In fact, I think very clearly. I want to return to my home. on board."

"You... oh..."

With a sigh, in the end, he could only raise his hand and pat the shoulder of his friend for many years, respecting his choice.

Say goodbye simply, take back the star stone from the formation eye, turn into a ray of light and fly straight to the starry sky.

The prehistoric people could see it, and many gods and demons who witnessed this scene were curious about who would go up to die at this time.

Then, one after another, the bright lights returned to the star position one after another, Zhou Tian Xingdou recovered part of his spirituality, and the stars that were just lit gradually returned to calm.

Bai Yujun knew that this would not last long.

If there is no way to solve Tianhuo, the collapse of the star array will happen sooner or later.

Glancing at the rest of the unreturned star gods, the formation that had stolen the energy of the stars had also collapsed. Bai Yujun turned and flew away without saying a word, leaving behind a group of silent gods.

In the future, the various priesthoods will always be readjusted.