Nightmare Attack

v3 Chapter 650: Number

After introducing the scene she saw at the door of Miss Lin's house, Huai Yi remembered the figure of the woman, still in fear.


  According to his experience, he shouldn't be afraid to be like this, but this is not in the task. In reality, he is really not prepared for such a sudden suddenness.


   "What's the matter with you?" Huai Yi looked at Fat Jiang Cheng and asked, the latter was obviously scared enough by something.


   "The Miss Lin you saw just now is fake." Jiang Cheng said.


   Huai Yi also knows this. With his accumulated experience in the mission, he is 90% sure. It is certain that Miss Lin just now is not a person, but a ghost.


   In other words, he had just faced a spiritual event, but fortunately, he did not enter the room, otherwise even the gods would not be able to save him.


   "Not long after you hung up, we received a call from Miss Lin." Jiang Cheng said, "Miss Lin asked why we haven't arrived yet."


   "The two Miss Lin...It seems that the one I saw was a ghost." Huai Yi was secretly afraid.


   But what he didn't expect was that Jiang Cheng's subsequent words really made his heart that had just calmed down again suddenly.


"Ms. Lin said on the phone that this is not her home at all. She has never said that her family lives here. Her family lives in Peacock Bay." Jiang Cheng recounted: "After we talked to her about the situation, she also said she wanted Come and see for yourself what is going on."


Having said that, the fat man took the word again and said: "Before we had time to persuade, she hung up the phone, and that's it, not long after, she called again and said she was nearby, let us send her a location. , She came to meet us."


   Hearing this, Huai Yi was also faintly uneasy, this woman named Miss Lin...Is it too courageous?


"The point is not this, it's time!" The fat man seemed to see Huai Yi's thinking, and told Huai Yi the doctor's analysis just now, "Come on, look at this first." He took out his cell phone. Open a navigation software, which shows a marked red route.


   "You see this is where we are now." The fat man pointed to one end of the route, then pointed to the other end and said, "This is where Miss Lin started, the Kongque Bay community."


The    route with seven turns and eight turns looks very complicated. The important thing is that the distance is still very far, one in the west of the city and the other in the southeast of the city.


"But at such a long distance, it only took less than 20 minutes for Miss Lin to put down the phone until she said she was here. It took less than 20 minutes." The fat man swallowed and whispered, "She was here. ?"


   "This...Ms. Lin who is calling is also a ghost?" Huai Yi's face turned white, and she felt that she didn't read the almanac when she went out today.


   "Then what did you do in the end?" Huai Yi raised his head and asked.


   According to his estimation, ghosts are not so easy to send. If you don't give an address, I'm afraid they will keep pestering them.


   Hearing this, the fat man's face suddenly improved, and at the same time he looked at the doctor with admiration, "The doctor told her that her mobile phone was out of power, and asked her to write down another mobile phone number before contacting."


   "Another cell phone number?" Huai Yi was a little confused, and asked in confusion, "Whose one?"


Seeing Huai Yi staring at him, Jiang Cheng felt a little embarrassed and touched his nose, "It was a girl who chased me before, but was rejected by me a lot. She became mentally abnormal and wanted to kill me so that she could completely Occupy me, no other woman will share it with her."


   "Is there anyone like this?" Huai Yi expressed disbelief.

   "You don't know you." Jiang Cheng said in a very nostalgic tone: "She was called Xia Meng. She used to be... a good girl."


"No matter how good it is, it's over. You can't stand and let her kill, right?" Huai Yi persuaded: "I think Brother Jiang, you are doing this very well. Okay, let's not talk about it. What do you do next?"


   During this period, both Jiang Cheng and Huai Yi turned off their mobile phones, and "Ms. Lin" didn't call again. It seems that the other party's level is average.


   If you change to a ruthless role, let alone turn off the phone, it will be useless if you lose your phone, because the phone can come back by itself.


   suddenly appeared in your pocket, in the car, or even next to the pillow you were sleeping on.


  Except when pretending, ghosts generally don't communicate with people, so this also relieves Jiang Cheng from worries.


   Even if the ghost is cleaned up by the masters around Xia Meng, he will not be revealed.


   I must be afraid to go back and drive. Looking back now, the area nearby looks very dark. Even though there is a row of street lights on, the light seems to be suppressed by something, and it looks weird.


   There is also this community. It seems that there are a lot of people with lights on, and there are quite a lot of cars parked outside, but it is surprisingly quiet.


   Since they came here, I haven't heard any sound from any one.


  偌 is a large community, lifeless, and the light reflected from the window is contaminated with a dull atmosphere, looking far away, it looks like an everlasting lamp in front of a tomb.


   Huai Yi watched for a long time, and was startled by the thoughts that popped out of her mind.


   Anyway, this place can't be stayed anymore.


   Huai Yi suggested to go far, and then to a relatively safe place, call a taxi, first find a hotel to deal with all night.


   Of course, not back to his previous room.


But Jiang Cheng shook his head and rejected it. The fat man took the opportunity to rent out the ghost they had encountered It was obvious that the driver had been missing for several days, and the car was also held at the police station, but it was there. In front of them, it was illogical and untimely, and it took them far.


   In the end, if the doctor hadn't been alert and insisted on getting out of the car, they would be dragged to wherever they were.


   "Where shall we go?" Huai Yi looked around. The neighborhood didn't seem to be safe, especially not far from the roadside, there seemed to be a lake.


   The lake was pitch black, like a black hole. After watching it for a while, Huai Yi even felt that he could be the director of a supernatural film.


The scene doesn’t need to be arranged, just here. Arrange for an actress to hang on the lake with her feet in the lake without moving much. She wears a dark red costume, long sleeves fluttering, her head down, and her mouth "咿". "Eyeah" singing songs that no one cares about.


   Suddenly, Jiang Cheng, who was walking in the front, stopped. Huai Yi was still thinking about the plot, but one of them didn't pay attention and hit Jiang Cheng.


   The fat man immediately looked around and asked vigilantly: "What's the matter, doctor?"


   Huai Yi also seems to have just woke up from his creation, and she looks back and forth like a fat man.


   "Have you heard anything?" Jiang Cheng asked suddenly after a pause.


   Huai Yi suddenly had an ominous premonition, "What sound?"


   "Like...someone is singing." Jiang Cheng said uncertainly.