Night Ranger

v5 Chapter 118: Wreck Island

In the eyes of everyone, Marvin spoke out some of the information he knew about the phoenix.

This information, in this world, is definitely the most secret message.

No one in Fernan knows the true face of the phoenix, because she has hidden everything.

The method she used is also very simple, almost the way the golden carp is unshelled. At the level of the super sorcerer at the level of the phoenix, there are naturally some powerful means of reincarnation.

Pirate King Pietrus is a avatar that she has changed.

Yes, Feng Feng used to be a man. After a certain ritual transformation, she became a woman.

But she doesn't care about this, many gods are not divided between men and women. When it comes to that realm, strength is everything, and gender is no longer important.

There is a destiny slate in the hands of the phoenix. This is for sure.

And Marvin also knows what is one of the fate slate!


"You said... Feng Feng wants to replace the **** of the wizard?"

Marvin’s news was so explosive that even a group of legends could be overwhelmed.

For a long time, because Heim only shook his head and asked: "How is this possible? The **** of the wizard is supreme, even if the phoenix is ​​holding the slate of fate, can't you do this?"

Marvin’s mouth showed a smile:

"At the time of the Third Age, she couldn't do it. Because the **** of the wizard is still in this world. So she chose to bear."

"She has endured the end of the Quaternary since the Third Age, and this is her best chance - and her last chance."

"If I didn't guess wrong. Even if it is a god, life is limited. She has lived for a long time."

Marvin said so.

In fact, when the past life, the phoenix was even more forbearing. She gradually revealed her fangs almost after the early days of the Cataclysm.

This world may be Ma Wen's light is too dazzling, so that she feels what is wrong, only appeared in front of the world in advance.

In any case, forcing the phoenix in advance is actually a good thing for Ma Wen.

Because she holds the slate of destiny, she may be sealed at any time.

That's right. A piece of destiny stone that she controls in her hand, with [magic] on it.

The **** of the wizard, Lance, is a very special god. His title is actually misleading. He is not the **** of magic, he is Fernan's most powerful god. It was only because of the creation of the universe magic pool that it was worshipped by this group of wizards.

But the wizards and the gods of the wizard did not establish a relationship between believers and gods.

This is just a respect.

This world. There is no **** of magic yet.

Just like the fortune and the truth, although the magic slate was obtained, the phoenix at that time did not dare to seal the **** while the wizard **** was still there.

She chose to bear, and she was right. At the end of the Quaternary, the new gods finally could not help but attack the universe magic pool.

The **** of the wizard also left the world.

The magic pool collapsed and the world was chaotic, which was the best chance for her to seal the gods.

In the past games, she almost succeeded.

It was only attacked by several other gods. The **** failed. Because once she succeeds in sealing God, I am afraid that she will be directly promoted to the most powerful level of the gods.

The magic of magic is too vast.

Especially in the case that the universe magic pool is broken, the heavens and the earth are the magic of chaos.

Once you can become the **** of magic. The phoenix can absolutely dominate the wizards of the new era for their own use.

This is what the new gods of the rise of the Tertiary did not want to see.

They want to break the universe magic pool, but they don't want to make a wedding dress for the phoenix.

Many times, the position of allies and enemies can be easily changed because of a little interest.


In the conference room, the atmosphere became a bit stagnate.

Everyone is a little embarrassed.

Although Marvin’s words are eloquent, and Hathaway’s identity as a wake-up person is also true. But the power of Fengfeng is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even if she is a demigod, she may try to seal God in the Cataclysm. They are not yet ready to fight a half-god.

When Ma Wen entered the evil spirit world, there was a complete plan, and those legends would be willing to follow him.

Nowadays, in the face of the hidden phoenix, the legends are not confident if they are confident again.

Marvin needs to convince them.

"At least there must be a reliable plan."

Lorante said cautiously.

His sentence seems to be questioning Ma Wen, but actually helping Ma Wen. Marvin saved his child and he was naturally willing to go to war.

As long as Marvin tells a good plan, he will take the lead in responding, and as such, the rest of the legends will most likely agree.

Who knows that at this time, a lazy voice rang:

"Night pedestrians fully support Marvin."

"I have already said that it is a pity that the last action was missed. If there is a similar action, you must call me."

O'Brien showed a big smile: "Semi-god, I seem to have killed a few."

Ma Wenchong O'Brien showed a grateful smile.

This guy is not only amazing, but also very real, never turning around.

When I first learned about Marvin’s “death message,” O'Brien entered the glaciers alone, and almost did not kill the abundance of the priests!

We must know that the secret of the cultivation of the abundance of the Azure is passed down from the ancient double-snake, and the nine-headed body is almost immortal. It was under such circumstances, and it was still at home. The Azure priest was still smashed by O'Brien for seven heads. The strength of this guy is unfathomable. It is definitely a level with Inheim, and may even exceed A grade!

