Nightmare Attack

v1 Chapter 125: Qian Family

"The police initially suspected that it was an organized escape, and they sent people to the village to guard, but we didn't even know what was going on."

"In the end, the merchants who returned to Anping Town from other places rushed to the town to report the crime, saying that they had seen a lot of corpses, and they hung them in the small woods not far from the town."

"The corpse was bloody, and was tortured in a horrible state. At first the merchant thought it was a slaughtered animal."

"Are those men in prison?" Jiang Zhongyi's expression changed slightly.

The village chief had a sullen face, and after a while, he nodded, "At first it was the man in the prison. After all the people in the prison were dead, it was the village's turn."

"She has never let go of those who have had contact with Zhao Xiangmei, and the entire Qianjia shop has almost been killed by her."

Having said that, the village head seemed to feel a little gaffe, his tight body relaxed a little, and his voice was no longer so hoarse. He explained briefly to everyone.

It turned out that the village head of Xiaoshijian Village was surnamed Qian.

The Qian family was the largest surname in the village. At that time, the power of some remote areas was firmly held in the hands of these big families.

Therefore, these things Zhao Xiangmei did back then were tacitly approved and even supported by the Qian family.

But when they faced the police's questioning, they pushed all the faults to Zhao Xiangmei, which also paved the way for their later tragedy.

The Qian family was the first to be retaliated. In just one month, the Nuo Da Qian family was fragmented, and very few people survived.

Some Qian family members who fled the village had no news in the end.

Most of the empty houses in front of them belong to the Qian family.

"Is there really no one alive?" Li Lu hugged her body. Before she was relieved from the death of Penfolds, she heard the crippling news again.

"No," the village chief shook his head.

Zhou Rong had good eyesight. He looked about a hundred meters to the left. There was a temple-like building standing there, but like the surrounding houses, it was very dilapidated.

From a distance, the door opened, and several windows, which were probably made of paper, were completely rotten. The inside was completely dark.

"Where is that?" Zhou Rong stopped, then turned to look at the village chief.

Seeing the building, the village head had memories in his eyes, and he sighed: "That used to be the ancestral shrine of the Qian family. After the Qian family's defeat, no one cleaned it anymore."

Chen Xiaomeng looked at the Qian Family Ancestral Temple from a distance, thinking that more than no one dared to clean it, it seemed that the villagers did not dare to approach it.

Walking all the way, talking all the way, time passed quickly.

When the sun came out completely, the bluestone road disappeared, and they walked into a valley.

The mountain road here is different from the previous town leading to the village. This road is more rugged and ups and downs. In some places, it takes a few people to help each other to walk through.

In this regard, the village chief explained that no one has been here for a long time, and the original road was washed away by a flash flood, so they had to change the road.

" long will it take?"

Jiang Zhongyi's physical strength is worse than Pei Gan and Li Lu. After walking down a long way, he was panting, and a **** smell appeared in his throat from time to time.

With a cane, the village chief who still needs the help of a dark man walked a few steps, and then suddenly said, "We are here."

Pulling aside the obstructive branches, as expected, the front of him suddenly opened up, and a huge space appeared.

A pool of secluded spring falls like a milky way, spreading among the cols.

On both sides of the mountain, there are countless giant trees towering up to the sky, and the stacks are hidden, as if to strangle this pool of secluded spring between the sky and the earth.

Pei Gan looked around, then looked far away, the ridges in the distance formed a line, endless.

"Strange..." he said suddenly.

Jiang Zhongyi was the closest to him. Hearing Pei Gan's self-talk, he looked at the latter, frowned and asked, "Why is it strange?"

Pei Ganli ignored him, but turned to look at the village chief, "Liu village chief," he asked, "When did the villagers discover this deep pool?"

"It's too early," the village chief pursed his dry lips and coughed twice. "It's definitely not something in the last hundred years. It's a bit earlier, but it's not clear how early it is."

Jiang Cheng cautiously walked to the side of the pool, chose a rock that looked not so slippery, and squatted down, stretched out his hand to lift the pool water, and suddenly felt that the water was cold and bitter.

In an instant, the whole person was violently beaten.

He had never thought that it would be so cold with water, and...has not frozen.

"The water is very cold," the dark man appeared not far from Jiangcheng. The fact that he secretly gave him a steamed bun has greatly increased the man's affection for Jiangcheng.

He reminded him: "Be careful, if you fall, you won't be able to save it."

Jiang Cheng retracted his hand and stared at the deep pool water. After a while, he suddenly asked, "Are there any fish in this water?"

"Fish?" The man didn't seem to understand Jiang Cheng's meaning, his thick eyebrows were all twisted together.

This was once the place where the village executed unfaithful women. One hundred years later, there were not one hundred bones of the dead man inside, but dozens of them.

Besides, Zhao Xiangmei's bones are also inside.

In such an evil place, he was wondering if there were any fish in it?

"I don't know He swallowed, and answered honestly, "It should be... it should be no. "

The water here was extremely cold, and it took a few days to touch it. A blind old woman once came to the village with a snake-head walking stick. She said she was a little famous.

According to her, the water in this cold lake carries the resentment of the dead women. As long as it goes down, the resentment will be entangled in the hands and feet, and never want to come up again.

The dark guy doesn't understand this, he only knows that it's very dangerous here.

This water... is ominous.


The dark man suddenly heard the village chief calling himself, and after a response, he ran over immediately. He listened very much to the village chief's words.

The neighborhood is wet and slippery. It is estimated that the village chief is going to take them to see the stone stele on which the curse is written.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and stared at the Wang Hantan water.

The entire pool is about a few hundred square meters, and the surrounding water is clearer, but the closer it is to the middle, the darker the color, and the darkest part seems to be able to swallow light.

After watching for a long time, Jiang Cheng even got a little dizzy on his head. Suddenly many weird pictures appeared in his mind, and there was a vague urge to plunge into the pool water.

He suppressed this impulse forcibly, and when he broke free, he saw a woman's face in the gloomy pond.

When he realized it, and looked closer, it was still pitch black.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of his feet, and through the reflection of the nearby pond, he saw that a figure appeared behind him unknowingly.

Judging from the figure, it is undoubtedly a woman.

The woman lifted one foot, as if she was accumulating energy.

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