Night Ranger

v4 Chapter 33: remains

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gray. △¢,

This is the main color of the coast of Pombo.

Because the sea of ​​Pangbo in Piling's dead domain itself is gray.

The climate is unusual here, and the sunshine time is quite short. Most of the time, the sky is hovering with large and heavy clouds.

Under the influence of the transmission array, Marvin successfully reached a log cabin in the capital of the ruins.

"Ma Wen, I am the leader of the wood elves in the capital of the ruins. I am Joan."

A beautiful female elf and Ma Wen greeted each other.

Ma Wen nodded.

He chatted with the female elf for a while and learned that the transmission array was guarded by them. After they found Ibrahimovic, they only need to come here to find them, and they can quickly return to Chiba.

"The wood elves really are big and big, and Nicholas is the most powerful elf king. It has a far-reaching layout."

Ma Wen originally thought that only the vicinity of the Chiba Forest, there are traces of wood elves.

I didn't expect the adult to reach the coast of Bombay in the northwest.


From Joan's mouth, coupled with Ma Wen's previous understanding of the coast of Pangbo, he roughly had a concept on this place.

The sea of ​​Pombo is the only inner sea of ​​Fernando 6, but it is more terrible than the rest of the ocean.

In addition to the fog and dark clouds that are not scattered all year round, there are also a variety of horrible sea monsters, perhaps affected by the dead zone, and there are often some unusual phenomena at sea.

[Ghost Ship], [Bone Sail] and other legends have been passed down from the people on the West Coast.

The area of ​​this zone is actually no longer in the South. It belongs to the border between north and south.

There are many independent city-states along the coast of Pangbo, and the city-state system of the North is emulated. The Southern Wizards Union is powerful, but it is also because of some unknown reasons. Did not intervene here.

In short, the sea near Pombo is much more chaotic than the East Coast.

Of course, there are many more opportunities here.


The ruins capital is the most typical city on the coast of Pombo.

The city is built on countless ruins, and various adventurers lie here to find the treasures of the legendary ancient goblin.

Many people have really found a good thing, from this home to get rich, soaring.

Of course, there are more people, but there are no bones. Dimly left the world.

Ma Wen came to the sea of ​​Pangbo several times before, and he also visited the underground city here. The bones of various adventurers saw people chilling.

Where is the goblin site so easy to enter? Even if there are the most vocal thieves in the team, it is very easy to be killed by the traps of ancient goblins.

That is a huge goblin empire.


Marvin arrived alone in the capital of the ruins. People on the streets come and go, very lively, not inferior to the Pearl Harbor of Jewel Bay.

There are many boats moored on the dock, but most of these ships travel between the city-states. Instead of crossing the sea of ​​Pangbo to the dead zone.

Ma Wen’s preoccupation is naturally to find Ibrahimovic. If you want to find Ibrahimovic, you have to go to the dead zone.

Going to the dead zone, Marvin knows some tips and shortcuts. But the first road, still have to take the boat.

“The boat that recently traveled to [Island of Sunrise]? What boat is OK?”

On the dock, a clever boy looked at Marvin up and down.

Ma Wen smiled slightly. Throw a silver coin at hand. The boy took the silver coin and his brow wrinkled: "Southerners?"

Marvin is quiet: "I won't make trouble."

The boy collected the silver coins. Although this is the silver coin of the Southern Wizarding League, the city-state in the sea of ​​Pangbo is also very valuable.

At the moment, he pointed to a tattered ship not far away and said:

"No. Parrot, Captain Aru, after ten days, this is the latest."

After Marvin thanked the boy, he went straight to the parrot ship.

Just a few turns, he is not only broken, but the crew is not there. It is estimated that they have gone to the shore to play.

On the entire ship, only one navigator is still working hard to study the chart.

Ma Wen asked about it and determined that the ship actually went out after ten days and went to his destination [Island of Sunrise]. He paid the boat quickly, booked a cabin, and then left the ruins. The pier of the city.

Since it was ten days later, Ma Wen did not want to waste this time.

For him now, every minute and every second is very important.


Marvin walked through the streets, ready to find a hotel for himself.

Who knows that at this time, he saw a bunch of people around not far away, seems to be watching the excitement.

Ma Wen’s heart moved and he relied on the past.

I saw the crowd half surrounded by a courtyard door, and the side of the door read "Wolf Spider".

"I heard that the Wolf Spider Mercenary Group has found a new entrance to the Goblin Site this time and is collecting masters of the third or higher order."

"What is the relic of the goblin, forcing a strong team like a tarantula, but also a foreign expert?"

"I don't know. It seems to be the legendary [Saruha]..."

