Night Evolution

Chapter 1242: Extinction

   Chapter 1242

  In the sacred world of the origin, Zhao Mu frowned after reading the true history of the ancient void.

   Origin and Kofi, it can be said that they were both planted in the hands of the crazy ancient will.

The Ancient Will of Madness can deprive Origin and Kofi of the control of the Ancient Void, and he can dominate the Ancient Void for more than 60 billion years. This is far more terrifying than the Void Demon he knew, especially the old Will of Madness was still crazy. No brain state.

   If the ancient will of madness can remain sober back then, the final win may not be the origin or the ancient will of madness.

According to what he and Kofi said, the birth of the crazy ancient will was caused by the evil thoughts of all beings in the real universe, but even so, it would not be so powerful that the origin would be expelled, thus occupying the ancient void for 60 billion years.

   There is another point that is very suspicious. The Ancient Void was made by Origin with the help of Origin Chip.

   If he is the origin, even if he wants to create the will of the world when he creates the emptiness, he must use his own true spirit to create a clone to become the will of the world, and he will never allow the emptiness to give birth to a natural will out of control.

   Therefore, the true history in the origin of the ancient void world is likely to be tampered with.

   can tamper with the records in the origin of the world, only Origin, Kofi, and Ancient Will have this method.

   Then if there is tampering, who is the true history after tampering?

   Zhao Mu knew in his heart that this could only be shown to him.

  Because whether it is rational or crazy ancient will, they have experienced everything personally and know all the truth.

   Only he knows nothing, and everything he knows now is what others said.

Then the world origin has been tampered with the pseudo-real history, why should it be tampered with, why should it be left to him to mislead him, the world origin is also here, and the beast ruins are also in the center of the earth. When he notices that there is an origin chip maker Fei did not even show up directly from hiding.

   All of this seems to prevent him from understanding the true face of everything.

   In other words, the person who forged these fake histories was afraid that he would know the real history.

   Therefore, in the real history of the ancient void, there must be some truths hidden from him.

   So where is the real history possible?

Time is the most terrifying power. From the madness of the ancient void to the present, trillions of years have passed. From that era, only Origin, Kofi and the ancient will have survived. Everything else has been buried in time and is not for future generations. know.

   Zhao Mu returned to the source sacred realm and turned to leave the cubic space of the sealed world's origin.

   He forcibly took away a cost source, which has made the entire deserted void a little unstable, and the remaining nine cost sources are being controlled by the deserted ancient will. When they completely control him, it may not be so easy to leave.

   cubic space is difficult to enter, but easy to get out.

  Leaving the cubic space, the Wisdom Void Demon is still intercepting the ancient sacred.

   Zhao Mu took out the Eye of Origin, locked the beast market and started teleporting.

   If there is a real history left in any place, there may only be the tomb of the original human race, the Beast Ruins.

   Seeing that the virtual body was about to disappear, the Eye of Origin suddenly got out of control.

   Zhao Mu's pupils shrank, and there was a problem with the Eye of Origin.

From the beginning to the end, the Eye of Origin might have been an eye that was dedicated to monitoring him. The sudden loss of control just now obviously meant that he didn’t want him to go to the Beast Market again. Thinking of this, Zhao Mu took out the Origin Chip and threw it in place and sneaked away. .

   Soon after Zhao Mu left, Kofi walked out of the origin chip.

   I saw the black cube behind me, and I saw the Wisdom Void Demon that blocked the ancient sacred.

   Kofi's expression turned gloomy. He did not expect Crazy Ancient Will to have contacted Zhao Mu, and completely concealed his monitoring of Zhao Mu, and even used Zhao Mu to enter the world origin to get back the control of the world origin.

   all blame Zhao Mu, the rebellious son, since he no longer trusts the Origin Chip, he has sealed the Eye of Origin together.

   Fortunately, I just deprived the Eye of Origin in time, or let him escape into the animal market.

He must not be allowed to know the true face of the Beast Market, otherwise this precious chess piece will be out of control. As long as he does not leave the ancient void, the origin and the ancient will will force him to stand on his side sooner or later. This is the birth of Zhao Mu. The fate has been doomed.


   Outside the sea of ​​good fortune, Zhao Mu went straight into the inanimate void.

  The ancient and sacred people think that there is no boundary in the spiritless and void. This is actually a wrong judgment.

   No world can truly have no boundaries. The inanimate void seems to have no boundaries, but because of the distortion of the space in the depths of the inanimate void, it seems that it has been moving in a straight line, but it is actually going around in circles.

   As long as he breaks the Twisted Void, he will be able to find the real boundary of the ancient void world and leave the void.

   Zhao Mu continued to tear the void and accelerate, but stopped after a few hours.

  Because he felt the void around him as if he had come to life, and inverted his perception of the void on his own, so that he would never reach the edge of the world. The only person who could do this should be the ancient will of madness.

  The Wild Ancient Will should be refining the origin of the world at this time. They have no reason to be distracted to stop him?

   But the facts are right in front of them, the Crazy Ancient Will never intends to cooperate sincerely.

   But that's right, there is no data system core in the origin of the world.

Crazy Ancient Will was just a lie to deceive him into the world and Because he also benefited from it, he did not intend to turn his face with Crazy Ancient Will. Now it seems that there is no harm to the tiger. Heartbreaking.

   "You will pay the price."

   Zhao Mu turned around to tear the void and reappeared and returned to the sea of ​​good fortune void.

Zhao Mu took out the nine Void Sky Demon Flags, holding the remaining eight in his hand, and penetrated into the world, distorting the space in the void and releasing the Void Sky Demon Sea from it, dispersing all the seawater in the Void Sky Demon Sea from the torn space. Teleported to all places in the void sea of ​​good fortune.

   He wants the entire creation of Void Sea to become a Void Demon in a short period of time.

   And these Void Demon, because they didn't incorporate the original particles, they would all be controlled by the madness and ancient will.

   On the surface, this will greatly increase the number of Void Sky Demons controlled by the Crazy Ancient Will.

   But in fact, the side effects can make Crazy Ancient Will lose its mind.

Why did Crazy Ancient Will continue to create a wave of Void Sky Demon to impact the Nine Great Wars? He used to think it was going to pollute the Wild Ancient Dragon Whale, but in fact it was mainly to create a Wisdom Void Sky Demon, and it was also because the Crazy Ancient Will actively released uncontrolled information in the body Pollution.

   The Crazy Ancient Will relied on this, and then he gradually recovered his sanity.

   He is now creating a large number of Void Demon to pollute the entire void sea of ​​creation, which is equivalent to the madness and ancient will of the Void Sky Demon Queen. Naturally, he will also be affected by the countless void demon of the Void Sea, causing madness to overwhelm reason in a short time.

   became a lunatic and fell into madness, he wanted to see who else could stop him from leaving the ancient void?