Night Evolution

Chapter 288: Horcrux Destruction

Chapter 288:

In the Hogwarts Principal's office, Dumbledore looked at Zhao Mu tangledly.

"Can you really find it?"

Dumbledore asked.

"of course."

Zhao Mu nodded affirmatively.

"What Snape promised you will come true."

Dumbledore promised.

"not enough!"

Zhao Mu shook his head.

"what do you want?"

Dumbledore asked, his long life has seen too many people's desires-hope, Rowan wants more than his imagination, but it is strange that Rowan doesn't want him at all.

"One Horcrux has one condition."

Zhao Mu said, "I want a real professorship to find the first Horcrux, not the kind that the Ministry of Magic can remove at any time. I want Phoenix Fox to find the second Horcrux. I don't intend to hurt it but hope. Have such a partner."

"The first one is fine, and the second one I can't promise you."

Dumbledore shook his head.

"What if Fox agrees?"

Zhao Mu looked at Phoenix Fox on the shelf.

Phoenix Fox lowered his head as if thinking, and finally raised his head and nodded.

Dumbledore sighed helplessly. He knew that Fox was making sacrifices for him to get rid of Voldemort.

"You have to take good care of it. If you hurt it, you are hurting my relatives."

Dumbledore warned.

"Okay... I know where the two Horcruxes are."

Zhao Mu smiled.

"I know now..."

Dumbledore questioned.

"So I am a professional, and I didn't waste a month before the start of school."

Zhao Mu confidently said, "I found two Horcruxes during that time, and even found some clues to Hogwarts. I am sure there are Horcruxes here, but they are hidden deep and difficult to find. One suspect is Harry Potter."

"Enough, Harry is not a Horcrux."

Dumbledore's tone was indisputable.

"Well! He is not..."

Zhao Mu shrugged, "The first Horcrux was a locket. I sensed it at the Ministry of Magic. The evil aura is terrifying.

Although I haven't seen Voldemort, there shouldn't be anyone in this world except him.

At that time, I wanted to investigate carefully, but later found that the evil soul fluctuated on Umbridge. You know her status is not low and she is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic. I am a little wizard from a demon hunter who dare not attack her. "

Dumbledore immediately left the principal's office after hearing it, and Zhao Mu and Snape sat together drinking tea.

There was apparition, and Dumbledore was very fast.

The trouble is to find a chance to control Umbridge. This is not difficult. The two are very different in strength. As long as they can destroy Voldemort's Horcrux, Dumbledore will never mind using the Imperius Curse to control Umbridge and then lose it. Give her an oblivion spell.

A few hours later, Dumbledore returned with the Slytherin locket with a big smile on his face.

The fragments of Voldemort's soul inside had been wiped out in advance.

"The second Horcrux is in the underground vault of Gringotts. I also perceive the evil soul there."

Zhao Mu said the location of the second Horcrux.

Dumbledore frowned. The first one is easy to find, but the second one is not easy. Gringotts is the lair of the goblins. It is not easy to find Voldemort's Horcrux in a vault inside.

"Do you know whose vault is specifically?"

Dumbledore asked.

"The most likely one should be the vault of Voldemort's diehard Death Eaters."

Zhao Mu analyzed.

Dumbledore nodded approvingly and prepared to leave. Not to mention the continuous busyness, as long as it can destroy Voldemort's Horcrux or keep him sleepless, it is not a problem. Although Gringotts is not easy to break, it depends on who he is facing.

"and many more……"

Zhao Mu shouted to Dumbledore, "If the second Horcrux is available, don't destroy Voldemort's soul. It is possible to find out more specific locations of the Horcrux by using Voldemort's soul fragments using the magic of the Demon Hunter."

"I'll be back soon."

Dumbledore hurried away again.

This was just one day away. Zhao Mu’s board and lodging were in the principal’s office and Snape’s accompany classes were no longer needed. Compared with destroying Voldemort’s Horcrux, it’s not a big deal to take a few classes. I was tired early the next morning. Dumbledore finally came back.

"This is the Horcrux."

Dumbledore handed Zhao Mu a gold cup.

Zhao Mu’s left hand and the back of the trial soul hunter realized, and shot a shot at the golden cup. The spirit bullet penetrated Hufflepuff’s golden cup, and Voldemort’s soul was shot out by the spirit bullet. Zhao had not reacted yet. Mu's left hand wrapped the soul rosary and grabbed it.

Voldemort was not an ascetic, and he had no way of resisting the power of a part of the soul fragment.

Voldemort's soul fragments were swallowed by the Judge Hunter, and finally transformed into six golden-quality spirit bullets. Five of them disappeared at the moment they were created, leaving only one in Zhao Mu's hands.

"This is the method of the Demon Hunter."

Snape said taboo watching this scene.

"Yes, the soul of the condensed wizard becomes a bullet."

Zhao Mu nodded, "But I don't think this is very evil. The evil is never power but human. There are countless wizards who can use black magic. However, Voldemort has only one that depends on how power is used."

"I don't want to see a bullet made by the wizard's soul in your gun one day."

Dumbledore warned.

"Of course, I don't want to be the second Voldemort."

Zhao Mu said sincerely.

"What to do next?"

Dumbledore asked.

"This is made by Voldemort's soul fragments. A single shot will automatically find other soul fragments in a small area."

Zhao Mu explained, "So Harry Potter, do you see if you take it farther? I can perceive that Hogwarts has two Voldemort Horcruxes. Harry Potter is one. If he is taken away, there will be one There is no room for hiding."

"Snape left it to you."

Dumbledore exhorted.

Snape left, and after a while Dumbledore signaled that Zhao Mu could start.


Zhao Mu shot, Voldemort's spirit bullets constantly shuttled through the castle to the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, and finally stopped and hovered around a tapestry for a while and finally disappeared. Zhao Mu, who was chasing the bullet, looked at Dumbledore.

"this place……"

Dumbledore frowned.

"There is a hidden space here."

Zhao Mu said affirmatively.

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, and then began to try to find the hidden space using various spells.

It’s fine if you don’t know, but you can’t help Dumbledore if you know He quickly broke into the responsive house, and the moment he broke in, he saw a crown on an ugly plaster statue of a wizard. The crown of Ravenclaw, founder of Hogwarts, is a powerful magic item in itself, most suitable for Voldemort to make Horcruxes.

"What about the third condition here."

Zhao Mu said.

"What do you want here?"

Dumbledore questioned.

"I am interested in the field of space, I think it will be very helpful to me."

Zhao Mu explained.

"it is good!"

Dumbledore nodded, unaware of the real value of the House of Requests. He had been thinking about Voldemort's Horcruxes, so he saw Voldemort's Horcruxes as soon as he came in, but he didn't know the real value of the House of Requests.
