Night Ranger

v4 Chapter 122: Magic scroll

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"The gargoyle exempts most witchcraft and is highly resistant to physical attacks, but..."

"The blunt damage doubles!"

Ma Wen’s mind showed such information.

This is the only way to restrain ordinary gargoyles. Among the entire river beach city, only the knights of the silver church will carry the holy hammer as one of the standard weapons like Guderian!

The rest of the knights, equipped with long rifles, immediately took the horse and used both hands and swords.

Only the guardian knight of the silver church will take a holy hammer outside the big sword.

As a blunt instrument, the holy hammer is very damaging to the gargoyle. In addition, the strength of these guardian knights is not weak, and with each other, the first round of gargoyle slams is completely annihilated!

All the gargoyles were directly slanted by the hammer, and eventually fell to the ground.

Once the wings of the stone are broken, these flexible monsters will no longer cause more damage to the soldiers.

The members of the River Beach City Guards immediately swarmed and smashed them with a sword.

And a few of the guardian knights who have lost their hands will also have wizards to help, and the use of simple interception.

These wizards will all know how to use the magic field to change the way the gargoyle flies, which can help the knights a lot.

The combination of wizards, shield guards, and guardian knights with blunt instruments is a nemesis of gargoyles!

Marvin had known that the gargoyles couldn’t all be rushed in one breath. This way they will lose their flexible combat space.

In order to cooperate with each other, they will keep a distance from each other before, forming a wave of continuous attacks.

This is their instinct.

If you follow the rules of Mediel. I am afraid that the number of deaths will soar.

But under the command of Marvin, there were very different results.

After the first round of air strikes. Except for a few unlucky ones who were slightly injured, the rest. All are safe and sound.

And the dozens of gargoyles were all dumped on the ground and turned into powder and debris from the ground.

Such a victory can be called awesome.

What's more worth mentioning is that Marvin's tactics save a lot of wizard's spells!

The wizard's spells are not infinite supply. The monsters behind the Scarlet Monastery are not just gargoyles.

"Can the holy hammer of the Silver Church restrain the gargoyle?"

Everyone is bright in front of the eyes, thinking that the magic power attached above is effective. Only a few people are thinking. Why did Ma Wen order a hammer, not a big sword?


"Ready! The second round is coming!"

Ma Wen shouted.

Now that Medier has given the command to him temporarily, he will have to do every detail.

Can not be the first round of the victory, it will lead to the next take light.

details make a difference.

All the knights are full of energy. Clenched the hammer in your hand!

The gargoyles didn't know how to live and die. They didn't seem to see the tragic death of the first wave of companions, but they continued to rush.

This wave, the number is significantly more than the first wave!

The knights of the silver church have shot, and the holy hammer has hit it accurately, and they have knocked down the gargoyles.

And on the other side. The long-lost members of the blood group also began their mission under the command of Marvin.

What they need to do is to cope and contain.

With his own speed advantage and low-altitude flight ability, the excess gargoyle is contained.

This is for people of the blood family. very easy. They had originally signed an agreement with Mediterra, and now the commander is Marvin, and he naturally will not let the strong guys rest.

One blood family has continuously opened low-altitude flights.

The cloak male Gewen flew directly from the head of a gargoyle. Grab his wings and complete an amazing action in the air!

He even relied directly on his own strength. Grab the gargoyle's wings and drop them to the ground!

Oh la la!

It is also a piece of land.

High brittleness. Fragile, this is the biggest weakness of ordinary gargoyles. However, like Ge Wen, it is definitely the leader of the blood family who can live and die a stone ghost.


"Good power!"

Ma Wen, while commanding everyone to do every detail, noticed the performance of Gewen.

This guy, who has been very low-key before, is finally beginning to show his strength.

The third-order vampire count, looks like that of Kanos, but the strength is significantly higher than Kanos.

Marvin swears, if there is no part-time job of the magic warlock, by the ability of the night walker and the ranger, he is not necessarily the opponent of Gewen!

Super high speed and strength, it is like the original Marvin met Black Jack as a black butcher.

However, the suppression is not so powerful.

Of course, once you change into a shadow form or a beast form, the situation will be different.

The magical warlock's wonderful career has made Ma Wen's combat power have a lot of ups and downs. After that night and the red grazing squad, the beast form is still unusable, and Marvin does not know when it will open again.


The next thing, as Marvin expected, the extra gargoyle was taken away by the blood family, and the guardian knights responded with ease.

The gargoyle rushed down like a life, picking up the hammer and picking it up.

One by one.

The paladins of the Silver Church turned into stonemasons, and they smashed the gargoyles, who had been eroded by evil forces, into stones.

After fifteen minutes.

