New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 356: old farmer

The dragon snake once appeared near the mound of the real battle.

The sky is still dry. For many years, the once fertile and fertile land has now become a deserted wasteland. Maybe it takes a day to meet a few refugees who escape the disaster.

The one-armed old farmer labored hard to do farm work and took care of the seedlings carefully.

His expression was focused, as if he was caring for his own child, waving farm implements with his only remaining arms, bending over and hunched over to do farm work, and whether it was sweat or tears shedding the fields...

The scorching sun was scorching hot, the tribulus was full of wind and dust, and the old man squatted on the field ridge and stared at the seedlings and sighed.

The torn cotton-padded coat on his body was like a treasure in the hands of a connoisseur of antiques.

"I still don't understand, alas..."

He thought about it for many years, but he still couldn't understand what the last sentence of the dragon and snake meant.

The two brothers died in the hands of the dragon and snake. Later, the Tang Dynasty disappeared. The one-armed man asked many people over the years, but no one could tell him the answer. He returned to this place in confusion and thought quietly. Then there is the powerful cultivator, with messy hairstyle, unkempt face and calloused hands.

Several outsiders appeared near the mound, holding a compass in their hands to look at the mountains, rivers and rivers in search of qi.

The old man was still sitting on the ground with a frown and thinking quietly, without even looking at the few out-of-town tomb robbers.

There are too many chaotic rebellions in the world, and there is no money left in hand to support the army, so I have to borrow money from the dead underground. Tomb robbers are rampant. In the past, the tomb robbers who hid in the shadows are now upright and even have official positions, digging everywhere without knowing Where did all the money go.

The tomb robber was too lazy to pay attention to the old man.

He's just a poor and disabled old man. It looks like he can't even live at the end of the year, so there's no need to care.

After searching for a long time with a compass in hand, he finally came to the old man. He watched the mountains and waters to confirm the location of the digging hole. The leader was a weak man with a compass. After setting the position, several other strong men stepped forward.

The old farmer watched as they took out various tools from their backpacks, such as short shovels and other oddities.

The tough men ridiculed the old peasants.

"Old man~ Study hard and learn a few hands to keep you from worrying about food and drink in your next life~ haha~"

The unkempt old man smiled and didn't feel annoyed. He just felt sorry for the seedlings that were trampled by them. At least a few bowls of rice were gone. That's all, he should pay the tax to the landlord who entered the donkey.

The speed of digging the hole was very fast, and several people took turns to work and go deep into the ground.

The weak man figured out that there was a large tomb underground through the mountains and ancient rivers, and also knew the approximate identity of the tomb owner. It was hard to hide his excitement when he thought of the money he was about to get, and the sloppy old man became the best object to show off.

It doesn't matter whether the other party can understand or not, he keeps talking about himself.

The old man laughed.

The back waist was a little itchy, and the thick hands full of calluses lifted the torn cotton-padded jacket and scratched it a few times. The rough nails scratched the old skin and made a crunching sound. After a few times of scratching, I felt comfortable. That feeling was wonderful, no matter what. Whether the weak man disliked it or not, **** skillfully picked out the dander from the fingernail and flew away.

Something was found in the hole, and several strong men all got into it.

There was a slight tremor in the ground, and it returned to calm. The old man knew that the terrifying existence that was resting and sleeping in the ancient tomb had awakened, and I hoped that he would not be affected by these idiots.

A slender white and tender hand suddenly stretched out from the mouth of the hole, grabbed the edge and tried harder, as if to climb out of the hole.

The weak man was stunned, not even noticing that the compass in his hand fell to the ground.

A woman with long hair and white clothes crawled out of the robbery hole dug by a few brawny accomplices just now.

Bai Yujun felt inexplicable.

The few tomb robbers dug into the ground and suddenly found a passage. They thought they were the first to get there. They never expected to meet a woman with long hair in white. Then, a murder happened in the narrow hole. Inside the narrow hole To a red-eyed demon snake is simply a disaster in life.

The weak man was terrified.

"Are you a human or a ghost? In broad daylight, don't be fooled...!"

This question is easy to answer.

"I'm not human."

Grab the head of the tomb robber and easily break his neck, throw his head into the robbery hole behind him without turning his head, and then kick two feet, the robbery cave collapses and everything in the cave is buried.

Patting the dust and turning his head to look at the one-armed old man, he was insensitive to the pulped cotton robe.

"Which year is this year?"

"The world is very chaotic, and there is no era name. It has been more than three years since the fall of the Tang Dynasty."

Three years of sleep? Time is becoming more and more worthless. Seeing that the astronomical disaster has not ended, even the three disaster stars have not disappeared. They all say that muddy water is good for fishing, but there is too much mud in the water.

He patted off the dust, took out his straw hat and put it on. He covered his face with a white cloth, bent over and squeezed the dirt. The old farmer didn't know what the big demon was doing, but he just felt as if something indescribable was going on in the earth. .

"Your Excellency, you haven't told me the way to peace in the world."

"I said it." A snake said without raising its head.

The old man shook his head, looking confused.

"But I don't understand. I have asked many people and thought about it for many years, but I still don't understand."

Bai Yujun moved for a while, feeling a little pitiful for this former imperial general who had been struggling with a problem for many years and still refused to give up. Unfortunately, he would never understand.

"Because you are too stiff, like those old zombies with old bacon in the coffin, stiff, rotten, and lifeless."

"Stiff... rotten..."

The sloppy and vicissitudes of life old man understands that the Central Plains have remained unchanged for countless years, stiff like a zombie skull with white hair, stinky and hard, stubbornly decaying on this land, changing dynasties, just changing the name to take a breath and continue to rot. , and even use his own life to defend this decadence and make everyone conservative.

After thinking about it, what I felt was a deep sense of powerlessness, he couldn't do anything, he was decadent and depressed.

Bai Yujun was still busy, patted and kicked.

Changing the geomancy will make this piece of feng shui There are no advantages or disadvantages. After the earth is changed, several hills and rock masses in the distance collapse and change the mountain situation. In the future, when the river water recovers, it will be even more It will change the course of the river, so that no one can find this ancient tomb again. Although it is unremarkable, it avoids the worry of being stolen, which is regarded as a lodging fee.

The old man sighed, picked up his **** and was about to leave, when he suddenly remembered something.

"Your Excellency, countless heroes are looking for you. There are rumors that the one who gets the real dragon will win the world."

"Thank you for reminding."

The old figure carried a **** on his shoulder and walked away, indescribably bleak.

Bai Yujun clearly knows how much influence his actions have had on those ambitious people. It is estimated that countless people have tried every means to search around. Now he is more valuable than the legendary jade seal of the country. How does the ghost know what the **** who has been plagued has? If you are worried, you should find a place to avoid the limelight.

The wind blew the yellow dust, and the girl in white pressed the straw hat and leaned forward to measure the earth step by step.

"Sand got in my mouth...Bah!" the new white snake asked Xianxian