Night Evolution

Chapter 534: Source quality projection

Mime private 534

Zhao Mu opened the Dark Night Blade professional template, and the disappeared elemental immortality technique appeared again.

The professional template is upgraded, and all professional skills are upgraded to the epic peak.

The golden peak elemental immortality spell that has been integrated into the calamity pupil disappears, but the elemental immortality spell that has reached the epic peak is once again obtained from the professional inheritance. If it is not repeated, the elemental quality of the mythical level in the peak period is immortal. How could he be willing to blend into the catastrophe pupil in the golden stage.

The characteristic of the immortality technique is that the fusion of the shadow source quality will only transfer and disperse without disappearing.

With this ability, things that are copied and copied cannot be said to exist forever, but their existence time must be far longer than before fusion, and even copies copied and copied by copying, because the immortality technique will be stronger than the original. immortal.

In addition to the elemental immortality, there is a newly added shadow arcane shadow activation.

This shadow arcane is very interesting. It can temporarily transform the dead into shadow life. The transformation time is related to the shadow source quality in it. Before the three shadow life transformed by the mini shadow plane mature, you can only rely on this exclusive to control the shadow life. Arcane.

The only thing to worry about is that the shadow activation technique requires casting materials.

Epic equipment items, then activate an epic shadow life.

When the activation is over, things are destroyed.

Because of this exclusive arcane in the previous life, there was a period of time when the most difficult time was 1 cent was split into two.

He has always had grievances about this, so it is more appropriate to integrate into actual copy.

With the last skill, Zhao Mu decided to incorporate the projection spell.

This is a spell he got from Hermione. It originated from the extinct elves in the Harry Potter world. The elves are good at archery. Naturally, they cannot carry a large number of arrows on their backs. Some arrows with magical power are abnormal. Precious is reluctant to shoot it out.

The projection spell was born from this, inscribed on the arrow and infused with magic power can generate a projection arrow.

It is similar to actual copying, the ability to copy is not as good as actual copying, but the advantage is that the copied things will not in turn harm the original product. If the two skills can be merged to remove each other's weaknesses, it would be more appropriate.

Nowadays, the proficiency consumption of sages acting heaven is reduced, and the epic LV5 has not used a total of 3 million time thinking power.

After deducting 10 million time mind power, the four skills begin to merge in time. The end of the fusion is no accident but a legend, but because the skill level is inherently high, the new skills obtained at the end of the four skills fusion are directly Legend LV3.

【Elemental Projection (Legendary Ability)】

【Level: LV3 (1/5000000) +】

[Skill effect: source quality projection-contact with the original product, the source quality projection is exactly the same projection copy]

[Reminder: Projection copy has the most legends, the success rate of projecting living creatures decreases with the increase in strength]

[Reminder: The elemental projection copied by projection can be transformed into shadow life of the same level]

[Reminder: If the elemental projection is destroyed, the genuine product will suffer the same damage]

[Skill enhancement 1: Projection fusion-can merge two source quality projections. Generate a new source mass projection]

[Skill enhancement 2: Fast projection-consumes ten times the energy to instantly create a large number of short-lived source quality projections]

[Legend enhancement: the elemental quality is indestructible-the elemental projection will not be destroyed unless it is damaged by the sub-divine or higher. If it is destroyed by the power of the sub-divine or higher, you can choose to destroy the elemental projection to retain the shadow element or destroy the shadow element Preserve the quality projection]

[Reminder: Losing the shadow source quality, the source quality projection will not be transformed into the shadow life, and there is no longer time limit.]

[Evaluation: You can lose one, use one and reserve one. 】

Zhao Mu couldn't help but smile, his original whim has finally come true today.

And not only the dead, but the living are copied for you. Although there is a chance of success, as long as the probability is not zero, he has extraordinary magic power to be used again and again. Of course, even if the copy is successful, it is just a body without a soul.

Taking out the Flesh Box, Zhao Mu began to project again and again and then put it on the shelf.

It is limited to surgery to transform the fine hole. After the transformation is over, the elemental projection dissipates. Even if someone destroys the projection, he can choose to abandon the projection and retain the shadow elementary quality to return to him under the power of the elemental immortality technique.

What he lost was just some extraordinary magic power, but what he got back was Jinshan Yinshan.

IGO headquarters, Yilong felt regret for the first time.

Because of the food fantasy mall, something called the genetic modification magic box is on the shelves.

For food hunters above the dragon level, they can also transform their master holes to develop their mental abilities.

But it is very expensive and very expensive. It takes 10 million units of Gu Nian at a time. If you buy antiques directly, it will cost hundreds of trillions. The money will hurt him a little. The entire IGO can save enough Gu Nian. Not many people bought this product.

Although negotiated with Nagirimu, the skill IGO in the mall is half price.

However, the cooperation did not take long to be equivalent to breaking the contract. Nagirimu did not cancel the IGO's privilege to buy the half price of the mall skills, and he was speechless. How embarrassed he was to contact Nagirimu and let him continue to reduce the price in the genetic modification box.

"this is?"

Suddenly, Yilong saw another special product on the mall.

The ancient idea converter, if there are historical sites and relic buildings in reality, you can apply to the shopping mall to purchase the ancient idea converter. The ancient idea converter can absorb the ancient ideas contained in the ancient sites and relic buildings.

Unlike antiques, which are still valuable, monuments and relics are worthless.

It is now possible to extract ancient ideas from it. With the information of so many food hunters from IGO, you can quickly get a lot of ancient ideas ~ It seems that from now on, in addition to antiques, even ancient buildings have soared in value.

In the Forbidden City of Kyoto, Zhao Mu wanders around to collect the power of time.

In the imperial city of hundreds of years, the power of time thinking is not a few.

It is still too slow to rely solely on oneself. The so-called ancient mind converter is actually a shadow clone hidden in a shell, and it is the shadow clone that really absorbs the time mind. I believe that it will not take long for the time mind power to increase again.

After continuously walking through all the ancient ruins in Human World No. 2, Zhao Mu finally came to Mount Everest.

The name that only exists in the legend in the Dawn Federation, but still exists in this world.

The mountain is 8,000 meters above sea level, and the actual height is 4,000 meters.

Although it is already the highest mountain in the human world No. 2, it is ranked at most hundreds of people in the world No. 1. The top five mountains are generally more than 15,000 meters. If you replace it with the food world, Mount Everest is also A small hill.

But this was seven years ago, and the actual height of Mount Everest has grown to six kilometers during these seven years.

Because of the continuous fall of ice and snow in the space above, the height increased by two thousand in seven years. Here is a forbidden area living with the LV99 fantasy ingredient ice blaster. This kind of insect is weak and small but not much larger than the dust.

A single explosion can freeze a radius of ten meters.

There are millions of ice blast insects the size of a fist, and at the same time they burst out and can freeze dozens of kilometers around to reach extremely cold temperatures. In addition, the only value of this insect is that as a natural refrigerator, no one wants to provoke these insects.

But Zhao Mu was very interested in these bugs because of the accidental discovery when he went downstairs.


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