New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 673: demolish temple

It wasn't until Bai Yujun returned to the territory that he found out that there was another moth.

The Yan Kingdom's court somehow sent many experts to assist the army to put pressure on the snake demon army. Those experts often used the snake demon soldiers to provoke and fight each other. Duo borrowed the assistance of many Jiuli Baibu masters, and the ferocious snake demon and the agile Jiuli masters cooperated to suppress the arrogance of the court masters.

Many scouts wandered into the caravan or entered Jiangcheng through customs in other ways, which had little impact.

Business Tao may be too involved and undisturbed.

Fleet merchants still travel between the Southern Wilderness and the Central Plains, bringing in raw materials and transporting high-quality commodities, gradually exerting influence on the Central Plains. Once a person is accustomed to good things, it is difficult to accept shoddy things, and the prices are cheap.

White House Courtyard.

The waterside lotus flowers are in full bloom, and the little lotus essence takes good care of the lotus flowers in the pool.

On the soft couch, Bai Yujun reclined lazily in tulle, her brows slightly wrinkled, as if she was unhappy.

In the past, I could vaguely sense some strong or weak senses in many parts of the North, especially the festivals were very obvious. Those were all large and small dragon temples built and worshipped in villages and towns. In big cities, people couldn’t build temples because of too many rules. Every town and village has a dragon temple.

Many years ago, the northern land was dry, the birds died of bitter heat, and the ponds dried up their mud.

According to records, all the states in the northern region were dry, the seeds were all gone, and many people were exiled.

The sky couldn't bear it, so a white dragon came down from the East China Sea with a black cloud.

The white dragon proclaimed in this world that the weather and the rain were good for the harvest, and the rain fell, and the people knelt down and thanked the dragon in the rain.

The people of all villages and towns spontaneously built the Dragon Temple, or the Dragon Girl Temple, and held large sacrifices on weddings, funerals, and marriages. The incense was at its peak. At one time, there was only the Dragon Girl Temple and no gods and Buddhas. The people saw the white dragon wandering in the clouds with their own eyes and their beliefs were firm. Seeing is believing.

However, human beings have a short lifespan, and those who have seen a real dragon die of illness and death, and their descendants forget their ancestors' teachings.

Various grass-headed **** sects fool the people to restrain their money, and the Dragon Temple is becoming more and more withered. Only some Tuanzuxun villages and towns still worship the Dragon Girl Temple.

Bai Yujun didn't care about incense.

I just think it's fun. When others ask for help, they use various abilities to ensure that the wells are not dry and the farmland is wet.

The issue is! Those remaining small temples were vandalized in a very short time!

A remote village in a county in the Northland.

The villagers gathered in front of the temple and went from house to house to catch chickens and search for money. Chickens and dogs jumped like thieves and looted. The villagers became more and more angry, and they even restrained when they picked up sticks. Big.

A small official stood on the stone mill and shouted loudly.

"Listen to me! The dragon is fake! From now on, you must not worship privately or you will be arrested for labor service! Temples are being demolished in several nearby counties! Don't block Laozi!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to a small temple that was only two feet high on the stone-built high platform behind him.

"Tear it apart for me!"

The village elders were suddenly unhappy, and they all pushed forward, blushing and shouting loudly.

"You dare! If you dare to touch the Dragon Temple, we will never end with you!"

The crowd is so angry that the yamen and the fast-moving officers can't stand it. They usually stay in the city and are used to all kinds of rules and regulations. Who wants to come to this remote mountain village to fight with mud legs. The mountain people are tough and hard to provoke. Drop all the dragon temples, but I didn't expect the official skin to be difficult to use.

The yamen officers were a little uncertain, and they couldn't stop it.

The leading officer was furious.

"What are you waiting for? Push it down! Push it down and let's go!"

The public servants, Hu Kuai, stepped forward and pushed hard without saying a word, and pushed down the small stone temple, which was only two feet high. It was strange to say that when the stone temple was torn down, water suddenly poured from the well behind the temple...

Everyone saw it, and the well water gurgled.

In an instant, the yamen and a group of villagers who were still standing just now showed panic on their faces.

The yamen are about to regret taking over this job, what is this fake, there is clearly a real dragon! The temple offended Zhenlong! troubled...

The villagers were dumbfounded, and the yamen and arresters ran away, not mentioning going to other villages and towns to push temples and fled back to the county town in embarrassment.

The same scene is staged in many places, but there is a strong wind blowing or the river is boiling, the vision is different, after all, it is a small temple that has been standing for hundreds of years. .

At the same time, Longze County.

In the county government office, the county officials looked sullen and ugly. They moved their mouths and became a ghost. They demolished temples and demolished temples. They really thought they were all mud puppets. There is an imperial decree of the former Tang Dynasty admitting that no matter the surrounding natural disasters and man-made disasters, Longze can always be avoided. The world knows that Longze has no gods and Buddhas and only believes in the dragon girl. How to remove it?

Master to urge.

"Master, let's go and demolish it. We can't refuse official documents from the state."

"Hey... it's all nonsense, what's the point of provoking public anger..."

The county magistrate sighed, the people of Longze definitely didn't know what the imperial court meant, and would only accuse himself, the little magistrate, for fear that his spine would be broken by someone, and it would be him who would ultimately affect the official career.

I think at the beginning, who didn't know that coming to Longze as an official was the best luck.

No disasters, no disasters, the people live and work in peace and contentment without worrying about food and clothing, other places suffer from drought or banditry, and the local chief officials are affected by unfavorable governance. Only Longze County Taiping has an excellent political performance and is promoted quickly, and it is finally my turn. It's time to brush up on political achievements, and such a thing happened.

"Hundreds of years old temples are demolished when they say they are demolished, they are all a bunch of lunatics!"

The swear words spoken by the elegant scholar shows how depressed the county magistrate is.

He waved his hand, put on his official hat, and greeted the yamen, Zhu Kuai, and went to the Longnv Temple together. As we walked, I thought that when I took office, I went to the temple to make my official career prosperous. Now...

It has long been leaked, which yamen servant in the county government is not from Longze?

When the magistrate came to the temple, he saw a crowd of more than a thousand people I was overwhelmed, there were old and young and even local gentry and rich people, it was difficult to handle.

Which squire and rich people do not know that the Dragon Girl Temple protects Longze Taiping, what should I do after it is demolished?

Just when the county magistrate was talking with the big man Longze, the wind suddenly picked up, and the weather was cloudy and gloomy.

inside the temple.

The women guarding the temple found that a breeze was blowing into the temple, and the candles swayed, and the tulle that normally covered the statue of the dragon goddess was suddenly blown to the ground, and the statue emitted a faint glow...

A certain white spirit came to Longze through the mysterious world of luck, just as he assisted in the rise of the Emperor of the Yan Kingdom.


Lightning flashes and thunderstorms pour down rain.

"Dragon God's anger... not torn... no more..."

. m.