Night Ranger

v5 Chapter 71: true and false

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Although it is only a back view, Marvin’s first thought is Hathaway.

He couldn't help but walked quickly.

The other side just passed his face and looked at him curiously.

In an instant, Marvin almost suffocated.

The appearance of the other party is exactly the same as Hathaway.

It was when she was sixteen years old, her eyes were very big, and she looked at him with a puzzled look.

"How are you..." Marvin only felt a bit dry.

Did Hathaway not be taken away by the phoenix? Why is it here?

Who knows the other party has revealed a vigilant color: "Who are you?"

"I do not know you."

Ma Wen gave a slight glimpse, did you admit the wrong person?

Impossible, this look, and the familiar atmosphere, has not changed at all!

Marvin is a little bit ugly.

Who knows that at this time, the other party suddenly turned and left, looking at Marvin's eyes full of vigilance.

It’s like having a bad hacker.

This made Marvin lose very much. He couldn't help but ask: "What is your name?"

The other person stopped the pace slightly, and finally frowned: "...Heather Wei."

Immediately, she stopped staying, left the deck and returned to the cabin.

Only Ma Wen alone lost his soul.


The appearance of Hathaway was completely beyond Marvin's expectations.

He couldn't imagine that the other person didn't know himself.

“Don't what the phoenix has done to her?”

"Do you want to sneak in the past?"

In the cabin. Marvin was hesitant. He just remembered the cabin where the other person was, and if he wanted to, he could sneak in and look at it.

only. In the end he did not do this.

Because he feels something is wrong.

Although the other person’s eyes were not like fakes, there was no particularly serious trace, but it gave Marvin a dangerous atmosphere.

He is not a sensation at the moment. With just two or three eyes, he can't judge what Heather is born.

What about her magic? Why is there nothing left?

If there is a person of the same name and exactly the same in the world, Marvin is absolutely not convinced.

There must be something wrong with this.

"No... I still have to look at it."

Ma Wen’s heart made a decision, who knows it is at this time. There was a rush of heart in his heart!

This feeling was only realized when Hathaway was self-proclaimed on the Black Coral Island.

Marvin’s mind flashed through such a picture:

Among the icy crystals. Thunder is rolling, black robe woman with a sneer, a little blood, pulled out the ice crystal...

Between the moments. Ma Wen only feels cold throughout!

Feng Feng!

It’s this woman...

Unexpectedly, she had not found her yet, but she was the first to endure to do it herself.

These intermittent pieces of information are enough for Marvin to speculate about the generality of the matter.

A drop of blood from Hathaway, together with the origin of the **** of the phoenix, is enough to create a "Haiwei" that is fake.

This **** hidden in the world, finally could not help but shot Ma Wen.

"She must have seen that the last shooter was me..."

"There is a layer of fog between the heavenly kingdom and the universe magic pool. The gods may not be able to see me, but Glenos and the phoenix must know."

"The power of the last day shocked her? Or did I make her feel uneasy?"

Ma Wenjing came down with a heart and carefully analyzed it.

Fortunately. Hathaway, who is self-styled in the ice crystal, did not really fall into a deep sleep. She sent this extremely incomparable flow of information to Marvin.

This shows that her current state should be good, sleeping just to deceive the phoenix.

Ma Wen’s heart settled down a little.

Immediately his gaze became fierce: "Want to use Hathaway to kill me?"

no doubt. The purpose of the phoenix is ​​clear.

This fake Hathaway uses the trick of swearing.

If you really can't help but sneak in the past, waiting for yourself in the cabin, I am afraid it is a net!

However, since now he has seen the means of phoenix, Ma Wen is not in a hurry.

Hathaway worked hard to cover up the past, and he could not show too much. He must think of a way to drag.

Ma Wenluo was indulged. Simply staying in the cabin.

In the next few days, he was hiding in the cabin. like a statue.

During this time he perceives someone squatting in front of his own door, but he still left.

Ma Wen sneered in his heart: "I still can't hide it after all?"


Island of Sunrise.

This is a very strange large island, clearly located in the west of Fernando 6, but was named after the sunrise.

The history of the island is very long, and the power to control the island is also a long time.

Black Ride Retreat!

This is a mysterious organization founded by the Black Knight Cang Gore, and there are many legendary masters. They control every port on the island of Sunrise and they have a strong and loyal fleet.

Cang Gore himself rarely shows up, and the island of Sunrise is mostly supervised by the governor he directly appoints.

It is bustling and noisy, but the rules are extremely strict. If anyone dares to use force on the island of Sunrise, they will be madly chased by the subordinate organizations of the Black Rider.

