Night Ranger

v3 Chapter 135: Beauty and the beast

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Magic Warlock, Beast Form!

The roar of the Anzula bear rang again in the White River Valley, and he ran wildly on the river beach.

After Marvin raised the rank of the magic warlock, although he did not gain more power, the strength of the Anzuola bear also increased.

The most important thing is that Marvin is surprised that some of his skills can also be used in the form of the beast.

For example - burst!


"Anzuola bear?"

"It’s just a beast!"

Bamboo's body floated on the banks of the White River, and some looked at Marvin disdainfully.

Now that you have torn your face, there is no need to drag and drop. Just kill the village in one breath, then use the mind control to control this Marvin.

It’s a pity that it’s so good that my acting skills are so good. I don’t know where the bumps are seen by this country.

Otherwise, he can use him as a bait to find the remaining legendary whereabouts.

If you kill Ma Wen and ruin the Baihe Valley now, you will surely alarm the four legends. Once the other party is ready, it will be much more troublesome to want revenge.

In the minds of bamboo, these are flashing, and Marvin, who looks like a big stupid bear, hates even more.

"go to hell!"

She jerked her hand and prepared to release a magical spell.

Who knows that at this time, the bear who is far away from her is suddenly added - its hind legs are fiercely stepping on the ground, and the entire river beach is constantly shaking!


Explosion used in the state of a bear. It is very scary.

The huge man bear rose up like a cannonball and flew directly to the bamboo.

The latter suddenly panicked - because it all came too fast, her magic is not ready.

And want to escape. It’s too late.

She burst out of the sarcophagus, and she has already spent a very strong magical technique. Now she is suspended on the river, using floating techniques instead of flying!

Can't hide at all!


The Anzula bear slammed into the bamboo body. One person and one bear flew directly from the side of the White River to the other side of the river!


Ma Wen was pressed against the bamboo body and applied this huge force to the soft body of the theo!

Oh la la!

dusty. The gravel leaps.

On the south bank of the White River, a trace of terror was directly drawn.


Marvin felt something wrong.

Under his huge bear's paw. There is actually a force, and my life has lifted my palm!

It is bamboo!

She is still alive!

Ma Wen is amazed.

I have already interrupted her magic, how can her body...

The brilliance of the cockroach burst out from under the paw. Bamboo mouth with blood, eyes murderous.

"Let's... I forced me so embarrassed... Damn!"

Her hands are wide open, and a green glow forms the most powerful barrier that protects her.

If it wasn't for this barrier, Marvin would just die when she slammed her!

This is the case, she is also shocked by Marvin, visceral bleeding.

This is the purest power!

"Mom*'s... This is totally cheating..." Ma Wen's foot is full of strength, and his own power is actually fighting each other!

The power of azure animal husbandry in the bamboo body is too large, this is not a godpower that ordinary magicians should have.

This is the power that voters or the Holy Spirit can have!

really. Unlike Chonghongmu, Tianqingmu is too powerful. Red Red Shepherd is a half god, she is already close to the true God!

She has inherited the power of the twins. Have the qualification to select voters.

Marvin’s bear's paw was actually lifted bit by bit!

"This bear skin is very good, I will peel very carefully."

The low sound of bamboo came from below.

Ma Wen suddenly screamed at the sky, suddenly loosened the bear's paw, the next second, another fierce shot was unusually shot!

This is the next. Concentrated on all the power of Marvin!


The earth is shaking.

Marvin’s palm and the earth were flush, and the bamboo was photographed in the soil!

"Even if there is divine protection, I will not believe that you will not be killed!"

Ma Wen knows that the body of the divine is still very fragile. Even if it is transformed by divine power, it will be seriously injured if it is not killed.

However, the next second, a sudden pain suddenly came from the belly of Marvin!

A green and sturdy fist broke out from the ground directly, and slammed into the belly of the Anzuola bear!

This is not a spell, it is purely using divine power to simulate physical attacks.

The simplest and rude counterattack!

The Anzula bear was directly shot and flew, and finally crossed a low parabola in the sky and slammed into the White River.

Splashes of water.


"Not good!" On the castle, Anna saw this scene, and her heart suddenly became cold.

She did not expect that this woman named bamboo was so powerful.

"Sheen, adults!" She stood next to the old blacksmith, who blinked and shook her head: "I didn't expect to be a young man."

"This guy's ability to make trouble is more powerful than I was."

The next second, the former night walker disappeared in place.

Anna’s heart was slightly fixed.



Between the flying dust, the beautiful bamboo dust came out without a trace.

This time, she not only had a bleeding in her mouth, but also a serious congestion in her eyelids.

"It’s not enough to take a shot, I actually shot me twice."

The anger in the bamboo heart almost broke through the sky.

As an elector of the Azure, how can she suffer such grievances? Marvin’s way of fighting made her unexpected, otherwise she would not be so embarrassed by the difference in strength between the two.

"Did you die?"

She looked at the calm white river, and her heart flashed a little doubt.

Divine - flying!

Her back opened a pair of turquoise wings. Slowly flew over the White River.

The river was calm as it was, and the bottom of the river was a bit muddy.

At this time, an old voice passed from the other side of the river: "Stop your child. Don't take advantage of the divine power that the evil spirit gives you. You think you can do it everywhere. In the eyes of Azure. You are just one. Just a piece of chess."

Bamboo sneered and looked at the old blacksmith who appeared quietly: "Who is not a chess piece in this world?"

"Even the gods that are high above are just the pieces that were played by the **** of Lance. The twins have already seen everything."

