Night Ranger

v4 Chapter 149: Thorny road

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The country of the night.

This half-plane, even in the night pedestrian organization, only two people are eligible to open.

One is the contemporary leader of the night pedestrian, and the other is the former leader Sheehan.

When Sheehan moved to the White River Valley, she moved the set of oak town bases to her own way.

"You have to think about it. On this road, you may encounter a lot of danger."

Sheehan looked at Marvin deeply: "The danger I said is not physical."

Marvin firmly nodded.

What is he, and because of this, he has the confidence to challenge this thing that has never been successful.

Awaken the sleeping warriors, let them wake up from the eternal darkness and coldness, and fight for themselves again, in order to guard Fernan.

This is one (a very difficult task).

However, everything is under his control, he still knows about this task, otherwise he will not choose the night walker as an advanced career.

Choosing a career requires not only considering the strength of the profession itself, but also the secrets behind this profession.

Every profession in Fernan is not a simple fighting genre or a style of action, but behind it is a long-running story.

Night walkers are a typical kind.

The only thing that surprised Marvin was that there was no moving taskbar in his data panel for a long time. Actually, because of this incident, there was another task.

[The Road to Darkness]

[Description: I want to wake up the sleeping warrior. You must experience the pain they experienced in the past, and you will embark on the path of the king of the night. Inherit his glory and responsibility. 】

【mission rewards:? 】


Mission rewards are actually unknown?

This is a bit strange.

In fact, from the crossing to the present, Marvin feels. This system in your own body is not so much a system as a data-assisted auxiliary plug-in.

Except for two things he hasn't figured out, the rest is actually a normal world.

Both of these points are related to the killing experience. First: Why do you kill people and kill monsters to gain experience in killing?

Second: Why are the rewards for system tasks mostly common?

If you leave these two points away, Marvin feels that his system is basically a recorder.

Carry out an extremely microscopic and data-based record of your own body and the process of fighting.

Other than that. It seems that there is not much use.

This gives him the feeling that he is not carrying the original game system, but when he is crossing, for some unknown reason, he has the ability to digitize everything similar to the game system.

This is a kind of rule.

This is the perfect explanation that Marvin can think of - unfortunately there is a flaw in this explanation, that is, the problem of experience.

This is also the biggest difference between him and the aborigines. The aboriginal people's strength to enhance, rely on exercise, rely on epiphany, rely on a variety of normal ways.

It is not like Marvin. Fighting and killing can improve strength.

Behind this, there must be a deeper reason waiting for Marvin to explore.

But now, he must concentrate on completing the task in front of him.

"Nineteen legendary warriors."

"Sleeping in the dark sea of ​​ice. You have to walk barefoot through the road of thorns, climb the endless mountains, and finally find the will of the king of the night."

"Only become the heir to the king of the night. You can wake them up."

"Before you, every night walker has tried it. Unfortunately, no one has succeeded."

"This has nothing to do with strength. It is only related to the heart. The will...and luck."

The old blacksmith took a deep look: "As far as I am concerned, the luck on you is absolutely not bad."

Ma Wen is dumb and laughs.

"The times are different now. I have a hunch that you really can wake them up."


The old blacksmith’s voice just fell, and there was a dark and rugged path ahead.

The road to thorns.

Ma Wen took a deep breath, he took off his shoes, barefooted, and walked on the path.


first step! Marvin took a breath!

The intense pain came from under the feet, violently stimulating his nerves.

As if there was a needle, he suddenly inserted his sole.

The horrible pain forced him to step back.

But he can't retire!

On this road that awakens the warriors, as long as they retreat, they fail.

Go ahead, only advance.

The pain is all false, and Marvin is actually not injured. It is just the sensory stimulation transmitted on the road of thorns.

If you can't stand this pain, then what is the will to inherit the king of the night?

Marvin clenched his teeth, his willpower is still amazing.

He did not retreat, but strode to the depths of the darkness!

The greater his own pace is across the ground, the fewer times he or she touches the thorny road, and the pain will be lighter.


Looking at Marvin's back gradually disappeared at the end of the road of thorns, the old blacksmith turned back to his own stove, tirelessly doing what the lowest level apprentice would do.

Smelt standard iron.

This is the kingdom of the night, for every night walker, it is magical and vast, even if it is the leader, it is also a half-baked.

Over time, they are used to it.

A figure appeared silently next to the old blacksmith.

"Do you think he will succeed?"

"Yes." Sheehan continued to fight the iron.

