Night Evolution

Chapter 585: Cut down the world tree

Mime private 585

Seeing that the 24-hour countdown is less than three hours away, the evolution of the time writing wheel is finally over.

【Time Writer Eyes (Unknown Level Bloodline Pupil Surgery)】

[Level: lv5 (2612100/5000000)]

[Passive pupil effect: greatly improve illusion, insight and perception]

[Passive curing effect: spirit +15, perception +15]

[Talent Skill: Copy-Unlimited copying of all supernatural abilities below epic by consuming pupil power]

[Talent Pupil 1: Left Eye Dreaming]

[Talent Pupil 2: Right eye usurpation]

[Talent Pupil 3: Mythical Feathered Serpent]

[Talent Pupil 4: Dreamland Login]

[Talent Pupil 5: Time Dreams]

Zhao Mu carefully felt the pupil technique after the transformation, and it was certain that all abilities were strengthened in all directions.

But the most important thing is the new pupil technique time dreaming.

The ultimate application of pupil dreaming is to create a permanent dream world.

The secondary application is to invade and control the enemy's dream.

But this is only for living things, so there is time to dream of time to make up for the defects of dead things.

But for the dreams of living creatures, he can use pupils to usurp his life to endow innate skills, can distort the mind of the target, and even modify a person's future in a small area by usurping his life, but these are only for living things and not for dead things.

Time dreams are specifically aimed at dead things.

Dream through time to enter the dream of the weak spirit of the dead, and then control this dream through time dreaming.

It can only be controlled and cannot be changed for the time being.

If you want to change, I am afraid that you will have to wait until the time writing wheel evolves to the sub-sage level next time.

Zhao Mu originally thought that time writing round eyes was an epic, but he didn't know that it was a legend until this time. There are unprecedented five levels of legends. This pupil technique that is actively transformed by the time mind power talent was born to match the time mind power talent.

In addition to the new pupil technique, there is another thing to be happy about Time Writer.

That is, there is no need to activate, and it does not need to consume pupil power to use.

Because all the abilities of the time writing wheel eyes have completely solidified the passive ability that the human body has.

Mythical Quetzalcoatl!

Zhao Mu activated his pupil skills, and his body's extraordinary magic power began to build a mythical feather snake god.

In a blink of an eye, the height has reached a kilometer.

But it is far from enough, who makes the world tree up to nine hundred kilometers.

He is standing under the tree now, as small as he has entered the Lilliputian Kingdom.

Zhao Mu continued to infuse extraordinary magical powers, and used reincarnated white eyes and extraordinary magical powers to extract surrounding energy to continuously return to the magical powers.

Zhao Mu couldn't bear such a huge body.

The myth of Quetzalcoatl is too big, and Zhao Mu's mental power is very difficult to control.

His spirit didn't degenerate into a divine nature, and the mythical feather snake **** who was controlling a thousand kilometers long was just barely.

He had known that there would be a day to pull the tree, he should not subdue the little horse king, the female king snake, who is also one of the eight kings, has an adult body size of 220,000 kilometers, even if it is cultivated in a young age, this one will only be 900 It is not difficult to uproot a thousand-meter tree.

With all his strength, Zhao Mu began to pull the tree forcibly.

However, the world tree only trembled twice, and the roots of the world tree took root and the planet was too difficult to pull out.

It seems that the root of the tree cannot be left. The shadow clone who has completed the task of hunting the remnants came under the tree, and the dead eye locked on the world tree, and soon it has locked the dead line at the root of the world tree, and cut it out without using the golden wheel to reincarnate. Mang is thirty kilometers long.

Just a knife, cut the world tree from the bottom of the trunk along the dead line.

The deity of Zhao Mu also controlled the mythical feather snake **** to fly into the universe, and the tree-grown land of the felled world was pulled up, and the shadow of the sky also enveloped the world tree at this moment. Because the world tree is disconnected from the planet itself, it cannot stop the shadow. The sky curtain was forcibly retracted into the Mini Shadow Plane.

After transit, World Tree has come to Rainbow Island.

The roots of the Void Sun Tree were recovered from the void, and the magma sap that took root in the World Tree was continuously extracted from it to accelerate its growth.

Zhao Mu conservatively estimated that soon he would have a legendary super dimension card.

The world tree is gone, but the stumps and roots continue to extract magma from the earth's crust. Now there is no tree body and branches to absorb and transform. The magma erupts from the stumps to form a volcanic eruption that penetrates the atmosphere and reaches the universe. The falling volcanic ash greatly covers the atmosphere of the entire planet. Signs.

Don't say that he wants to destroy the world, even if he leaves now, most of the species on this planet will also be extinct.

"not enough."

Zhao Mu disbanded the myth of Quetzalcoatl and rushed to the nodes that had been selected long ago.

Since life in the dark continent is almost extinct, the infinite power of death envelopes the entire planet. In this case, let’s not talk about how many calamity powers and souls have been collected by the evil eye, even the death of the evil eye has changed from the original invisible. Now we can clearly see the dead line of the planet.

Only dead lines can be seen, but dead spots cannot be seen.

After all, in terms of the size of the planet, this planet far exceeds One Piece and Naruto and is second only to the gourmet planet.

Can't attack the dead point, and attacking the dead line is also very good.

Zhao Mu continued to destroy the dead line. If you look at the entire planet from space, you will find a magma rift valley with a depth of several hundred kilometers. These are the dead lines of the earth's crust that have been cut to cause the magma to move towards the core. Caused by an external eruption.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the huge lakes where the human world is located are evaporating little by little.

The human kingdoms along the coast were either destroyed by earthquakes or died of sudden changes in the environment.

Although the planet will not be destroyed yet, the life forms living on the planet can no longer withstand the tremendous changes of the entire planet.

This means that everything happens too quickly, otherwise the inland migration of coastal countries will definitely conflict with landlocked countries.

When the war breaks bombs and rose bombs will fly all over the sky and humans will die faster.

The v5 and Kajin Empire, which have always been watching the Hunter Association and the Phantom Brigade battle, finally realized what a wrong choice for them to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. However, it is impossible to hold the Phantom Brigade to bury it at this time. A large number of people had been secretly kidnapped and disappeared without a trace.

Withered and slaughtered the mountains, beating the enemy family.

In the dark hall, the raging flames of the fireplace can dispel the cold and cannot dispel the coldness in people's hearts.

Everyone from the entire Beat Enemy family gathered in the hall.

Relying on Naniga's ability to make a wish, Qi Ya made a wish to know what happened in the whole world, and Naniga's wishing power succeeded in letting everyone know what happened to the Dark Continent. It was precisely because of this that the entire family of the enemy and the Hakka felt desperate.

The ancestor Maha, who was invited to the Dark Continent to find longevity rice, beat the enemy to death, and President Nitro and others were wiped out.

The current beating the enemy and the Hakka family is at a loss as to what to do.
