Night Ranger

v4 Chapter 147: birthday

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In the dark night, the big devil's head of the three eyes is so strange.

Ma Wenyi gritted his teeth and slammed his eyes. In the next second, he opened his eyes and the other party has disappeared!

"Or let him escape?"

Marvin silently looked at the data record.

Sure enough, in the first time when the big devil’s head appeared, he had an instinctive reaction – this is probably an illusion!

The will test on the data record indicates this.

This illusion, with his grandfather set in the study room, is much the same. Only in terms of strength, the illusion used by the enemy in a hurry is not as strong as the solidified in the secret room. Therefore, Ma Wen can be easily exempted.

However, this spell eventually won time for the escape of the other party.

Although I can't see through the strength of the other side, Marvin can feel that the other party is not his opponent.

This may be related to the form of his existence.

There is a feeling in Ma Wen’s heart that the other party is actually not an entity.

It may be just the kind of existence like a grievance.

There is a lot of power in him, but it seems to be suppressed by a stronger force.

This makes Marvin very confusing.

However, no matter what, he can't find the old man in black with the night tracking again.

At the moment, he searched for a while in the same place, and he can only choose to return.

Passing through the Valley of the Werewolf, Marvin did not hesitate. It took half an hour to wash away the only gnolls.

His approach is very hot. It can be said that it is the roots of the grass, and even the youngest gnoll scorpion has not let go.

The wolf is cruel, and the two sides have already established such hatred. Even if they can no longer pose too many threats to the White River Valley, they may also harm the people in the territory.

Marvin’s kindness is limited. He is not the kind of saint after all.

In a sense, the Gnolls are also a kind of Wiener's 6 intelligent life, they only survive for the sake of ethnic reproduction.

But the world is so cruel.

Marvin wants to open up the wild, these monsters will sooner or later kill all.

He will not leave any hidden dangers to himself, because he wants to guarantee the place he guards and the person he needs to guard. Not subject to any harm.

For this, even if it is the end. He didn't care if he had blood in his hand.


Breaking through the small valley is a undulating hilly area, after a period of sparse woods. A large open space appeared in front of Marvin.

In the distance, the familiar White River slowly flows over, and on a high mountain, the castle is faintly visible.

The White River Valley has finally arrived.

Marvin stepped up and quickly returned to the territory.

However, what surprised him was that the territory at this time was much more lively than he had imagined!

Over three hundred low-level adventurers gathered here loosely. They all came from Gem Bay.

About one-tenth of them are Marvin's recruiting list.

The rest of the people are coming over to join in the fun and see if they can afford to be cheap.

So many adventurers. This small place in the White River Valley can't be accommodated.

Fortunately, there was enough food in the territory, the chefs worked overtime overnight, and a freshly baked bread was quickly sold out.

Except for the adventurers on the Marvin recruitment list who are eligible to live in a special place outside the castle, the rest of the people set up a camp near the Baihe River.

Ma Wenwen stipulates that these adventurers are not allowed to disturb the lives of ordinary residents. Otherwise it will be severely treated.

It seems that this group of people is still safe.

Just watching them screaming unscrupulously beside the White River. Marvin couldn't help but frowned.

This group of people, do not give them something to do, they will have a lot of energy will come out sooner or later.

The people of Baihe have never seen so many powerful adventurers. Fortunately, the garrison often patrols and makes them feel at ease.


When Marvin returned to the castle, it was already noon. Anna and Pooh saw Marvin return, and they were all very surprised.

The two men began to complain to Marvin.

The content of complaints is only the same, that is, these adventurers are too difficult to manage!

"Because the adventurers who came from the application only listened to the orders of the pioneers who started the wild, we can't control them." Anna reluctantly spread her hand.

"There are a few temperate adventurers who have been fighting and making troubles, although they were stopped by me and Andrea. But there are still a few innocent farmhouses affected. For this I rushed them all to the Baihe River. ""

"But they are still lawless."

"There was a big event yesterday. There was a drunken adventurer trying to force a girl in the violent territory. Fortunately, Master Konstantin shot him and killed him directly."

"When the gangs learned that there were legends in our territory, they converge a little."

Pooh added: "But they are still very troublesome, they are urinating everywhere, very uncivilized."

Marvin listened and licked his temple.

These things are as early as he expected.

Anna and Pooh left a sentence, the right sentence, he also almost figured out the current situation of the White River Valley.


Snoring is indeed a job of burning money.

In order to recruit those second-order adventurers on the list, Marvin’s gold coins from Black Jack are almost exhausted.

Not to mention that so many adventurers gather in the White River Valley, and if they don’t supply them, they will have problems.

On the list of adventurers, Marvin is committed to providing food. But outside the list, even if they want to buy, they also need this capacity in Baihe Valley.

Fortunately, at this time, the batch of materials in Hetan City was finally arrived.

Under the proper arrangement of Anna, the basic needs of the hundreds of people who have come out are finally barely available.

Under the witness of Hathaway. The transaction between Marvin and Mediterra is completed. In the future, Hetao City was originally part of Marvin’s power. Now, there is no psychological burden to send some supplies to Ma Wen.

