Night Ranger

v3 Chapter 151: Everlasting mark

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"How can this be!"

"What is going on?"

"Why am I getting so old!"

Marvin looked at himself in the pool with horror, and he tried to calm himself down!

Data panel!

He can't see his data panel.

Ma Wen is a little bit in mind - is it illusion?

But what kind of illusion can make you even blinded the data panel?

He can feel that his vitality is passing by little by little.

Every step in the mountains is old.

This is the endless mountain, clearly the mountain of death!

In Marvin’s heart, for the first time, there was a feeling of uncertainty.

This situation is rare.

Since the traversal, he can use the various records on the data panel to distinguish things.

But \\ (quled) in this strange endless mountain, he even lost the ability to view the data panel.

what on earth is it?

He looked up at the mountain, and the mountain was silent, still unable to see the end.

Ma Wen took a break and reluctantly recovered some physical strength.

He stopped by the pool for a moment and finally bit his teeth and made his own decision.

No matter if you choose this road, you can only move forward and not back.

Death does not return.

"I don't believe it, the king of the night will set up a death level to deal with later people!"

Ma Wen has gone out, he no longer manages his constant aging, but step by step, struggling to climb up.


Next to the fire. The old blacksmith has stopped hitting the iron.

The two looked at Ma Wenqi’s small figure with great weight and climbed on the mountain!

This is the first time they have seen the legendary endless mountains!

"This. Is it true?" O'Brien asked nervously what I felt that his vitality was really madly passing! ”

The old blacksmith was silent.

"I have not read the relevant records!"

"No one has come to Marvin this step."

"He seems to be aging and crawling for a while. He will become a white-haired old man."

O'Brien decided: "I can't let him die here."

“If this is part of the test?” The old blacksmith asked him to get older quickly. Is this something that few people can accept? Many words"

"But if this is not a test, but the king of the night is penalizing his previous violation of the rules?"

O'Brien frowned.

The old blacksmith clenched his fist and did not speak again.

His eyes are full of worry.

Because he is not anything!


On the endless mountain, Marvin is still climbing.

He has forgotten everything in his mind, or said. He has left everything else behind.

He only remembers one thing.

That is persistence.

This road is chosen by yourself and must be finished.

Even if you gamble on your own life.

Gradually, his body aging speed began to accelerate.

After a while, when he rested again, he saw that his hair had turned white.

His skin wrinkled, his body began to shrink, and his bones became fragile.

Going up, his time for rest has increased.

Fortunately, this mountain is not steep, sometimes. Even very flat.

Otherwise, the breathless Marvin is no longer able to move on.

He dragged the old and fragile body, step by step, and went up.

Gradually. A wonderful feeling rose from his heart.

His soul seems to be out of the flesh. He watched as his body slowly climbed up and fell to the mountain.

He floated in the mountains and watched his body gradually weather. The human skin faded, and finally. Even the bones have become a powder.

He and the mountain are integrated into one.

"Really, is it so dead?"

Between 浑浑噩噩. He has no way to keep his mind clear.

However, he is still going up.

His soul is still trying his best to move forward and never back.

Just at this time, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart:

“What is the point of this? This kind of unnecessary persistence is impossible to succeed.”

Marvin was confused and didn't know how to answer him.

He just continued to drift upwards.

His attitude seems to anger the powerful existence in the dark.

A gust of wind blew, almost blowing his soul away!

Suddenly, he woke up.

What is the meaning of that voice again? ”

has no meaning?

Marvin silently thought in his heart: "Not every insistence must be meaningful."

"Since you made the decision, you must go."

His soul is getting weaker and weaker, almost to dissipate in the wind.

At this time, a golden light suddenly appeared in the darkness!

A golden giant eagle swung down from the high heavens, and the heavens and the earth suddenly became bright.

For the first time in the country of the night of the night, the brilliance of the giant eagle, the feathers of the giant eagle shine, it illuminates everything!

It quickly flew down and grabbed Marvin.

In the next second, it suddenly flapped its wings and flew away into the sky!

The giant eagle crossed the thick clouds with Marvin.

This time, every time he climbed a distance, Marvin felt that his life was a little more.

His flesh came back, and then the hair changed back to its original color, and his wrinkles began to disappear.

His mind became clear.

The giant eagle gently grabbed him, and he could easily see the scenery in the dark clouds!

Unlike the imaginary darkness, the clouds are full of colorful colors.

Marvin couldn't see what it was, but he felt very beautiful.

Crossing the final clouds, he looked up. I saw the top of the mountain.

"The original endless mountain, after all, has an end."

When he thought about it. The giant eagle suddenly accelerated, then gently placed him on the top of the mountain.

He stood on the top of the endless mountain. Overlooking everything, the dark sea in the distance, silent.

It was at this time that a pair of eyes lit up from the darkness.

Marvin knows that it is the will of the king of the night.

"Finally got it right!"

He looked at everything recorded in the data panel and clenched his fists with excitement!


By the fire, I have seen nothing.

They have lost the trace of Marvin. From the moment the giant eagle came out, they knew that Marvin had succeeded.

