Night Ranger

v5 Chapter 34: commotion

The top floor of the Tongtian Tower.

The entrance to the virtual world gradually became transparent.

Everyone looked at it, and everything about the illusory reality in the virtual world was shown in their eyes.

Only everyone did not think that what they saw at first sight turned out to be the giant of the horse culture and the fighting of the twins!

The giants and the fierce giant snakes in the sky give a very strong visual impact.

Some of the servants who were preparing to shoot Marvin were secretly chilling!

Is Marvin’s strength so powerful?

Can he actually compete with the dead double snake?

After a while, I was afraid of rising from their hearts.

Only after they have exhausted this emotion, the situation has suddenly changed!

Under the attack of the double-snake double-snake, Marvin’s situation is in jeopardy!

After canceling the Ma Wen after the wrath of the ruler, compared with the huge body of the dying double snake, the whole person would like a small boat struggling in the waves of turmoil, and it is possible to overturn at any time.

Everyone kept their breath closed and stared at the scene.

If Marvin can die in the hands of the dead double snake, then it would be better.

And everyone in Fernando is also worried.

In this case, it is certainly not wise for the trade to rush into the virtual world.

What's more, the distance between the two sides is a bit far away. Even if the nearest Red Bull Dragon professor from the gate is shot, there is no way to save Ma Wen!

Everything can only rely on himself!

On the occasion of the millennium, Marvin made a decision.

In the eyes of everyone's horror, the thin, thin figure rushed to the green snake farther away from the virtual world!

"Is he crazy?"

"In this case, why is he still not running away?!"

"At this speed and hit one of the twin snakes, even if it is a real giant, will it be broken?"

Everyone is stunned.

The green snake sneered, and she did not care what Ma Wen had any intentions.

I waved a huge tail and slammed it in the past!

Although her body is huge, it is not cumbersome.

Marvin’s figure flashed through the air, but he did not escape. Instead, it accelerated to the tail and killed the past!

Between the electric and the flint, his body suddenly changed!

From a person, to a dark, abyss with a flame!

Magic Warlock - the form of magic addiction!

crucial moment. Marvin can only gamble on the super defense of the form of magic addiction.

Although the killing of the double snake is very powerful, but the form of the addiction is almost Marvin's last kill!

After absorbing the infernal magic egg of the melting Lord, his magic addiction effect has increased several times!

He can only gamble this!


The huge snaketail is in the form of Marvin in the form of magic addiction.

Perhaps it is not expected that Marvin will suddenly change, and some of the power of this offense is too great!

The green snake is like playing baseball. It actually beats Marvin out of the whole world!

Even in an instant. It penetrated the gate of the red snake and rushed to the entrance of the virtual world!

In an instant, everyone finally understood what Marvin wanted to do.

With this power, he has a chance to escape the claws of the dead double snake!

But the problem is that at this moment, he is already in the form of magic addiction and can't move!

A hard-resistant green snake strikes, even if it is Marvin's magic addiction, it is a bit too much to eat.

The data bar has completely changed to the state of [sudden death]!

If no one helps him, I am afraid there will be another blow. Marvin is going to die completely!

The red snake, who was at the entrance to the virtual world, screamed and rushed over, ready to swallow Ma Wen into the belly.

At the crucial moment, everyone from Fernan finally failed to live up to Marvin’s trust.


The sound of the dragon screamed, and the horrible Taikoo dragon spurted out from the mouth of the professor.

The lava and the flames are mixed together and pour out in one breath!

This is not an ordinary dragon's breath, but Taikoo Dragon has brewed lava for at least a few decades!

This fierce attack alone is enough to force the twins to die.

Of course, after the professor himself spit out this dragon's breath, the original full chest is also a bit dry. The original dragon eye is also somewhat dull.

But this opportunity is enough.

Ibrahimovic just wanted to move, and Jessica has taken the lead.

The power of the Seven Apocalypse broke out, ignoring the law of the virtual world, and one of them will be in the hands of Ma Wen!

It’s like she is stupid.


People come and go. But between breathing.

In the blink of an eye, Marvin is already on the top floor of the Tongtian Tower.

Professors and others also quickly withdrew.

The dying twin snakes are extremely angry and lead the monsters, just like they escaped from the virtual world.

At the top of the tower, everyone is discolored, it is a look of fleeing!

The ability to destroy the world's double snake. They don't say that they heard it, they have just seen it!

Strong as Marvin, but they are the enemy.

If they really escaped from the virtual world, then these servants and powerhouses at the top of the tower - even if they join hands, they are definitely not the opponents of the dead double snake!

Only at this time, in the **** of the horse culture, a deep scorpio mark appeared.

The radiance of the truth is shining at the top of the tower!

The vast power of God is boundless!

In the blink of an eye, under the influence of the truth, the entrance to the virtual world was slowly sealed.

The annihilation of the double snakes unwillingly impacted the entrance to the virtual world of Tongtian Tower.

The imprint of the truth of heaven is not particularly strong, and there is a tendency to be dispelled.

This is so, everyone is still a little more stable.

The people present are all eye-catching, and the mark of the truth is still clearly seen.

It is not surprising that there is a mark of truth in the body of Ma Wen. The rumored **** of truth has a good relationship with this kid.

But again, in the eyes of many servants, the God of truth cannot appear in this place.

Like other gods, her godhead is too strong, and entering Fernan without authorization is undoubtedly a devastating consequence.

Since the problem of the virtual world has been temporarily solved, the threat of the annihilation of the double snake seems to be slightly delayed, and the eyes of the people are once again gathered on the **** magic egg that is madly absorbing the chaos and repairing the body!

The fourth fate slate!

They have not forgotten this.

Marvin now, the unprecedented weakness!

Everyone is aware of this.

And even if Fernan's strongmen under the temptation of fate slate, I am afraid that may not be able to work together to protect Ma Wen.

One of the legendary powerhouses from the West Coast said bluntly:

"Mr. Professor, I don't think it is appropriate to let Marvin hold the slate of fate."

"You also saw it with your own eyes. He has the blood of hell, and even now he has become a **** egg!"

"He is simply a nine-story purgatory - I don't think it's necessary to say this! How can the grandson of Diroy, the chief of the scorched earth, get the slate of fate? This treasure must be left in Fernan!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the Tongtian Tower suddenly became a bit commotion.


[The next chapter at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, has been scheduled], recently saved the manuscript, more than three days, so it has stabilized the update of nine and five. The new book will be released in mid-May or June. Looking at the progress, it is still good to write the Ranger, and strive to accumulate a little more. thanks for your support. (~^~)