Night Ranger

v3 Chapter 101: Origami

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Somehow, Marvin felt that the current Debbie was just a lot better in the conference room.

He looked at Marvin's eyes with a bit of jokes, but there was no disdain or even hostility in the face of Constantine and others.

The shadow thief has always been a ghost. In the past life, Ma Wen did not deal with the legendary shadow thief, and today he met for the first time.

"Perhaps there will be people in this world who are more powerful than those who wake up."

Marvin responded vaguely.

He actually nodded. "Yeah, the waking people are all a bunch of self-righteous guys who think they can see the future. In fact, the future is so simple."

"The future we see now, but in the next second, it will change because of different factors."

"The future is a changeable world. What the Wakes see is just a corner of the world."

Ma Wen’s heart was a glimpse.

This embarrassment does have something bad. Obviously, it is a shadow thief, but it has the vision of the times.

His understanding of the future is a bit close to the common understanding of the gods.

Before I waited for Ma Wen to speak, I suddenly said something inexplicable:

"You are like her."

she was?

Marvin noticed that a female referential pronoun was used.

"Who?" Marvin was curious.

"Your grandmother." The shadow thief turned half a face, and the whole person seemed to be in the shadow for a moment.


Marvin couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Hey. Kid, underestimating my age?"

The sly laughter seemed very proud: "I was fighting alongside your grandfather...but I was not a legend at the time."

"Then he and his wife came to this country place. They never returned to the north."

"I was also recently invited by Hathaway, and suddenly I thought that there is still another place in the world called [White River Valley]."

Although he is laughing, his voice is a kind of loneliness.

Marvin is a bit embarrassed.

People with their grandfather's generation? It seems that the relationship with his grandfather is also very subtle.

Wait, he said his grandfather is from the north?

Marvin has been very curious about this mysterious grandfather, and immediately asked: "You are familiar with him? My grandfather?"

"I can't talk about familiarity," he said quietly. "The son of a big family like him. It is inevitable that there will be some rebelliousness when he is young, so he runs away from home and ventures outside. He accidentally met a poor boy like me." Very normal script. Of course, although he has been dead for so long, I still hate his appearance."

"As soon as he appeared, he took away the girl I liked. I was heartbroken for a while."

Marvin was a big man. I did not expect it to be such a dog's story.

but. Is it really necessary for these sesame seeds to be turned out now?

Ma Wen is not very interested in the love triangle of these deceased old people. What he cares most is that his grandfather is actually a son of a big family in the north!

This is not a small one. In the genealogy of the Baihe Valley, Ma Wen’s records about his grandfather are very at least, and there are only a few words in the history.

The general idea is that a lucky luck hit the wandering wizard in the pioneering period.

Marvin has always been very skeptical about this identity. A wandering wizard can get the September Medal?

A wandering wizard, can you hide so strange and magical things in the secret room? And that thing has attracted so many people?

If the grandfather is a descendant of a large family from the north. Then everything can be barely explained.

However, when Ma Wen continued to ask about his grandfather's affairs, he seemed to be somewhat interested.

"Catch the opportunity, Xiao Mawen. Many times you don't meet the right girl. But ignore them."

"I know that feeling, you are too stressed now, you are busy upgrading your strength, and you are busy guarding your territory. But sometimes, the strings that are too tight are easy to break."

"Right. Send you a little gadget before leaving."

"This is your grandmother's favorite little thing. I am stupid. I learned it for a long time."

After all, the shadow thief's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

A pure white paper crane slowly flew out of the void and landed in the hands of Marvin.

Ma Wengang wants to take a closer look at the difference between this thousand paper cranes, who knows that the thousand paper cranes directly integrated into Marvin's body!

He hurriedly looked at the data panel and the results made him overjoyed:

[You got the secret of the legendary shadow thief - origami]

[Origami 49]: At present, you are in the first stage of practicing origami. You have the skill of folding paper into any shape, but the inner part of these folded items is the essence of origami.


Behind the steep cliffs is the highest mountain in the west of the castle.

There is still one wall left.

Ma Wen took a deep breath and faced the rugged cliffs and rushed straight into the past!

Fly the wall!



The fast-paced pace allowed him to walk on a nearly vertical cliff, and rushed to the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye!


A stone was stepped on, and Marvin was awkward and almost fell.

He grabbed the corner of the mountain and then forced it up. The whole person forcibly rose and finally fell to the top of the mountain.

"They said, I can find you here."

Marvin was a little breathless. With his agile skill, climbing this mountain is very difficult.