He was recognized by the king of the night.

Because that giant eagle. They know.

He is one of the best partners of the King of the Night.

After the king of the night left, the giant eagle entered the kingdom of the night forever. He vowed to guard this place forever.

"It seems that I am not far from retirement." O'Brien ridiculed himself: "You are right, he is really different."

"He can be the leader of the night walker."

However, the old blacksmith patted his shoulder: "It is not the time."

"Ma Wen is our hope, he is the future."

"And you, our present. Now the night walker and Fernando, without you, have lost a very important pillar. You understand."

O'Brien nodded.

"Let's see how many miracles can be created by Marvin."


At the top of the mountain, the eyes and Ma Wen looked at each other for a long time.

The low voice sounded again: "Are you my heir?"

Ma Wen said seriously. It depends on you. ”

The eyes flashed. I finally said something. ”

In the next second, the eyes merged into one, which turned into a strange mark. Incorporating Marvin's chest.

His mind suddenly had some more memories of this imprint.

The name of this imprint is [Yong Night Imprint].

It is the status symbol of the true heir of the King of the Night.

With the imprint of the night, he is free to enter and leave the country of the night!

And in the night of the night, he can also summon the giant eagle Bellas to help.

What surprised him even more. At the moment when the Everlasting Seal entered his body, the King of the Night added a temporary blessing to him!

The effect of this temporary blessing is terrible!

[Temporary blessing of the King of the Night: Strength +15, Constitution +15 (for three minutes)]

Only three minutes!

Ma Wen, who has always been quick-minded, immediately understood everything.

Next second. He used the Everlasting Seal to quickly summon the giant eagle Bellas!

Under the call of Marvin. The giant eagle swooped down. Marvin stepped and jumped on the back of the giant eagle.

"Let's go to the sea of ​​darkness!"

Ma Wen stroked the soft feathers on the neck of the giant eagle, saying so.


The golden giant eagle is like a sharp blade, and it opens everything and flies to the sea of ​​darkness!


A minute later, the giant eagle landed on the beach.

On the edge of the beach, a heavy stone sword was inserted.

Through the imprint of the night, Marvin knew the role of this sword.

"There are two more minutes..."

The bonus of strength and physique is time-limited!

He must be quick and quick!

Thinking of this, Ma Wen immediately rushed to the edge of the stone sword, grabbed the hilt and pulled it out!

This sword is very heavy. Without the 15 points of power added by the King of the Night, it is impossible for Marvin to pull it out!

Stone Sword does not have any attributes, there is only one special effect.

That is to open the sea of ​​darkness!

Ma Wen took a deep breath and passed the imprint of the night, he could feel the stone sword responding to himself.

The next second, he rushed to the beach and slammed down.

The sea water suddenly collapsed.

The horrible waves are separated from both sides!

A petrified portrait, slowly rising from the sea!

Nineteen warriors who have not slept for many years, finally wake up again!

Stone swords landed, the warriors opened their eyes and looked at Marvin.

They kneel down on one knee, just as they treated the king of the night.

Perhaps they have no legendary strength before going to sleep, but they are still invincible warriors.

Marvin took a long breath.

With these real warriors.

In this battle, he won!



"The Baron Marvin of the White River Valley is not in the territory?"

In the cool carriage, a girl wearing a luxurious dress frowned. "I don't want to borrow me if I don't want to see me. Can I find such a lame excuse?"

"I really don't know what my father thinks. I want to marry me to this kind of country!"

The knight outside the carriage said gently that the lady was angry. This reason is indeed a bit perfunctory, but I heard that this Ma Wen adult seems to like to run outside. ”

"The order that the lord personally made, we can't violate it, so we are still waiting here for a while."

"Wait a minute, wait until when?" The girl said something very uncomfortable, I didn't want to come to this ghost place! ”

"Miss still needs a little patience." The Cavaliers smiled. "The grandfather of Ma Wen’s grandfather stole the treasure from the family and left Lavis alone. We found a lot of places and could not find them."

"I didn't expect to find his descendants this time, so be careful."

"No matter back. So you can give the lord a confession."

Can't the girl say it over? Many words"

"I don't think there are many people in this territory anyway. It is estimated that there is no master. With our knight, it is easy to capture this castle. Then look for it slowly."

The knight is dumb but laughs:

"Miss, anyway, Ma Wen is also a descendant of the Clyland family."

"Although his grandfather made a mistake, but this mistake has nothing to do with him, he may not know about it."

" From the point of view of blood, he is the closest brother to your blood."

"According to the family rules, the two of you are married, and it is also a fact that you are determined. Do you really want to attack the castle of your fiancé?"

The girl was speechless and could only beat the carriage cushion with her fist.

It was at this time that a person walked past the team and looked at them curiously.

The girl shouted something uncomfortable! ? ”

Marvin stunned: "My territory, can't I see?"

... (to be continued...)

Ps: third, 3500+. There is still a chapter later!

The 151st chapter of the Yongyin imprint [third! 】

The 151st chapter of the Yongyin imprint [third! 】 is played by [] members, more chapters please go to the website: