Nightmare Attack

v3 Chapter 1394: memory

"Go and have a look and you'll know. It's just dawn, and the people from the Hou's Mansion shouldn't come so early." Jiang Cheng turned to look at Yao Shunyu, "How are you? Can you still move?"

Yao Shunyu stood up firmly, moving his arms and legs, "No problem."

"Okay, you, me, Wang Fugui, Li Bai, the four of us go together, go back quickly, and the others stay. Once the people from the Hou Mansion come, you will say that we have lost one person, and the few people who are less I went out to find someone, but as for where I went to find someone, I can’t tell you.”

After the explanation, Jiang Cheng turned around and was about to leave, but Lu Qin stood up suddenly, "It's too dangerous, Shao Tong and I should go with you."

Hearing the words, the mature and prudent Zhang Qizheng stood up, wanting to persuade him to stay, "Don't both of you go, Lu Qin and the two of you went too, what if that man comes here again last night?"

After all, only Jiangcheng Li Bai and Lu Qin Shaotong were the ones who went out to find someone last night, and only they knew some things. If they were really sought by Lord Hou, they would definitely make mistakes in answering the questions.

Zhu Jie understood immediately when he heard the words, and chimed in: "Lu Qin, you are a night watchman. You must have more experience in dealing with this situation than ordinary people like us. You'd better stay and help us."

Seeing this, the people in Jiangcheng didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately took them away.

Looking at the backs of the few people in Jiangcheng leaving, Lu Qin, who felt isolated, sneered, "Miss Zhu, don't be self-effacing, if you and this Mr. Tang are just ordinary people, then my vigil It doesn't matter if the person is wrong."

On the other side, the people in Jiangcheng were very fast. Yao, Shunyu led the way and walked towards the backyard. "Do you suspect that there is something wrong with Lu Qin and Shaotong?" Li Bai looked at Jiangcheng.

Jiang Cheng nodded slightly, "It's just a suspicion, but there is no real evidence."

Fatty is also worried about Lu Qin's identity. After all, the night watchman is their number one enemy. The current president who has severely damaged the Portal Project without showing up is a thorn in their hearts.

No. 3 also lost his door because of this, and became what he thought was a useless person.

"Doctor, what did you think of?" According to Fatty's understanding of Jiang Cheng, his doubts were never without reason. Although he just said that, he must have noticed a clue.

Sure enough, here are all our own people, and Jiang Cheng didn't hide it. "Do you remember the second night we came here? That remote house."

Fatty nodded repeatedly. It was that night that they were involved in a strange dream. In the dream, they were on a large ship that was about to sink, in the depths of the endless Chunshen Lake, and Gao Yanqing died tragically in that In the dream, only half of his body was left, and this memory could not be forgotten even if he wanted to.

On the contrary, Yao Shunyu paused, as if being reminded, "That's right, in that dream, the rest of us saw it, but we didn't see Lu Qin and Shao Tong."

"The two of them said that they were lurking in the water, so we didn't find them. We didn't pay attention to the rush at the time, but now that we think about it, the space inside the boat is not too big. They want to escape the eyes of so many of us. I'm afraid it will be difficult." Jiang Cheng calmly analyzed the problem.

"We discussed at the time that the two of them might not have gone at all, and they...well...they might have avoided this dream through some special means." Fatty recalled.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "It was just a guess at the time, and the possibility of such a guess was very low. Dreaming should be the rule of that night. You can understand it as a coercive method, but now, we have a new guess, maybe there is a problem It wasn't in that dream, but in..." Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and nodded, "Here."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood, "You mean there is a problem with our memory?"

"That's right, it's just like last night." Jiang Cheng slowed down, "Maybe it's not you who have memory problems, but us."

"Someone has changed our memory." Jiang Cheng's last words were like a bomb thrown into the water.

Li Bai's pupils widened slightly, and then he shook his head violently, "Impossible, I admit that Lu Qin, especially that Shao Tong is not simple, but they will never have the ability to change other people's memories, this ability is too heaven-defying, if we say It was made by ghosts, I might still believe it, but as for people...impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Li Bai was originally a medical student, and has a more thorough understanding of the complexity of memory than ordinary people. Although the disciple's ability is very strange, but when it comes to forging memories, she does not believe it.

But at this moment, the fat man swallowed hard, yes, he also thought of a person, he did know a disciple who could tamper with memories: Lin Wan'er.

After Jiang Cheng spoke briefly to Li Bai about Lin Wan'er's ability, Li Bai was completely dumbfounded, and then there was a chill. If even a person's memory can be tampered with and forged, then this person can still be counted as a person ?

Furthermore, if the memory has been tampered with, how much is this person related to his previous self?

"Is this person you're talking about... a friend or an enemy?" Li Bai stared at Jiang Cheng, she seemed to be very concerned about this.

"It's family." Jiang Cheng said calmly.

Hearing these two words, Li Bai breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I believe you, indeed...there is such an ability, I am shallow."

"But... but since our friend has a door with this ability, then Lu Qin or Shao Tong shouldn't have it. After all, I have never heard of two doors with the same ability. The door... or The things behind the door are all unique." Li Bai's tone was firm, and it could be seen that she was very confident in what she said.

"Could it be that your family... has something to do with the night watchman?" Yao Shunyu asked suddenly.

Jiang Cheng was silent for a while. He didn't want to explain too much about the relationship between Lin Wan'er and himself, and Lin Wan'er's identity was inconvenient to reveal. Although he believed that Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai were reliable friends, there were different levels of reliability. They were not fat after all.

"No, my family has nothing to do with the night watchman. As for Lu Qin and Shao Tong, we just need to keep an eye on them." Jiang Cheng reassured Yao Shunyu and Li Bai, "Don't worry too much, it's not just us, Mr. Zhang, but also Zhu Jie, Tang Qisheng and the others all suspected that they had fallen in love with Lu Qin and Shaotong, just now these people deliberately held them back and gave us a chance to investigate alone, don't you see that?"

"Then how do we deal with it, I mean...memory." Fatty didn't know.

Jiang Cheng slowly took out a pen and a piece of crumpled paper from inside his clothes, and said slowly, "If you encounter a critical problem, write it down immediately and keep it with you. Black and white words can't deceive people, right?"

(end of this chapter)