The people around him talked a lot, but Marvin was looking pretty.

Actually it is Saruha!

No, Saruha is not a high-level copy that will be opened after a year of Cataclysm!

This is a level with the Scarlet Monastery, and the challenge is still on the Scarlet Monastery!

This goblin site is a legacy of the ancient ancient goblin empire. The most horrible thing is not the various institutional traps, but a large number of structures and evil spirits!

If you are not fully prepared, the development of Saruha is tantamount to finding your own way.

How was the entrance to Saruha ahead of time? Did it change history?

Ma Wen brows wrinkled.

Judging from the notice on the side, it was almost the mercenary group called "Wolf Spider" who found the entrance to Saruha.

They have mastered the methods of free access to the remains, as well as drawings of the remains. But they estimated their strength and not enough to eat this relic. So I decided to hire some of the masters to get through this ruin.

The notice was very clear. Externally hired, temporarily enjoy the same spoiler distribution mechanism as insiders.

There is also a lot of money for the reward.

Third-order master. Ten external hires.

If there are four orders, three or more, the more the better.

As for the legend, they naturally don't have to think about it. The legend is not Chinese cabbage. Besides, the legendary appearance fee is not worthy of a wolf spider mercenary group.

Nowadays, a bunch of people are surrounded by the tarantula in the ruins of the capital, there are many people want to participate in this expedition.

of course. The tarantula mercenary group is also famous in the ruins capital, not the real master, they will not want.

So if you want to sign up and become one of the top players, you must pass their tests.

The test is also very simple. The tarantula stands at the door of a third-order barbarian warrior, as long as he can make a move with him.

The barbarian warrior has a long physical strength and is best used to test the level of the coming.

At this time, a lot of people have participated in the registration, one by one and the barbarian warriors.

But most people. They are not the enemy of the barbarian warrior!

Ma Wen saw it really, this barbarian warrior is especially powerful, almost comparable to the fourth-order master.

Ordinary adventurers can't stop him with an axe. Although he is mostly merciless, there are still many adventurers who are flying out.

This horrible scene scared away a group of people, the rest. Most of them are some real things.

Ma Wen’s heart moved, and the notice said. The exploration of the remains is coming out tomorrow, and it is expected to be completed in about seven to eight days.

According to his understanding of Saruha. In fact, it won't take long. This ruin is not big, but the monsters inside are relatively dense.

What makes him care is that most of the monsters in Saruhari are constructed.

He vaguely remembers that there is a very special existence in these structures, which seems to be the oss of Saruha, whose name is [the memory of the murderer].

This structure has some wisdom and can communicate with people, but from time to time there will be memory confusion.

If you don't meet by chance, Marvin will not think about it.

"The memory of the killer..."

"The lost memory chip..."

“Is there a connection between the two?”

When Ma Wenyi read this, he made a decision in an instant.

It is better to sign up for this ruins!

Although Saruha is dangerous, but Marvin’s current strength is nothing.

Anyway, these ten days will also be wasted in the ruins of the capital, it is better to take advantage of it.

Besides, he now has an advanced legendary manual, but he wants advanced night dominance and needs a lot of killing experience!

The pre-vocational requirements of the night dominated are the 8th Ranger/Class Night Walker. Marvin’s current night talent level is 6 and he wants to rise to level 10. The killing experience he needs is terrible.

This time he went to the dead zone, he was ready to kill and kill a killing experience.

The Saruhari monsters also have a high level of experience. At the same time, they can also see if there is a memory chip of Mark 47 on the memory of the murderous killer. Ma Wen will not miss it.

So he also licked his temper, and he began to line up.

When others saw Marvin, they were all stunned, and they immediately showed a shocking color.

The barbarian warrior defeated an opponent and randomly looked at the people in the queue, his brow slightly wrinkled.

Who knows that at this time, his eyes swept to the last person!

The man was long and his face was vicissitudes. He was a middle-aged man.

The barbarian warrior was shocked:

"The Dragon Slayer, Robin!"

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd suddenly fry.

"The Robin who tears the black dragon?"

"He even came to apply for the job?"

" He can tear Black Dragon Clark, that's the legendary strength! This tarantula mercenary group is lucky!"

Everyone suddenly talked about it.

In fact, they have already seen Marvin’s disguise, but they dare not break it, for fear of making mistakes.

After all, the story about Robin in the rocky mountain, although it has spread in the sea of ​​Pangbo, but his own appearance, everyone has only a general impression.

But this barbarian warrior has seen Robin adults with his own eyes!

So he recognized it at a glance.

Now he was flattered and came over and cautiously asked:

"Excuse me, Robin, are you coming to this adventure?"

... (to be continued...)