The old blacksmith did not agree: "Then tell me, what is everything?"

"Destruction." There was a hint of fear in the eyes of bamboo: "This world is a cage. Everyone is like breaking their own cage and going to the wider world."

"And the cage is so strong. Only a complete destruction will allow a small number of people to get a new life."

"You mean that you are the least part of the people?" The old blacksmith said disdainfully: "Let me give you a piece of advice. Little girl."

"Well?" Bamboo looked at the old blacksmith with some doubts.

Her perception tells her that this guy is very strong, she is constantly testing his bottom, so there is no rash move.


"My advice is..." The old blacksmith's face was calm:

"When fighting. Don't talk too much with the enemy."


The bamboo smashed for a moment, and the next second, a sudden crack in the white river surface, a horrible shadow suddenly smashed out!

not good!

The wings behind the bamboo swayed violently - but it was too late.

The two-headed snake came out directly from the river, and one of the heads swallowed the bamboo!


The two-headed snake of the horse culture landed steadily on the river bank.

The old blacksmith screamed: "Come on!"

He pointed to the north.

Ma Wen is also unambiguous, he can feel the bamboo swallowed by himself is not dead!

In fact, the identity of the four-ring gods and voters is not so easy to kill.

The two-headed snake rushed to the ground and ran wildly all the way to the north!

in a blink. He crossed most of the villages and went to the wilderness of the north.

However, at this time, Marvin only felt a pain in his stomach!


A powerful power bursts again. A greenish shadow flew out of the snake's belly.

In an instant, Marvin’s life was mad, and only one-half was left in an instant!

Scared that he quickly lifted the snake monster and turned into a human.

The bamboo was pale, and she looked at Marvin and the old blacksmith for three seconds. Suddenly began to vomit!

Ma Wen is amazed.

But the old blacksmith gave him a look, which means dragging time!

He clung to the hole in his stomach that was bleeding. Do not dare to move.

After a while, Bamboo hated the old blacksmith with hatred:

"Thank you for your advice! I won't talk nonsense with you next time, I will kill you directly."

The next second, her eyes moved to Marvin: "It's really disgusting in your stomach. I changed my mind, I won't let you die so easily."

"I will slowly peel off your skin and peel it off for three days."

"At that time, you will want to go to hell... because what you have experienced is far more terrible than hell!"

The back of the bamboo is long and flying, and the beautiful face is full of the color of grievances.

Ma Wen whispered, "What should I do?"

The old blacksmith shrugged: "She obviously didn't listen to my advice."

The next second, a bang, a horrible purple beam of light blew from the front of the two!

Directly smash the bamboo into slag!


A mile away, the uncle who sipped the cigars from the overseas islands took a deep breath.

Then he removed the gun barrel in front of him. In the blink of an eye, the horrible weapon just turned into a pile of parts, and he was repacked and put into a box.

"Mom*, this dragon tooth cannon can buy three or five white river valleys. Really his mother's loss is big!"

Constantine stared at Marvin, who was running over, and said:

"The double snake teaches this little snake, it really can't be cleaned."

Ma Wen was looking at the box in his hand and couldn't help but ask: "Is this a weapon for the Sha people?"

Constantine picked an eyebrow: "Why, want to buy?"

Ma Wen nodded.

Such a powerful weapon, who does not want to buy it! In the past, the Sha people were not strong, and their weapons only stayed at the point of pistols and shotguns, and the firepower was not even as good as the high-level archers.

But this stuff in Constantine’s hand clearly shows this category!

If the Baihe Valley can have this thing to guard, the legendary come below, in addition to the Wushu and other occupations, who dares to come?

However, Constantine did not hesitate to pour cold waterways: "A cannonball wizard gold coin."

"As for [Zi Yao] itself, it took me about 30 years to design and finish her. How much do you think you need?"

Marvin was speechless.

It turned out that this is not a weapon that can be mass-produced in the past, but a legendary item.

And it's a legendary item that consumes a lot of money.

"The power of that woman is too horrible. If I am close to me, I am sure to get rid of her, but it is easy to get hurt."

"So sometimes, it’s better to shoot at a distance."

Constantine took another cigar and said, "This is a matter of time. How many people I have taught by the two snakes will kill me and kill you for free."

In fact, he also knows that the reason why Ma Wen was eyed by bamboo was also because of the planned murder of Red Red.

Otherwise, he will not come back so soon after the old blacksmith contact.

"Thank you." Ma Wen sincerely thanked.

If it wasn't for this legend to come over, he and Sheehan are really not necessarily bamboo opponents!

"Don't thank me, it's a vacation." Constantine slammed the box and strode to the White River Valley: "I will stay here for a while."

"Do your own thing, don't worry about me."


Screaming over the mountains inside a snow cave.

In the boiling hot spring, a woman slowly floated up.

Her limbs are incomplete, but under the nourishment of the hot springs, it is constantly recovering.

"The demon hunter... Hehe... Sure enough, I’m going to pick it up?"

Bamboo smiled low: "I thought I could kill me with a shot?"

"When I have recovered my body, the first one to die is you."

... (to be continued)

Ps: second! The big chapter of +. At present, the monthly ticket list is still the second. Yes, we rushed to the first place twice this month. They were all blasted back by the original. Now it is the end of the month, the last chance. Although personal emotions have been very bad recently, the coconut is still working hard and still has not given up. On the 29th, the day after tomorrow, there will be a big explosion. Coconut will do its best, please do your best to support it!