With his support, Ma Wen was very determined.

The rest of the legend was silent for a while, and the shadow thief faintly said: "I am sure that Hathaway will save, but I am not good at killing things."

Inheim also nodded. He still maintains doubts about Marvin's intelligence, and Feng Feng lives in the top of the Southern Wizards League for many years. If Anthony is the leader on the bright side, then the phoenix is ​​the most powerful support behind the Wizards League.

How can such a person be a group with the minds of the Third Age?

But no matter what. Hathaway must be saved.

Shadow thieves and Inheim's attitude were as early as Marvin's expectations. Now that he has nothing to say, it is really difficult to convince them.

But as soon as he set off, he arrived at the Black Coral Island, and Ma Wen naturally had the means to let the phoenix show its true body.

Among the remaining people, Lorante is naturally supportive. The wrath of the sky and his friendship were excellent, and both said they would act with Marvin.

This result is almost what Marvin wants.

He is not prepared to take everyone with him. After all, once everyone has gone, the interior of the territory is too empty.

Under his arrangement. Constantine and the mother of all things remained in the White River Valley.

The rest of the people went to Jiangang in the night and boarded a ship and slowly sailed into the dark waters.

This is a captive pirate ship. Marvin captured a few pirates and now finally comes in handy.

Yes, they didn't go straight to the Black Coral Island, but instead prepared to go to the pirate king Pietrus's home base, Wreck Island.

To make the legends believe in the truth of the phoenix, Pietrus is undoubtedly the biggest breakthrough.

Ma Wen firmly believes that after that defeat, Pietrus will definitely return to his base camp and re-operate.

As long as he can catch him, torture is clear. Not only will the doubts in the hearts of the people be eliminated, but Ma Wen can also get more information about the phoenix.

In fact, he is not very clear about the true strength of the phoenix. After all, this woman has not shot a few times in the game.

Every time you shoot. They are all compact, and they are all gods.

However, he looked at the people around him and felt that it was almost enough.

Legendary night pedestrian O'Brien, Great Druid Sky Wrath, Holy Spirit White Deer Lorant, Passing Wushu Inheim, Shadow Thief, Ancient Black Dragon Izaka, plus yourself, a powerful night dominated. Such a legendary squad, the standard slaughter rhythm. If there is any regret. There is a strong legendary wizard.

It is a pity that the elf prince Ibrahim has not responded to Marvin’s invitation.

This time after returning to Chiba's forest. The Great Elf King seems to have revoked his expulsion order, and he has a lot to do.

This is Marvin's most regrettable.

Otherwise, if Ibrahim can come, it is estimated that I can hook up with a sea elf queen.

This kind of luxury lineup can't do a phoenix that hasn't been sealed yet. He is absolutely unbelievable!


On the endless sea, the sea boat is driving fast.

Under the guidance of a pirate, they penetrated the thick fog and steadily headed northwest.

All the sails have risen, and an active figure is jumping up and down, cheering cheerfully.

Storm Elf!

This Hathaway gave Marvin's servant, and Marvin actually had nothing to do with it. After he was thrown on Jiangang No. 1, he was allowed to grow wildly.

The growth of the little guy is indeed beyond the expectations of Marvin.

Now his rank has reached 9th level, and with his talent, he can tirelessly blow the wind and let the ship advance at five times speed.

This is much more powerful than the wind wizards trained in the Southern Wizarding League.

But it’s a pity that a storm elf is going to sail.

Ma Wenxin thought when to take a good look, how to cultivate this storm elf. After all, he also has the potential to grow into a legendary creature.

The other pet, the three-headed **** dog, was also summoned by Ma Wen from the wild.

This guy wanders back and forth in the wildness south of the White River, sweeping the monsters of the South for the White River Valley, and recovering the power by engulfing the monster's soul and *.

Although the monsters around the wild are strong, few of them are so ferocious.

His strength has been restored to 7788, and he has reached the 17th level. Not only has the slightly deformed head in the middle developed, but the two heads have also re-emerged. The appearance is extremely ferocious, but the Ma Wen is very gentle. This is the effectiveness of the contract.

Marvin faintly felt that the **** dog that swallowed the shadow Prince's deity was very different from before.

He can't say anything about it. In short, he is very optimistic about the development potential of the little guy.


On the deck, several legends are chatting about nothing in the sky.

Suddenly, the **** dog began to arrogant!

Through the contract, a rapid flow went straight to Marvin's mind.

"What? The breath of death?"

Ma Wen gave a slight glimpse, only to see the outline of the sea in front of the sea!

... (to be continued)

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