No one dares to compete with a mysterious organization with more than two legends.

What's more, people have said that there is a page of gods in the hands of the brains of the Black Rider.

That page of the book of God has endless power.

It is part of an artifact, and it is because of this incomplete artifact that Cang Gore was able to rule the entire island of sunrise and the nearby waters.

Only Marvin knows that the so-called **** book on that page is actually the second page of Naru's book!

The name of the second page is called [Prosperity].

This page of Naru's book has a peculiar ability. It can make a city-state flourish and prosper.

Black Knight Cang Gore is also because of this, and has been secretly collecting the book of Nalu. It has only been ineffective for many years.

If it is not the island of sunrise, it is the only way to the dead zone. Ma Wencai will not pass here.

The two pages of Naru's book will be inductive to each other, and if it is sensed by Cang Gore, it is also a big trouble.

So when the ship was on the beach, Marvin was the first to disembark, and it was quietly integrated into the crowd.

After a long time, the fake Hathaway was full of doubts and buried the boat.

She didn't understand what went wrong. Ma Wenming has already seen her, why can she hold back and not look for her?

Is there a flaw in my disguise?

but no matter. The master's order must be executed. That Marvin must die!

There was a murder in her eyes. The eyes passed directly through the crowd, locked in a well-pretending Marvin, and followed the footsteps briskly.


Marvin arrived at the island of sunrise and did not stop here.

He came to the beach. Find a nearby fisherman and let him take the boat to the opposite island.

The shape of the island is very strange. There is a volcano on the island, shaped like a claw that is lifted up and easily recognizable.

The island is no one, no special products, but since Marvin has made a lot of money, the fisherman is naturally willing to send it, but it is not far away.

He knew that the fake Hathaway created by the phoenix must be behind him. But he doesn't care.

The two arrived in the small island in tandem.

For Marvin, this unnamed island is his stop to the dead.

It is on the edge of this small island. There is a cave that can enter the undersea tunnel.

The undersea tunnel did not know when it was excavated. It seems to have something to do with a sea that disappeared in the sea of ​​Pangbo. As long as it can activate the tunnel gate, the multi-stage tunnel underneath is definitely better than taking a boat. I don’t know how many times.

only. Before going to the dead zone, he decided to solve the big problem.


On the beach in the evening. Marvin deliberately slowed down.

As the sun sets, the shadow of the coconut tree is faintly deformed.

"Awkward assassin..."

Ma Wen smiled coldly.

The creature created by the phoenix is ​​obviously not fully integrated into the world because it was born too short.

Although the assassin ability of the fourth-order peak, but the traces of stealth is too heavy, it is still easily detected by Ma Wen.

He is not nervous, so he controls the degree and walks forward without hesitation.

This is a patient contest.

Finally, the sun sank completely, and a crackling sound rang behind him: "Ma Wen!"

Marvin’s mouth showed a smile.

He slowly went and looked at each other in amazement: "Don't you not know me?"

Fake Hathaway barely squeezed a smile: "I seem to have forgotten a lot of important things."

"But on you, I feel some familiar traces."

"Do you know me? Can you help me remember what?"

Still missing the memory?

Marvin sneered in his heart. On the surface, it looks like a big surprise.

He walked quickly: "Of course, I can help you."

The two men are close to each other, and Hathaway reveals a sly smile: "How are you going to help..."

Who knows that at this time, Ma Wen suddenly attacked!

Shadow step by step!

His speed is unparalleled, and the timing is wonderful. The latter did not react at all.

Ma Wen went directly behind her, a fierce hand knife, directly knocking her out!

It is obviously inappropriate to kill directly, and it will be noticed by the phoenix.

However, Marvin naturally has his own means.

He carried the stunned enemies into a cave and solemnly took out the sixth page of Naru's book [Newborn]!

In an instant, the fake Hathaway's body began to soften!

Marvin can feel it, Naru's book is very exciting, without the instructions of Ma It directly began to devour the origin of the **** of the phoenix!

"I hope I won't be sensed by Cang Gore."

Marvin looked at the island of sunrise with some uneasiness.


In the Black Coral Islands, among the halls, there is such a picture in front of the phoenix:

Hathaway, who made her own, is killing Marvin all the way, but Marvin is too embarrassed, this time let him escape.

However, Ma Wen in the picture has been seriously injured and is the end of the strong.

"It should be no problem."

The phoenix showed a satisfied smile, and her attention shifted to another place. She still has a lot of important things to do.

... (to be continued)

Ps: The second is sent. Thanks to [Ordinary Scones] for a reward of 1 point.