Throughout the first hall, there was dust all over the place, and everyone coughed.

But everyone is filled with joy.

“So simple?”

"Is these gargoyles fools? Just send them from the net?"

A guardian knight licked some sour shoulders and couldn't help but say: "I have killed four."

"Oh, I am five." The companion around him smiled proudly: "You lost to me. Once again."

However no matter what. Everyone looked at Marvin's eyes and it became different.

In just a few tens of minutes, a raid from the gargoyle. Then it is suppression, and finally...

The gargoyle army is completely destroyed!

It’s all because of Marvin’s unprecedented tactics.

Even the wizards who learned again did not find the weakness of the gargoyle. Clever points will use force field spells to bind them, and then let the followers kill them.

No one knows that a blunt instrument is a natural enemy to a gargoyle. And similar to the cold and practical knowledge, Ma Wen is familiar with the heart, do not know how many.

This is his biggest advantage.


"It's a very novel tactic." Mediel was cold with a face and looked up and down Ma Wen: "Is your grandfather's inspiration to you?"

"I don't want to be an urban master. I haven't said it yet. You have learned to do the opposite."

Ma Wen said with a smile.

"Hey! God mysterious guy, let's go!" Medier Li ordered, and ordered everyone to move on.

Who knows at this time. Ma Wen suddenly said:


Mediel frowns: "What do you want to do?"

Ma Wen coughed: "Sorry, the city owner."

"But are you bothered to stand by? The gargoyle is not the only monster in the second hall. This battle has not been finished yet."

"I am the highest commander, so let me know, thank you, thank you very much for your cooperation."


Under the small face of Meili Li Tieqing, Ma Wen began to regroup and arrange everyone.

After killing hundreds of gargoyles in one breath, only a few people were traumatized by skin. This is already a miracle.

The morale of everyone is very strong.

Looking at Ma Wen’s eyes, there is a lot of admiration.

This is a world that respects the strong and the wise. The former is simple, the fist determines everything; the latter is simpler. Wisdom is sometimes more useful than a fist.

Ma Wendan’s murderer has already shown his fist; arranging tactics reflects his wisdom.

After a two-pronged approach. No one is dissatisfied with Marvin as a temporary commander.

Even if there is, it will not be stupid to show it. These guys are all smart people.

Didn’t you see that Meridian Li, who was seized, was behind a horse like a smug little wife?

The urban master did not say anything. These people are even more stupid * forced to send the door to people to face.


"The gargoyles will not take the initiative to attack us and can marry them. Only the deep sea banshee in the second hall."

"Deep sea banshee, everyone should know everything. Everyone has seen their albums and some information. These monsters like to shuttle through the crowd with ultra-low flying ability and sharp claws, and then take our lives."

"I have a targeted tactic. As long as everyone is firmly committed to our tactics, victory is at your fingertips."

As Ma Wen said, he took out a sturdy fishing net from the bracelet of his right hand!

His storage equipment was not enough, so he took time to go to the Ranger Union to purchase two.

This bracelet is one of them, and the interior space is much larger than the empty conch.

"The shield guards stepped forward. Every four people took a fishing net. The garrison knight also needs to take the lead." Marvin ordered.

"I need you to form such a formation..." He began to make a plan.

"All shield guards are at the forefront, and the patrols are interspersed inside, paying attention to protecting their own vitality."

"Once the Deep Sea Banshee launches a raid, the shield guards don't need defense, they can't tear your armor. You just need to erect the net."

"The banshee will be hung on it and can't get rid of it."

"The next step is when the garrison is harvesting. Remember, you must cut off the banshee's head."

"This is their only key point."


Thirty minutes later.

In the second hall, there was a lot of **** atmosphere in the air that was filled with water.

The headless bodies of a large number of deep sea banshees were piled up.

The atmosphere has become a bit crazy!

Everyone looks at Marvin’s eyes, it’s not admirable, it’s just worship!

Marvin’s second tactic is equally effective.

They have no effort to use to destroy more than 30 deep sea banshees!

Nearly no war damage.

Marvin said it was done.

When it was time to distribute the spoils, Medier Li did not say anything, and he gestured to Ma Wenxian.

Marvin asked for the best thing directly. That is a treasure chest of magic locks.

It is also the only treasure chest in the second hall with a magic lock.

He knew that there was a scroll in the box.

The name of the scroll is called [magical scroll], the effect is... naturally it is magical.

... (to be continued..)

Ps: The second is sent! Thanks to the book friends [Mrs. Yuan], [The Sadness of the Dust], and the Duke of the Night Crow! There should be an explosion tomorrow, the temples are not so painful, the coconuts try and the morning may be updated. However, there is no guarantee.