"Medilly is also full of heart. For the sake of legend, nothing has been given up."

"But after she was promoted to the legend. Everything is hard to say."

Ma Wen knows the temper of the woman.

After Medil's promotion to the legend, his own law contract will be invalid. When the time comes, she knows if she will deliver the beach city to Marvin as scheduled.

However, the materials she sent this time made Ma Wen quite satisfied.

This batch of materials includes not only the food and the most lacking drinks in the Baihe Valley, but also some simple clothing and weapons that were eliminated by the River City Patrol.

Don't underestimate these weapons, these are all military weapons.

With a little maintenance, the sharpness is much better than that used by ordinary adventurers.

Other than that. She also sent a batch of fresh fruits and vegetables, these are free to Marvin.

And this is only the first batch of supplies. The second batch of supplies is still on the road.

Mediterra promises that during the pioneering period, the city will become the strongest backing of the Baihe Valley.

This also made Ma Wen satisfied a lot.

At least that page of Naru is not white.

On the third page of Naru's book, Marvin himself is not afraid to take risks. He won't touch it until he is promoted to the legend.

This chapter [Destruction] can completely distort the character, or it can make people completely mad.

The sleeping lich at the Scarlet Monastery is an example.

So he is not really worried about Mediel now, he is worried about Hathaway.

Although the awake person is wise, but many people in the past and the present are killed by the book of Naru, and even a **** is dying.

It shows how terrible this book is.

Hathaway was promoted to the legend on the sixth page of Naru's book [Newborn], and Marvin was afraid that she would rely on Naru's book.

However, the news from the second-order wizarding group was. Hathaway adults seem to be busy with a new spell recently, and have no time to take care of other things.

This made Marvin feel a little more stable.

For this very strong woman, Marvin is unpredictable. This time. He can only pray that she has enough wisdom to read the book of Naru.


"Right, those adventurers have been a little bit stunned these days. They have been asking when they will start to exploit."

Anna shouted: "I am afraid that if this continues, there may be riots in the territory at any time."

"Although the adults of Constantine are there, there may be personal injury, which is not worth it."

Ma Wen nodded.

He thought about it a little. Immediately decisively said: "Since these people are so okay, let them prepare."

"They want war. Just give them war."


On a hot afternoon, the idle adventurers sneaked in the White River.

However, at this time, a major news suddenly spread throughout the White River Valley.

A war mobilization order signed by Ma Wenda personally!

A garrison knight took the mobilization order to read the orders of Marvin adults in the place where the adventurers gathered in the territory!

From now on, war mobilization begins!

It was at a gathering place in the eastern part of the White River Valley, where temporary camps were built.

After a week, all the troops will complete the assembly. All those who want to participate in this battle and divide the spoils must participate in the construction of the temporary camp.

The construction of the temporary camp is personally responsible by Anna, and everyone must be registered.

For a time, the Baihe River was completely boiling!

They are rushing to the Baihe Valley for what they are, just war!

And after the war, the innumerable treasures of the Ogre's lair, and the legendary gold mine!


At sunset, most of the adventurers have moved their positions under the mobilization of war.

They went to the place where Marvin designated the forest land and the mountain cross, and built a temporary camp under the command of the White River Valley Guard Captain Gru.

In the castle of the White River Valley, a different dinner was kicked off.


Marvin looked at Anna and Pooh a little, and there were also Constantine, the old blacksmith Sheehan and his daughter Jane, the necromancer Federer, the amnesia alchemist and so on.

"Yeah? Have you forgotten?"

Anna looked at Marvin with some distress: "Today is your birthday."

Ma Wen is amazed.

August 14th, the last day of the fish.

This evening, Aquarius will dominate the most central star palace in Fernan.

Ma Wen was moved a little, I am afraid that the entire White River Valley, and only Anna and Pooh remember his birthday.

Vinnie doesn't have to say much, Anna, this woman who has been silently supporting the White River Valley behind her, Ma Wen is very grateful.

The housekeeper did everything she could, and even sacrificed her personal strength to manage the territory for Marvin.

She is doing very well.

"Thank you," Ma Wen said with sincerity.

A beautiful cake was picked up.

"This is what Jane did," Anna whispered.

Jane smiled: "There is nothing in the castle."

Ma Wen nodded slightly and expressed his gratitude.

Fernan’s birthday is a very important day.

Because leading your life will respond to your wishes on this day, although this kind of pledge may not have much effect, but if you are lucky, you can still get blessings from your own ~ Pray. "Constantin smiled and said: "With the luck of your boy, maybe you can really pray for something." ”

Marvin bowed his head and prayed silently according to the customs of Fernan.

His wish is very simple, that is, hope that the people around him can enjoy peace.

"Well, as in previous years, Aquarius still didn't respond to me..."

Half a minute later, Marvin smiled.

Everyone laughed.

This is actually the normal situation. Only a very small number of people are likely to get a response from the constellation.

Who knows that at this time, a glorious glory suddenly appeared in the hall!

... (to be continued)

Ps: A chapter of nearly four thousand words! It is a small welfare.