Night Evolution

Chapter 500: Kohei blackening

Chapter 500:

The next afternoon when Yuanyue stayed together, Zhao Mu sat by the window with his eyes closed and seemed to be refreshing.

In the afternoon's assessment, he gave a subject Buddha jumped over the wall.

This dish is time-consuming and laborious to cook, and obviously no one will disturb him watching the good show.

The Eye of the Void and the Ear of Space observe the classroom where Kojiro Shinomiya is in through two dark night blade exclusive arcane arts.

The recipe is French vegetable jelly, which is not a difficult dish to make.

Some people finished the dishes one after another. On the surface, they were almost the same, but the difference in the cooking skills determines whether they are qualified. Soon it is the turn of Mr. Koping to deliver his own French vegetable jelly. Kojiro Shinomiya cut a small piece and closed his eyes. Savor the heart of the kitchen carefully.

"Unqualified, you can pack up and go."

Kojiro Shinomiya said calmly.


Xing Ping Chuang asked in disbelief.


Kojiro Shinomiya nodded.

Xingping Chuangzhen took a bite of his own cooking, and then went to taste like those qualified French vegetable jellies. He didn't believe that his cooking would lose to these stepping stones. Something must be wrong in the middle.

No problem, he didn't have a problem.

His French vegetable jelly surpasses other people's cooking in terms of taste and cooking.

But he is not qualified, he needs an explanation.

"Why would mine fail?"

Xingping Chuangzhen stepped forward and asked.

"Your cooking tastes very good and perfectly restores the recipe, and your cooking spirit is at least the level of a seven-star official chef..."

Kojiro Shinomiya explained flatly, "However, your biggest problem is that your heart is a dark heart. You should not come to Yuanyue and go to the dark gourmet club."

"You nonsense."

Xingping made a real angry voice.

He knew that there were indeed some problems with his cooking mind, but he absolutely did not admit that his cooking mind was dark.

"Get out."

Kojiro Shinomiya frowned and pointed to the door.


Xingping Chuang Zhen said loudly.

"It seems that I need to do it myself."

Kojiro Shinomiya grabbed Ms. Kopei by the shoulder.

This catch completely made Xingping Chuangzhen angry. The darkness hidden in the deepest part of the kitchen suddenly broke out. He instinctively pulled out the kitchen knife and cut to the wrist of Kojiro Shinomiya. The blade broke out in the middle of the kitchen with a hidden golden light and charged towards it. That bit of darkness.

Jin Guang faintly saw the figure of Koppei Joichiro, which was part of his cooking power that was sealed in the body of Koppei Souma.

The darkness is too deep, and the forced expulsion will even hurt the heart of Xingping Chuangzhen.

Therefore, he chose another method to let Xingping Chuangzhen suffer the pain of failure in Yuanyue. He knew very well that although his son had a solid foundation and great potential in cooking, he had little knowledge and experience in the first few months of enrollment. Yuanyue Shijie's opponent.

As long as you encounter a failure, it will explode the darkness hidden in the chef's heart.

Then every time he broke out, his original intention would instantly purify a part of the darkness.

This way down several times, the deep-rooted darkness will also be driven away.

So the blade was still two feet away from Shinomiya Kojiro's wrist, and Xingping Chuangzhen had already awake to recover the kitchen knife.

However, he was sober, and Shimiya Kojiro, who was polluted by the dark side of Chaos Kitchen Heart, broke out.

If it is a dark kitchen heart, it will have enough control over its own power because of step by step.

But suddenly the bright heart of the kitchen was polluted into the dark heart of the kitchen, and Shimiya Kojiro's consciousness was shocked and his thoughts changed drastically.

When he saw that Xingping Chuangzhen intended to use a kitchen knife to hurt his most important hand as a chef, his anger completely overwhelmed his reason, and his own kitchen knife jumped out of the kitchen's heart and disappeared.

