New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 327: 2 silver

Wo Niu Village.

A child returns in the evening, bragging and lying on the back of a cow.

After sunset, the grass and trees are plated with a layer of golden yellow, the breeze is gentle, the foxtail grass sings a song of the setting sun, the villagers carry farm implements across the ridge to return home, the smoke from the kitchen smokes from the households, the children run, and the happy big yellow dog follows.

A carriage stopped at the entrance of Woniu Village.

The old man in Chinese clothes looked at the peaceful and comfortable village and shook his head with a wry smile.

"The chickens and dogs in the fertile fields and the sheds hear each other, but the heroes are not waiting for nothing."

"Come on, enter the village."

In the village, Si Tie Youxin, who was teaching Zhang Qi's martial arts, raised his head, shook his head and sighed. It was just an extravagant hope that he would return to his hometown and take care of his old age.

"Zhang up."


Zhang Qi is more robust, holding an iron spear majestic.

"You go back and explain to your family that you will leave the village with your teacher and bring some more salutes. It's freezing cold in the north, so be prepared."

Hearing that he was going to go far, Zhang Qi excitedly shouted and ran home. The village was too quiet for Zhang Qi to get used to. Ever since the storyteller heard about the wonderful outside world and many heroic deeds, he has been thinking about breaking into the world and lying down. Niu Village couldn't hold him, and the villagers couldn't stand him leading a group of children whizzing around all day long, calling them Tong Ba.

After the meal, the villagers chatted and said that a big man had come to the Si family. The fabric was better than the clothes of Hu members outside the town. The tall horses and the gorgeous carriage could smell the smell of alcohol coming from Mr. Si’s house from a distance, and the greedy men swallowed. .

the next day.

The apprentice Zhang Qi and the old man in Chinese clothes left.

The one-armed man also left, as if saying that the world is in chaos, and the situation is in chaos.

Zhang Qi is destined to work hard outside, and Woniu Village is just a small place that cannot accommodate giants.

The court was treacherous, the emperor did not seek to make progress and thought about killing dragons and eating dragons.

Western religions only take the opportunity to spread their beliefs and build temples.

The giant who once restrained the world's cultivation world has stopped talking about world affairs since it finally bloomed, and the cultivation world can't say anything. Little, before some people conspire to deal with Chunyang, they will decisively withdraw to Mount Huashan.

Shenhua Mountain is still Shenhua Mountain. The demons dare to attack the station but dare not go to Huashan to spread wildness. The retreat has preserved the strength of Chunyang.

There is no restraint and shock in the world, it's really you who sing and I'll come on stage.

I don't know who leaked the emperor's collusion with the Demon Cult, the world is moving, and the decree can't go out of Chang'an City, maybe the Demon Sect will never understand why the Daming Palace can't control the world twice.

Several tycoons in the Northland raised their troops to rebel under the pretext of the emperor's faint-hearted collusion with the demons.

There are not many people who know soldiers, Stieyou is a famous general, and he only goes out to the mountains to burn his remains.

A deserted trail in a deep mountain.

When night falls, the light blue moonlight illuminates the mountains and fields, and the mountain road is difficult to navigate.


The cries of the night owls added a strange atmosphere to the night, and there were shadows in the woods, whether it was turbulent or hidden beasts.

Old Huixian regretted some exorcism work with the snake demon. The local people said that the manor in the mountains was haunted. It's in a rag bag, it's very hot, old Huixian has done things like converting evil spirits, but now it's midnight.

Bai Yu was still urging Old Huixian to leave quickly, but Xiao Shishi walked faster than him.

"Donor Bai, you are impatient again, be calm, be calm."

"Old man, don't think about running. You've taken all the money. If you run away, the locals will stab you in the spine and kill you, and squatting in the stove every day will scold you, which will be detrimental to your practice."

"The poor monk did not speak"

"So what? They think you are the one who has the final say. Besides, with the money in your pocket, it's better to honestly exorcise evil spirits and save evil spirits."


Bai Yu was very satisfied. This time, he came to this abandoned manor to exorcise the evil cultivator. The evil cultivator had a crooked way. The wicked cultivator and the evil cultivator had a nest of snakes and mice.

But Bai Yu was afraid, afraid of being caught by someone who found her whereabouts, so the best way is to find a cover to hide.

Lao Huixian is an eminent monk. It is his duty to subdue demons and eliminate demons. When the time comes, let him attract everyone's attention. We secretly hide behind him to loot evil spirits and repair demons and make a fortune. Old Huixian can also make money to repair temples. , the cooperation is perfect.

There is still some way to the abandoned manor, passing a mass grave.

Desolate tombs withered tree shadows are faint.

The small stone clutched Lao Huixian's broken monk's robe tightly, the deserted tombs were all over the hillside, the weeds were overgrown with phosphorous flames, and it could be faintly heard secretly whispering in the dark.

Passing through the burial mound, the sound of gongs and drums came in vain

"Hey, there is someone singing a big show over there, let's go, let's go and see the trouble."

Bai Yu turned and walked in the direction of the sound of gongs and drums. Huixian fled with trembling calves. In the middle of the night, there was a deserted grave, and there were still gongs and drums. It was because ghosts gathered to watch the play.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Shishi was excited to follow the white snake demon to watch the play. It was really interesting for him to watch the Huixian had no choice but to follow him.

"Master Bai, you are impatient again"

The cobra foolishly followed the old monk. For it, ghosts are not scary. It is strong enough to scare away the ghosts in the wild mountains. Maybe one day the heart is not good, and maybe it may also **** ghosts.

A certain snake wandered through the grass path and came to an open area in the forest, and saw dozens of people sitting around the stage. The stage was colorful and coquettish. babble babble singing.

In the dark night, there are barren mountains and ridges, lonely graves and weeds, and there is such a green stage.

Bai Yu found a place with a wide view to sit down, took out a small bench to watch the play, and saw that Hui Xian and Xiao Shishi were inconvenient to stand, so she took out two small benches.

"Sit down, it doesn't cost any money to watch a play here. You can save money if you can."

Old Huixian was about to recite the scriptures but was pulled by Bai Yu.

"Mo Nianjing, don't you think it's a good deal to watch a play without spending money? Otherwise, you will treat yourself to a play next time you go to the city."

"The old man has no money"

"Then don't you have to, sit down and watch the play honestly."

The old monk lamented that in the world, he even watched ghost dramas for money. Those actors on the stage had round pink faces, and their voices were trembling and it was clear that they were crying ghosts.

The left and right people looked at this magical combination, with pale faces, old and young, men and women.

The stage was performing a wedding scene when it suddenly stopped. The actors on the stage were neither human nor ghosts at all. They were clearly paper figurines with red cheeks, slender and stiff with a smile on their faces.

A certain snake is very angry.

"Look what to see, let me continue to sing or I will hack you to death"

The breath of the giant beast leaked slightly, and the ghosts dared not look directly. The paper figurines on the stage babbled again. The content of the singing chapter is trying to recover, please visit again later.