The man said faintly: "He joined the night walker for about a month. Do you think he fully understood the will of the king of the night?"

"No, the will of the king of the night, no one can comprehend." Sheehan smiled and said: "Actually. Maybe we all think wrong."

"Every night walker who wants to wake up the 19th Warriors is trying to move closer to the King of the Night. But if you do this right, no one can say it. Isn't it?"

"But this is our duty. Guarding this continent." There was a bit of unhappiness in the tone of the man. When I needed your support in the north, you didn't show up, and he was willing to follow a little one. The baron did something ridiculous. I know that you have a opinion of me, but between the night walkers, they are brothers. ”

"You are wrong, O'Brien. We are not thinking about you."

Shee said earnestly: "Just the little baron in your mouth can plan to kill a lot of red grazing priests who can't kill the legend. You can take out the nasty under the eyes of the Starry Juggernaut." Lu Zhishu, who had killed a red dragon a few days ago."

"He is only 15 years old."

"When you were 15 years old, what are you doing?"

O'Brien silently said nothing.

"Returning 10,000 steps, if I read the wrong person, Constantine also misread the person, but Hathaway will not, the shadow thief will not, the endless ocean will not, Nicholas. Not even."

The old blacksmith said leisurely: "There has never been such a person on the East Coast ever, and can reunite such power."

"So I really look forward to my disciple. I can do something in the future."

"This is the root cause of my stay in the White River Valley."

O'Brien took a deep breath and eased his tone a lot: "Maybe you are right. Although I have strong force, it is always not wise."

"No. No one is perfect. You are the best leader of the night walker." Sheehan smiled. "You have the advantages that others don't have. You are powerful, but you can listen to others."

O'Brien said helplessly: "My mother said to me when she was very young: [O'Brien. You are not smart, you have to listen to the words of the wise.]"

"I did it. So I didn't live too well. I didn't mess things up."

"If this kid really awakens the 19th Warriors and advances to the fourth stage, I will consider giving the semi-artifact [Yong Night Paradise] to him."


The road to thorns.

A figure walks alone.

Ma Wen is all sweaty.

The pain from under the feet began to turn into bursts of time. This is the kind of pain that will not be numb.

When you are not, the pain will come.

It is possible that there is no feeling even after three steps. It is possible that the fourth step is the pain of the heart.

This is the horror of the road of thorns.

This kind of place, it is estimated that the ascetic monk in the monk is best at dealing with it.

"This road is to test the heart of the heirs."

"It is said that the king of the night, who walked through a real road of thorns, saved a group of innocent people from hell."

"So this road is also known as the road to the ancient sages."

Marvin’s mind showed a lot of information, and he tried to distract himself.

However, at this time, a scream suddenly sounded in his ear!

He turned suddenly.

A man with a half-carrion hanging on it suddenly appeared on the roadside.

He watched Marvin so coldly, and an inexplicable fear rose from the bottom of Marvin.

fear. But not a will check.

"[After the pain, it is fear], this is the handwriting left by the King of the Night."

"As long as you ignore these horrible illusions, you can be safe."

"It's all an inner illusion."

Ma Wen took a deep breath, controlled the trembling body, and gritted his teeth to move on.

After dozens of steps, various horror scenes emerged endlessly.

Bone hell, endless blood, rotten locusts, deformed human body...

If you change another person, I am afraid I will scare my head and run away.

This has nothing to do with willpower, purely the fear of human beings for such ugly things!

However, Ma Wen, but gradually got used to these things.

"Mom, really, when Laozi saw so many horror movies in the past, is it white?"

Ma Wen began to secretly vomit.

The reason why he is so confident is not without reason.

The whole Fernan I am afraid no one knows how to resist these horrible scenes than he knows.

He added these funny elements to these horrible scenes, and the fear naturally faded a lot.

The second stage of the thorny road, for him, is a piece of cake.

Soon, at the intersection ahead, there was a fork.

A monster is squatting at the intersection.

... (to be continued...)

Ps: I wanted to rest today, but if you think about it, if you have a holiday, don't break out the style of a coconut that doesn't fit the diligence! So today, it’s still a small explosion! The bottom of the guarantee is three, the goal is four, everyone is ready to save the monthly ticket! Looks like a starting point for an activity, some book friends should have their own monthly ticket one or two? Many words quickly voted wow! This is the first and more.

The one hundred and forty-ninth chapter of the road of thorns [first]

The 148th chapter of the road of thorns [first] is played by [] members, more chapters please go to the website: