New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 921: walk around

"This is the wishful golden hoop."

"It is taken from the deep sea gods and precious iron in the heaven, tempered with earth fire and profound flames, and forged with dragon scales. It is as heavy as a mountain.

Bai Yujun held a long stick that still emits residual heat to demonstrate.

The body of the stick is black and has fine lines of silver and white. When forging, it is melted with a dragon scale. The ends are gold. Especially a sense of achievement.

As long as you are strong enough, everyone is a great sage.

Carrying the golden hoop stick, I gestured for a few shapes, but I always felt that something was missing.

The monkey hurriedly scratched his ears, scratched his cheeks, and stared at the golden hoop, but he didn't ask for it. He was very loyal to his friends that he wouldn't be rude to grab things.

Seeing that the golden hoop rod may have just been released, the blue smoke bursts.


Hastily straightened his claws.

Bai Yujun threw the fake version of the golden hoop into the monkey's hand.

"It's yours from now on. I hope I can help you punish evil and promote goodness and become famous in the future. You don't need to fight the sky and the earth, you just need to protect the faith in your heart."

The monkey opened his claws to catch the magic wand, only to hear the metal slamming, and his momentum rose instantly!

"Squeak~ I like it!"

Holding the golden cudgel and waving it forward, it attracted the black wind.

The single-handed stick danced around the body like a windmill, dazzling.

Bai Bai quickly took a few steps back to avoid being affected. This guy danced the golden cudgel and stirred up the blades of grass and the wind. The whining sound was like a helicopter propeller. The momentum is not weak.

The golden hoop rod has no inlaid magic array or sealing technique, and has only two characteristics.

Heavy enough and tough enough.

The monkey's fighting style is simple and violent, similar to himself.

If you give it a magic wand, it is estimated that it will be suffocated to the point of being broken, and the styles and habits are different.

I saw the monkey standing on the top of the grassy **** put the rotating golden hoop stick on the ground, and at the same time performed the secret method, the soft soil seemed to be as hard as iron, and one end was smashed to the ground!


The shock wave of the circular fog at the landing point swelled!

The skinny figure burst into a violent and fierce aura, super domineering!

A certain Bai feels that he has a great sense of achievement, but he didn't expect that just a boredom and curiosity could have such an effect.


The visuals are much more realistic than the movie.

So the monkey happily accompanies Bai Yujun to the archaeological excavations.

Wind and rain walk the rivers and lakes.


half year later.

Bai Yujun searches for relics with her talent and knowledge of geography.

Excavating around for accurate positioning, no useful clues or the cave of the gods have been found. Instead, they have found a lot of historical relics from ancient times, and even some kind of giant beast skeleton.

One day, the wind is bright and sunny.

A freckled little girl wearing a bamboo hat and a grey monkey wearing a straw hat and carrying a stick walked into the gate of the city.

The sun was dazzling and there were few pedestrians, the city gate was dark, and two figures, one tall and one short, were walking slowly. The girl shook her body with a tattered coarse cloth cloak.

"There is an evil dragon in the Cumulus Mountains..."

"Forcibly rob the people of the female cannibalism..."

"A reward is offered for a man of high mana and justice to subdue demons and exorcise demons..."

Xiu's brows wrinkled, her freckled little pretty nose spurted out a few sparks.

"Evil dragon? Monkey, do you think I'm a demon? It can't be done by the four members of the same family who were pressed on the seabed. Those big bosses won't let them out at all."

"Hungry dragon?"

Scratching the monkey head deeply agrees, and he is right.

"You are indeed hungry all the time. I caught the fish for three days and you ate it all in one bite, but I still screamed hungry, squeak~"

"Of course you can't get enough to eat. If you are nearly two hundred feet long, you can't get enough to eat. You drink three wells in one gulp, and your body is huge and troublesome. It's not like the two of you can eat enough."

"Squeak~ Peach is delicious~"


Go slowly to the county office with a reward notice in hand, it doesn't matter if you can't find a place, just grab passers-by and ask, it doesn't matter if you bully outsiders, you can reason.

I met a short man who was carrying a load and sold cooking cakes, and people passing by said he was a three-inch nail.

The monkey finally found that someone was as tall as himself and squeaked and jumped. Everyone thought that the girl wearing a bamboo hat was a monkey playing in the world.

Continue on the road, a certain white takes a piece of cake...

A certain monkey nibbled on the biscuits happily, eating and eating. When he looked at Bai Yujun, he suddenly felt that the biscuits in the hands of his companions might be more delicious. Maybe this is the legendary delicious biscuits from other people's homes.

"Squeak~ Let's change the cake to eat~"

"do not want."


Hearing this, Bai Yujun squinted at the monkey from the corner of his eye.

"You haven't washed your crepe nest for a few days, and the cake you've caught has a sour taste, so you can't eat it."


The monkey was stunned for a moment, raised his arm and sniffed, the smell seemed to be a little sour, but this cake... It's still delicious, so it shouldn't be wasted.

The scorching sun shines on the long street, and the turbid wine is sour.

Squinting to enjoy the rare comfort, the footsteps are slow, watching the white clouds drifting in the sky.

After eating all the cakes, he walked slowly with his hands behind his with a homemade toothpick in his mouth, and the grey monkey also followed Bai Yujun's way of hugging his head, curling his thin tail and shaking it gently.



"Actually...Sometimes I think it's good to have a goal, do it slowly, and it's good."

"Can not understand."

"I know you don't understand."


The flag of the liquor store in Qingshi Street flutters.

The two figures, one tall and one short, were not in a hurry. When passing by the Temple of the City God, the monkey glanced in curiously and almost scare away the Lord of the City God who was taking a nap. The big demon entering the city was a big deal. Glancing at himself, the divine general's aura was faint.

Immediately, Lord Chenghuang went back to the small temple and pretended not to see anything.

The tall yamen in the distance is getting closer and closer.

The prefectures, counties and townships of the mortal kingdom often encounter ghosts, evil people, demons, and demons. They must seek help from immortals or even immortals. After the monks or immortals are completed, they can obtain merits and virtues depending on the situation.

I don't know if the city was frightened by the dragon, and there were few people on the streets.

Met a few monks.

I heard that there is indeed a monster in the Cumulus Mountain, claiming to be a dragon. It is very powerful. The monks said that it is indeed a dragon. Bai Yujun reserves his opinion on this. After all, you can't expect a group of people who have never seen a dragon to prove anything.

It is said that there are five dragons in the world.

Shijo was pinned down and unable to move, and the only one who could move was himself.

Idle is also idle, it is also good to participate in the reward to see, the big deal is to travel to relieve the boredom, according to the local people, the scenery of Cumyun Mountain is beautiful and picturesque.

to the yamen.

The assistant head, who held the knocker on the door, glanced at the monkey, and the high hall mirror shook lightly.

Bai Yujun hummed softly, the assistant head returned to its original state without a sound, and the bright mirror above the hall was quiet, like the Lord of the City God, since the heavenly court gods were there, they would have nothing to do with them.

"Tsk tsk, the threshold is really high."