Xingping Chuangzhen felt a cold wrist and instantly lost the sensation of his left hand.

He lowered his head in disbelief, and saw that his wrist had fallen down and smashed to the ground, and his right wrist was broken, and the entire forearm was covered with frost, and the whole forearm was covered with frost. There was no pain at all.

"My hand..."

Xingping Chuangzhen stumbled back a few steps and his whole body was shocked.

For chefs, hands are the most important.

Although Gourmet Cell has the ability to regenerate limbs, he is not yet a super chef. Gourmet Cell cannot regenerate the right hand without awakening. It is impossible to become a super chef with only one left hand.

Infinite anger and hatred, at this moment, completely burned in the kitchen's heart.

Even if it was the power of the heart of the kitchen sealed by Ichiro Kohei, it was also swallowed by the heart of the blackened kitchen at this moment. This is not the external force that darkened the heart of the kitchen, but the initiative to darken the heart of the kitchen. In the deep mountain, Ichiro Kohei realized it instantly.

The kitchen mind he left in Xingping Chuangzhen's body was completely destroyed by the darkened kitchen mind.

Kohei Joichiro took out his cell phone and instantly dialed the number of Nageri Senzaemon.

He asked the general to take care of his son. Is it this kind of care? No one knows his son better than him. If it weren't for something that made him painful and completely desperate, it would be impossible for him to become blackened.

However, this time, the call was not connected.

Of course it can’t get through. Nagiri Senzaemon is participating in a meeting for the gourmet fantasy world at the IGO branch.

After hitting it three times, Yukihei Joichiro finally thought that he should find another person.

He had been away from Totsuki for too long, and he forgot that it should be the period of the Totsuki occupancy, so it must be correct to call Dojima Gin, the phone was quickly connected to the roar of Kohei Joichiro, which made the beasts in the mountains aware of the danger and fled. .

Hanging up, Dojima Gin rushed to the classroom for the afternoon exam.

As a chef Rin, even if his strength in the human world suppressed him, his speed exceeded the speed of sound. However, he arrived at the scene of the incident for more than ten seconds. It happened to see that Kopei Sojiro, who had lost his ability to resist like a dead fish, was forced by Shimiya Kojiro. Throw it out.

Dojima Gin caught Kopei Suzumaki in the air and found that he had been tapped.

Look at the broken right wrist and the dark negative aura emanating from the whole body. He doesn't need to look at Xingping Chuangzhen's distorted face and the hatred in his eyes. He already knows what happened, but he doesn't know or understand the fourth house. Why did Kojiro do this.

"Give me an explanation."

Dojima Gin said angrily.


Kojiro Shinomiya briefly explained, "I said his cooking was not up to standard, so he pulled out his kitchen knife and slashed his hand at me. If he wanted to chop off my hand, I would break his hand. I didn’t expect him. Unexpectedly, I continued to swing the knife and slash at me. I could only tap his acupuncture points and wait for the guard to deal with him."

"Xingping Chuangzhen will do it first!"

Dojima Gin’s sigh suffocated in his Dozens of people in the classroom looked at it, and what Kojiro Shinomiya said was probably true. In other words, someone wanted to chop his hand. I won't let anyone want to do this, but this is not an outsider, this is the son of Kohei Joichiro.

What's more serious is that Xingping Chuang's real cooking heart may have been blackened.

It’s easy to say that the body is broken. Although it is difficult to regenerate the limbs below the special grade, it is definitely not a problem to restore the broken body of Kohei Joichiro with the strength of Kohei, but once the heart of the kitchen has been blackened, it has not been heard that it can be changed back. of.

This matter is very troublesome, and Yukihei's anger will not be eliminated so easily.

Blame Kojiro Shinomiya?

He didn't do anything wrong. The one who did the wrong thing was the first to do it, but some things are useless if they are reasonable. If you can't find a suitable solution, he will be abolished even if he doesn't kill Kojiro Sinomiya. he.

.. m.