Nightmare Attack

v3 Chapter 835: wooden door

"That room is at the innermost corner of the corridor. The location is very remote. The door is closed, and there is a big lock hanging on it. It can be seen that the door has not been opened for a long time." The young police officer said. .

The people in Jiangcheng waited for a long time, but the young police officer continued to say, "And then?" Huai Yi couldn't help asking.

"No more." The young policeman showed embarrassment, "That's all I know. For more details, I have to ask the brothers who went to the scene."

"Who came out of the scene?" Wu Bin asked.

The young policeman immediately replied, "It's from Group 6."

"Call them, investigate the details, then summarize them and send them back as soon as possible." Team leader Zhang said with a stern expression.

"No need." Xia Qiang looked at the young police officer and said, "Do you know where the store is?"

"No. 140, Zhongshan Street." The young policeman replied.

Xia Qiang nodded, looked at Wu Bin and team leader Zhang, and quickly said: "Captain Wu, team leader Zhang, we want to go over and do some investigations, can you make arrangements?"

"Of course." Wu Bin turned around and immediately instructed the young police officers to arrange a car to take Captain Xia and his party there. He also specifically asked them to cooperate with Captain Xia and his party.

The execution of the police force was very strong. About half an hour later, they were standing in front of a shop. Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at the billboard hanging outside the shop.

On it was written the 5 words Mengluo Reasoning Hall in a very weird font, it seemed that this was the name of the store.

The billboard has a black background and white characters. After looking at it for a long time, there is a creepy feeling, like looking at a black and white posthumous photo.

After walking in, the space inside is larger than expected, and the decoration is not bad. There are several roads inside, and the rooms on both sides of the road are arranged one by one.

There are some decorations on the outside of each room, and paper similar to movie posters is pasted on the wall. The young police officer who led them here introduced in a low voice that each room inside has a theme, which is specially decorated, and the corresponding one belongs to it. The plot of the script will make the player feel more involved.

After a preliminary count, there must be at least 20 rooms here, which is relatively large in this type of shop.

From the occasional voices from the nearby rooms, it is known that the business of this store is not bad, and there are customers playing in some rooms.

Not long after, a frowning man was brought in front of everyone. After introduction, this man was the owner of the script killing shop.

"I...I really don't know anything, I've told you all I know." The boss frowned, with a slightly aggrieved expression on his face, and whispered, "The person you're talking about, that one Wang Jie, his death has nothing to do with our store."

"How do you know that Wang Jie is dead?" Jiang Cheng asked. Based on the existing timeline, "Wang Jie" died at midnight, at most 12 hours from now. Who told him?

The boss had a bitter face, "I also heard from my colleagues in Wang Jie's company."

"Are you guys familiar? When something like this happened, would I tell you specifically?" Xia Qiang asked in a strange tone, his eyes were so heavy that the boss didn't dare to lift his head.

"Yes...yes, we are very close, they...they are regular customers, and I only found out about it this morning." The boss explained.

"Where is that room?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Follow this road, go to the end, turn right, and you will see it." The boss pointed to the road behind them.

Jiang Cheng looked at the dark corridor, turned his gaze back, and looked at the boss's eyes. The boss's gaze met Jiang Cheng's gaze for a moment, and he immediately avoided it. He didn't know whether it was because of fear or guilt.

"Please take us over there to take a look." Jiang Cheng said in a more polite tone.

Hearing this, the boss's face changed slightly, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "There is nothing to see, just an empty room filled with useless things, and it hasn't been cleaned for a long time. The door has been locked for a long time. It's never been opened."

Zhou Tong said quickly: "But according to what we know, Wang Jie has been to that room before and rested in it. How do you explain that?"

"Then...that's because he was drunk and talking nonsense, how could he have gone in?" After going back and forth, the boss's mood fluctuated obviously, his fists were clenched, and his face was blushing, "Tell me, the door is full of blood." How could he have gone in if he hadn't opened it, how could he believe a drunkard's words?"

The more the boss said, the more excited he became, "I am an ordinary person, and I want to do some business in a down-to-earth manner. Aren't you the police? You should protect my interests. What do you want to do with so many people here today? Let me What's going on when the customers see it?"

"What's wrong with me, tell me? Wang Jie is a drunk. He just slept with me all night, had a nightmare, and after so many days, he died. How can such a thing happen?" It’s my fault, why should it be my fault?” The boss’s body was trembling uncontrollably, it seemed that he was very angry.

But Jiangcheng and the others didn't think so. Such an abnormal behavior was a bit of a cover-up. It seemed that the boss must know something.

Jiang Cheng decided not to argue with the boss anymore, he wanted to go to that room to have a look.

The police officer on the side stared at the boss's face, and obviously saw some clues, then turned his head and said to Jiang Cheng: "The boss said that the key to the door of that room can't be found, and it can't be opened now, we have to wait until he finds the key." .”

"Security door?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"No, it's just an ordinary door, a wooden door." The police officer added, motioning Jiang Cheng to look at a room on the right, "It's similar to this door."

"Wooden door." Jiang Cheng nodded, "Then smash it open."

Hearing this, the boss was taken aback for a moment. Seeing the Jiangcheng group and the police, he thought they were also policemen, and immediately shouted: "What are you trying to do? You are policemen, how can you..."

Before the boss yelled a few words, Jiang Cheng gave Jiang Cheng a look, Fatty and Huai Yi walked up, covered the boss's mouth very "gently", and then walked along the path the boss pointed out.

"I'm not a policeman, I'm just an innocent passer-by." Jiang Cheng comforted the boss who was being framed while walking.

The police officers standing on the side couldn't help looking a little troubled. After all, they were wearing these clothes, and there were some things that they couldn't do too much, but the people in Jiangcheng obviously didn't have these concerns.

Xia Qiang nodded slightly at the tangled police officer, "Little brother, don't follow, we will take care of it."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to reply, he brought Zhou Tong Feng Jie and the others to follow. Lin Muwan seemed to be in poor health due to the previous shock, and snuggled up to Lin Muyun's side, looking very dependent on his body this brother.

The young police officer thought these people were strange, but thinking of Captain Wu's instructions, he gave up the idea of ​​following them.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :