Night Ranger

v4 Chapter 146: Whisper from hell

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Marvin and Ibrahimovic finally re-entered the East Coast on the East Coast with the powerful ability of the Sea King.

It took them half a day before they returned to the camp.

Fortunately, this group of sailors and slaves are still safe under the management of Lola and the chief officer Roberts.

It is summer now, there is not much trouble except for mosquitoes, and the food on board is enough.

Marvin and Ibra talked about it, hoping that he would temporarily help to guard this side.

After all, these sailors are all males. If you leave, leaving Lola and Little Tucker, God knows if they will have any evil thoughts.

Ibrahimovic agreed very quickly.

Ma Wenxian saved him, then teamed up with him to kill the dragon, and finally rescued him from the Queen of the Sea Elf. This little question is not for him.

Marvin took care of Lola's precautions and then ordered Roberts to let the sailors continue to open this temporary camp.

This temporary camp, after a while, is likely to become a brand new port and city.

It is okay to plan well from now on.

After confessing all of this, Marvin left the East Coast alone, heading west and heading for the White River Valley.


In the mountains of the night, the lightning-fast shadows rushed through.

Since the late night pedestrians, Marvin has become more and more like to hurry at night.

At night, his vision is even better than during the day, and he can see that it is far away.

This mountain has no name and is not part of the Scream Mountain. The ups and downs are not very exaggerated. It can only be said to be a small hill with several mountains in the middle.

One of the mountains. Marvin is very clear, that is the mountain where the ogre tribe is entrenched.

Standing on the hill and looking down, Marvin has at least two roads to bypass the mountain.

There is a forest in the south, south of the woods, a small path, parallel to the White River. It should be able to reach the Baihe Valley smoothly; in the north there is a valley, the valley does not know anything, but there should be no powerful monsters. It is also acceptable.

The current Ma Wen is not the same as the past, the strength of 13th level, even if he encounters a large group of monsters, he is not afraid.

Even if you can't beat it. It is absolutely no problem to escape.

"Which way is it?"

Marvin hesitated.

Only at this time. In his vision, he suddenly flashed a sneaky shadow!

That shadow is very small.


Ma Wen’s eyes lit up.

In the next second, he no longer hesitated and ran straight to the north.


He didn't see the gnolls directly, but the vision shared by the dark ravens. Now there are traces of the wolves in the valley in the north.

He had long been wondering how the gnolls who had invaded the White River Valley had hooked up with Dos Roja and Miller.

He has searched the south of the White River and other suspicious places. There are no traces of the gnoll.

As a result, in this place, he caught a trace of clues.

Ma Wen has a hunch in his heart. This sneaky gnoll, most likely to have a relationship with the gangsters who invaded their territory!

At the moment, he suddenly increased his degree and rushed to the north.


In the valleys of the north, a sly wolf slammed through the grass and gravel, and circumvented a small road, ready to go south to the mountains.

The ogre tribe is located on this mountain!

However, at this time, a figure suddenly rushed out and squatted on the body of the gnoll.

The latter screamed and flew out directly.

With Marvin’s current skill, the creature of the Gnoll is simply a casual abuse.

Soon, he used the ropes to tie the guy to a solid state.

Toro Laura's blessing, Marvin's scorpio language is quite good. Under the intimidation of the scimitar, the poor gnoll was all invited at once!

He was ordered by the tribe to send a letter to the ogre tribe.

Their gryphon tribe, the tribal wolf tribe that had previously invaded Marvin, originally lived in the depths of this valley. After retreating, there were only a few old and weak soldiers left, and they struggled to get around in the vicinity.

In order to survive, they became the vassals of the ogre tribe.

The words of the Gnolls have attracted the attention of Marvin.

"The vassals? The ogres have learned to accommodate the vassals?"

"It's almost impossible. The ogre is a very strong race concept. How can a powerful ogres look at the gnolls?"

When this happens, there is only one possibility.

The leader of this ogre tribe has a high level of intelligence and is probably an ogre wizard.

Since the concept of the Ogre Wizard and the Human Wizard is different, this gadget has the same unique spellcasting system as the Dragon, and can directly capture the chaotic magic spells beyond the universe magic pool!

Their principle of casting is very similar to that of dragon grammar. They rely on their own powerful to store the magic of chaos.

So after the universe's magic pool collapsed, the ogre wizard was not affected.

At the same time, because of the long-term and chaotic magic, they are more inclined to destroy and chaos.

This is a race that is hard to tame.

Therefore, when Ma Wen was ready to open up the wild, he was ready to kill all the creatures who dared to block him.

This is destined to be a battle of blood flow into the river, but on the road to success, it is impossible to not bleed.


"What letter? Take it out," Marvin ordered.

The gnoll man reluctantly took out the letter.

Ma Wen looked up and down, and the contents of the letter did not understand at all.

"Not a scorpio an ogre. Is it written by the scorpio?"

"It’s a hell."

Marvin will accept the letter. There are more and more doubts in his heart.

After determining that there could be no more words from this wolf population, Marvin killed him directly.

For the gnoll. He never left his heart. When the Werewolf tribe invaded the Baihe Valley, it killed many innocent villagers.

There are many people who are in the memory of Marvin.

This kind of **** sea enmity. There is no way to forgive.

"It seems that I have to go to the Gnoll tribe."

Ma Wen took a deep breath and entered the valley.


An hour later, the Jackal and the soldier suffered the same treatment.

As a night walker, Ma Wen, it is too simple to sneak into the building of the Jackal.

He directly grabbed the Jackal.

Since the death of the warlock, the current Gynecologist tribe is a relatively strong warrior.

Of course, strong is always relative. Under the suppression of the third-order and first-order absolute force, the poor gnoll leader is no different from the soldier.

At the beginning, he still had a hard time, but unfortunately after Marvin’s simple torture. This guy said everything.

After listening to it, Marvin fell into meditation.

"It is actually related to an old man in black clothes."

"The content of this letter is actually a savage tribe to attack the White River Valley."

"The old man said that under the castle of the White River Valley, there is a treasure hidden!"


It is the old man in black!

This image is not the first time I heard about it. He heard it once from the mouth of Dosiloa. It is now a jackal.

Marvin tried to make him paint a more careful image. But the gnoll collar only shook his head.

He can't remember.

The people he saw were vague, and the other had a mysterious power that seemed to confuse people.

However, after separation, they will only remember that the other person is a black old man, and the rest of the specific content, nothing can be remembered.

This strange means made Marvin associate with hell.

The gangsters seem to like to play this kind of way most - wait... hell, devil?

Marvin suddenly remembered the secret room left by his grandfather. The big devil's head.

There is also a treasure map.

All of this is obviously connected.

"What is the treasure?"

"Is the song heard in the secret passage that day, is it from hell?"

Think of it here. Marvin had a scalp numb.

Dealing with the devil is a headache. This group of **** is best at confusing people, controlling people's hearts, and playing with contracts is also their strength.

Obviously, the thing below your own territory must have something to do with the devil, and it’s still a small one.

This is very distressing for Marvin.

It’s just a time bomb under the butt.

God knows what his grandfather is hiding there.

If you want to figure out all of this, I am afraid I still have to start from the secret road.

Next time I have to find more legends, try to explore the secret.

Marvin solved the jackal collar.

Crossing the Jackal tribe and heading west again, you will soon reach the White River Valley.

It was just at this time that he suddenly felt a pain in front of him.

His dark crow was killed!

The other party started quickly, and Marvin didn't even have time to see the other side's appearance!

"What a ghost thing!"

Ma Wen brows a wrinkle, immediately turned on the night to trace this talent skills!

The other party must not know that he still has this ability.

The dark crow belongs to Marvin's summoner, and it is full of marks. No matter who killed Marvin's dark crow, Marvin can use the night tracking to pick him up!

A faint red line stretched out and Ma Wenxun made a judgment - not far away!

He speeded up his pace and after five minutes he caught up!

Only when he caught up, he saw a shadow that was constantly running.

The other person is wearing black clothes.

A strange atmosphere filled the mind of Ma Wen. He could not see the strength of the other side!

"who are you!"

Ma Wenyi gritted his teeth, one plus, rushed to the other side forced him to intercept!

The other side braked and fell on a withered tree.

Ma Wen fixed his eyes and looked at it, it was an old man who was sneering at him!

Old man in black!

"Who are you?" Ma Wen asked quietly.


The other's lingua franca is very slow and seems to be pondering what.

However, in the next second, his body suddenly became distorted!

From an old man in black, he turned into a big devil head with three eyes!

Marvin is standing upside down!

... (unfinished search, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: The second is sent. Thanks to the book friend [Xing Xuerou] for the red!