At the age of sixteen, Hathaway took a red dress and stood barefoot on the top of the mountain, looking at the west.

Her voice is soft: "Do you have something to look for?"

Marvin stepped forward and stood side by side with her: "About Red Red Shepherd. I saw a lot of things."

"Why don't you tell them yourself." Hathaway's voice was very light. She is in the state of a girl. It seems to be divided into gentle.

"I don't want to hide my identity as a wake-up person?" Marvin whispered.

"Also." Hathaway said softly: "Then tell me, I will tell them all these important information."

"This time. We will definitely be able to leave the red grazing in the Baihe Valley. Of course, there is Glenos."

When she said the last name, her voice had some waves.

Ma Wen nodded.

He originally wanted to tell the old blacksmith about these things, but now that there are better candidates, it is better to let Hathaway to pass the information to the legends.

Red Red Shepherd is very embarrassed, and his life-saving means are very much!

In Ma Wen’s memory, his life-saving props have passed six. There are at least three escape gods. Plus he was extremely careful, so he wanted to kill him. Even if it is a legendary shot, it is very difficult.

He can't beat him. This guy has no awareness of the strong.

But in the past, Marvin remembered that there was a legendary team organized by high-end players. Really pushed the red grazing to the end of the mountain.

If it wasn’t at a critical time, Tianqingmu suddenly appeared and saved him, then he might have planted it!

However, after this battle, all the means of life preservation of Chihongmu were basically exposed. As a night squad, Marvin had long wanted to kill the fat fish, so the news of the red grazing has always been very careful. Unfortunately, he did not meet the red grazing until he crossed.

But he did not think of it. After crossing by myself, I was so confronted with Chihongmu so soon.

This time, he can't shoot himself. But you can kill with the help of the power of others.

In fact, in Marvin’s budget, the current red-red animal husbandry can only be killed by Constantine and the endless ocean.

Because I know all his cards!

His plan is completely foolproof.

What's more, there are now more than three legends that he can't imagine. How can Chihongmu escape?

After all, intelligence is always the most important in any world. Ma Wen is familiar with the cards and tricks of many strong players. This in itself is a great advantage.

At the moment when Marvin decided to bring the Taurus back to the territory, the fate of Chihongmu was already doomed!


"There are so many ways to save lives." Hathaway frowned: "It's no wonder that the demon hunter and the endless ocean can't catch him."

"Your day is a little different from my dreams, so clear..."

Her eyes are vaguely skeptical.

Ma Wengan laughed twice. He just got closer to Hathaway, who knows that at this time, the girl suddenly asked:

"Are you finished?"


The next second, a huge force suddenly entangled in Ma Wen!


"You can go after you say it." Hathaway is still a gentle tone of low eyebrows.

A powerful force field will kill Ma Wensheng from the top of the mountain!

Just as he approached the ground, he suddenly made a meal and made Ma Wen dizzy.


He plunged into the wheat field. The farmer on the side showed a horrifying look.

"Ma Wen adults..." he asked cautiously.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Marvin smiled. The heart is secretly facing the top of the mountain than a middle finger.

"Mom*... one day, I want to..."

In the second half of the sentence, he didn't even think about it. Hathaway was also a wake-up person, and it was a legendary wizard. It was easy to be perceived when it touched her. Still be careful.


On the top of the mountain, Hathaway stood up.

"Unlike the legend, you have no qualifications alongside me."

She whispered.

However, at this time, a playful voice rang in her ear: "Hey, very clever means."

"No wonder Gishka people say that women are born to be the masters of the game..."

Shadow thief.

Hathaway does not change color: "Are you finished?"

His face suddenly showed a sly look, and his mouth was busy: "Do not pose too ugly..."



Another figure was taken from the top of the squatting in the wheat field!

This time, she did not close her hand, and the wheat field was pulled out of a huge pothole.

The legendary shadow thief will not fall, and Hathaway will not be merciless.

Looking at the two men who were drilled in the wheat field, what Hazelwei suddenly felt that today's mood is very good.

The only pity is that there seems to be no third person who is not interested in running up to lose himself.

It’s a pity...

... (to be continued)

Ps: Recently, this story, coconut is very cautious, written very slowly. Because this plot determines the next historical trend. Don't worry, work slowly. It is a bit difficult for someone to move to the tenth. The author is a person, not a code word machine. The codeword doesn't matter, I can do it a bit – the key is inspiration and thinking. Therefore, at present, there are two more 6k guarantees per day, and the 17th will explode. Thank you for your support. In addition, I would like to thank the book friend for the 1st point and the monthly ticket for the reward.