New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 467: rest

There are many yellow sands in the northwest.

Gather a bucket of water, take a shower, change into white clothes, dry your long hair and tie it behind your head, put on a veil, carry a knife and go downstairs to eat in the front hall. The hard-to-eat meat in the Central Plains is cheap and big, and Bai Yu is starting to feel a little I like this place.

The front hall is a place to eat, a simple shop made of dry wood, rough tables and chairs, and large porcelain bowls.

Bang ~ Hengdao patted the table.

"Come on a pot of mutton~"

"Wait a minute~"

In Liangzhou, different ethnic groups live together, and many people speak the Central Plains dialect. Maybe if you leave Yumen Pass and continue to the northwest, you will have to learn foreign languages, otherwise no one will understand the inquiries.

The large pot of mutton is served, steaming and fragrant. Although there are not so many processes and not too many spices, the taste is authentic. Too many methods are too complicated and the original taste will be lost. You can't have both fish and bear's paws.

Grab a piece of meat and bone and stuff it in your mouth, let's eat it up and down.

After eating up the stewed meat, I started to chew the bones and eat them all. After stewing for a long time, the fragrance penetrated and it was not so hard. Besides, now I have such a big body to eat more bones to supplement calcium.

Inns and restaurants are good places to inquire about news. Business travelers who come and go and drink too much like to brag.

"Hey, have you heard that a caravan from Zhongyuan saw a dragon in the river! Good guy! It's longer than the city wall! Many people have seen it with their own eyes~"

"Many people saw it. At that time, Bai Jiao sucked up the entire village and ate people and livestock in one breath. Tsk tsk, it's fierce."

"Oh my mother! That big?"

These are all nonsense, directly filtering the waste of listening to the province.

Another table of businessmen chatting caught Bai Yu's attention, saying that there was another war outside Yumen Pass, and the business road was not smooth. The businessman's news has always been well-informed.

"It is said that Yumen Pass is very unfriendly to people from the Central Plains, and people from the Central Plains often use their heads to sacrifice flags. Sigh... I put all my belongings in preparation for going to the Western Regions. What can I do now..."

"It's better... how about we go to the Longmen Desert?"

"Longmen Desert can't meet a water source for ten days and a half months, and there is even a possibility of getting lost. Once the water is drained and lost, you will die without a place to be buried."

"That's better than being beheaded for the flag..."

Bai Yu took out a shoddy map while gnawing at the flesh and licking the bones. With greasy fingers, he found the location of the Longmen Desert. It was really scary to see the approximate width. There is no way at all.

He licked the oily fingers and tried to see the broken map like a landscape painting that he had snatched from the business traveler.

"Let's go out of Yumen Pass first, then go to Longmen Desert. I don't believe that Ben Jiao can starve to death in the desert. It is said that he has lived for more than 500 years and has never been to the desert. Maybe he will find the legendary ancient city of Jingjue to see if there is Jingjue. Queen."

Cherry Xiaokou tried hard for a long time and found that the lamb shank was not easy to chew, so he threw it away.

"I hate lamb shanks."

The traveler who had just stood up at the other table was hit by a bone and fell, and passed out with a star in his eyes...

Eat and drink enough, lick off the oily smell on your palms and fingers. Water in Liangzhou is expensive. If you can lick it clean, try not to waste the water resources of the inn. If you really can’t go outside and wash your hands with sand, you’re too lazy to use magic to gather water. .

Put on a straw hat, tie a veil, and go out with a knife. A white outfit can minimize the temperature brought by sunlight. The classic Western Regions female ranger dress.

The whole city is yellow, the rammed-earth city walls are still standing after being eroded by wind and sand, and the buildings in the city are even rougher.

The streets are hot and dusty, the feces of camels, cows and sheep are pungent, the blacksmiths are making weapons, and there are often alien faces in camel bells.

The characteristic is that all kinds of believers come and go.

Most of them are monks from Western religions, or they can be seen everywhere in gold, silver or rough sandals, and no one dares to disrespect them. In addition, there are some beliefs that cannot be named in the Western Regions. They are mixed with fish and dragons. In the past, there may be only fish and no dragons. Now Bai Yu is here. It can finally be called a mixed bag.

Lower your straw hat and look left and right.

"You have to find a more accurate map, maybe the big power site can be found."

Looking around, I found the legendary City Lord's Mansion. This city has been robbed by various ethnic groups since the collapse of the Tang Dynasty. All the managers have lived in the City Lord's Mansion. The difference is just that, no Yuan Ying practitioners were found in the city.

"So, whether to steal or rob, it's so confusing..."

Someone drove a flock of sheep to pass by a certain Jiao.

The flock was baa baa for no reason, and the herdsmen finally gathered the flock, and a panicked yellow dust filled the sky and couldn't see the road.

This is too much. Imagine a bunch of delicious food swaying in front of a greedy Jiao, maliciously challenging endurance.

I wiped off my saliva and went straight to the city lord's mansion. I'm afraid I can't help but open my mouth and eat sheep after waiting for a while.

The City Lord's Mansion is very luxurious and gorgeous, with colorful windows reflecting colorful light, which is different from the beautiful buildings in the Western Regions in the Central Plains. There is a cool pool and vines in the courtyard after entering the door. Such a pure well is actually used to take a bath to relieve the heat. It is exposed that the beauties of the Western Regions come and go with melons, fruits and wine, and a few obese Westerners eat and drink under the vine.

Anyway, the map can't be at the banquet. According to the normal plot, it should be placed in the study of the house.

Li Suo stunned everyone except the maid with the scabbard.

Passing by the table full of delicious food, eating up the meat, not touching the vegetables that are more expensive in the Western Regions, carrying a bottle of original wine and a leg of lamb, eating and drinking a mouthful of fine wine and meat and going Region style golden jug , take it away, the jade glass, take it away, the golden lampstand, take it away...

The more expensive Liuli didn't touch one, so Bai Yu wanted to build as much as he wanted, and it's better to put more gold in the matter of spitting fire.

Sure enough, I found a more accurate map and took it away.

Suddenly, something strange was discovered.

"what is this?"

It was a branch, and the strange thing was that it still retained a little vitality. From the analysis of the fracture, it took a long time for someone to cut it off with a sharp blade. After pinching it, the branch was as hard as iron. over this breed.

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected harvests, maybe ask the chubby city owner to know the origin of the branches.

Going downstairs, after the many maids looked down tremblingly, they came to Fatty, pulled over a beautiful stool and sat down, slapped him awake, the tip of the knife pressed against his throat.

"Hey, where did this thing come from, tell the truth."

The dizzy unfortunate looked at Bai Yu, feeling a burning pain on his face, and then realized that the sharp blade in front of his neck was scared to death.

"I...I don't know..."

"You are the city owner, don't you know where the things in the house came from?"

"I...I'm not...I'm the city owner..."

"Uh, which one is the city lord?"

The fat man pointed to the other fat man beside him, his face full of grievances.

"Sorry for the wrong person."

Smashing the unlucky guy with the face of a knife, and then slapping the city lord to wake up, this can't be wrong.

"Are you the city owner?"


I don't understand what to say, and now I need an interpreter. Obviously the fat man just now was a good choice.

A slap in the face woke the fat man again.

"Sorry, I need you to be an interpreter."


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