Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 1442: 7 color flowers of life

The village chief and others looked at each other, and everyone was gone. How could they send it away?

No, the village chief and others had to wait by Gu Han's side. Gu Xiao stared at Gu Han with beautiful eyes.

early morning.

Gu Hanyou woke up. Before the village chief and the others spoke, Gu Han's expression changed first. In the surprised eyes of the village chief and others, Gu Han directly sat cross-legged, running the tactics of Gujia Village, and his internal fighting spirit It went crazy.

"This is..." The elders seemed to have thought of something, their expressions were solemn and joyful, and then they looked at the village chief.

In their Gujia Village, only this village chief is a Tier 5 warrior.

The village chief nodded and said with surprise: "Yes, Gu Han is about to break through."

"This kid obviously broke through to the peak of Tier 4 fighters. It is impossible to continue to break through without several years of effort. I didn't expect to break through now. Is this what the big brother said is a blessing in disguise?" The elder remembered what Han Feng had said before.

"What a blessing in disguise, it is clear that the big brother used some method to make Gu Han break through." An elder said, this elder is not stupid, guessing that it may be Han Feng's treatment that helped Gu Han. breakthrough.

"Don’t cry from the big brothers, this method is only for the ranks 7th and 8th battle masters, and it is very likely that they are the masters of the earth battle division level. Even if we are old now, we are not capable of the third and fourth rank battle masters. In comparison, in the future, we will call him a lifetime adult." The village chief shouted in a deep voice.

Before the village chief dared to yell ‘big brother’ and ‘big brother’, it was nothing more than doubting whether Han Feng was a strong one.

Anyhow, he himself is also a Tier 5 battle master, and also has the arrogance of a Tier 5 battle master.

But now it's different. Han Feng's slightly exposed means convinced the village chief, and naturally he didn't dare to ask for more.

The elders were startled, and then slowly nodded, showing solemn expressions.


About two hours later, Gu Han's aura suddenly increased by a large amount, breaking through from Tier 4 to Tier 5.

Not only that, but Gu Han had soared all the way to the late stage of the fifth-order battle division before stopping, and suddenly surpassed the village chief of Gujia Village.

Although the village chief has been in the fifth-tier battle division for a long time, it is only the middle stage of the fifth-tier due to his aptitude and resources. It is also due to old age, and his combat power is barely able to maintain the level of a Tier 5 battle division.

If you really want to fight a Tier 5 war beast, the village chief must lose.

Gu Han was running the battle energy in his body in a pleasant surprise, and he was shocked to realize that the battle energy in his body was extremely pure, which meant that Gu Han was very clear.

This means that it will not be so difficult to break through a Tier 6 battle division.

Sixth-tier battle masters, Gu Han was yearning for it. Over the years in Gujia Village, a lot of fourth- and fifth-tier fighters had been born, but there was really no such thing as a sixth-tier fighter.

After asking the village chief how he was rescued, Gu Han even believed that Han Feng was not simple. Perhaps the previous guesses still underestimated Han Feng.


On the second day, after Gu Han stabilized his realm, he immediately came to Han Feng to thank him.

"Junior, thank you for his life-saving grace. If you have any needs, the junior will definitely do it for you." Gu Han is even more respectful.

Han Feng said indifferently: "It doesn't need to be this way. Everything in the world has cause and effect. You saved the old man because of the cause. This time the old man saved you is the effect."

"Show me your tactics."

Gu Han was surprised, then overjoyed, could it be...

Gu Han respectfully handed his training method to Han Feng. This is a somewhat worn purple book. During the year, Han Feng has known that what Gu Han cultivated was not the method of Gujiacun, but rather I got it by accident when I was young.

In the War Qi Continent, the tactics of war are not divided into stream, low grade, medium grade, top grade, top grade, local grade (also divided into upper, middle and lower grades), and heaven grade (also divided into upper, middle and lower grades)

Going up is the holy goods, but the holy goods are divided into nine grades, the ninth grade is the lowest, and the first grade is the highest.

The same is true of combat skills.

In Han Feng's view, this sacred tactic is equivalent to forgetting the power of the mainland sanctuary to comprehend his own practice.

What makes Han Feng strange is that none of the war masters in this War Qi Continent seemed to comprehend it by himself, and this tactic was handed down by the strong long ago.

Combat skills are also cultivated combat skills that have been handed down a long time ago. Whether it is a combat method or a combat skill, it seems that no one can comprehend it by themselves.

Without comprehending one's own sanctuary sacred school, it is impossible to use one's cultivation base and combat power to the limit. Is this true for the powerhouses of this War Qi continent? If this is the case, it would be too undesirable.

With these thoughts in mind, Han Feng showed the tactics in his hands at the same time.

On the whole, it's so-so. Putting it on the Forgotten Continent is a middle-level profound technique. In this War Qi continent, it is only a high-grade warfare level.

But for Gu Han, who was only born in Gujiacun, it was a great tactic, because the tactics handed down from the ancestors of Gujiacun were only at the middle level.

Because of this, Gu Han gave up the tactics of Gujiacun and turned to practice this high-grade tactics.

Gu Han originally thought that cultivating the top-ranking warfare should be extremely fast, but in fact, Gu Han's cultivation speed was indeed much faster than his peers in Gujia Village, but this fast did not meet Gu Han's expectations.

This has always been the doubt in Gu Han's heart, and even wondered if there was a problem with this tactic.

If Han Feng knew the problem in Gu Han's heart, he would definitely tell Gu Han that this high-grade tactic was somewhat inappropriate for Gu Han.

Sanctuary’s unique knowledge, if it is not comprehended by oneself but inherited, the degree to which one can practice depends on the degree of fit.

Although there is no question of fit under the sacred school, there are also questions about suitability. For example, Gu Han is suitable for the kind of tactics that open up and join forces with mighty tactics, and although this high-grade tactics are not contrary to mighty tactics, it is not very suitable.

With Gu Han's aptitude, if he could get a high-grade tactic that suits, without Han Feng's help, he would have broken through to Tier 5 fighters, maybe more than that.

Han Feng closed his eyes slightly, split and reorganized this low-grade tactics in his mind, and at the same time, the soul swept towards Gu Han's soul.

Since the cultivation tactics of this War Qi Continent are not comprehensible by themselves, there is no need to keep their hands. It is not difficult to transform into a powerful sacred tactic.

As a sacred tactic, it would be even better if it had a high degree of compatibility with Gu Han.

After a long while, Han Feng withdrew his primordial power and had already explored Gu Han's soul very well.

Suddenly, as soon as Han Feng pointed it out, a beam of light shot directly into Gu Han's mind, and Gu Han's sacred warfare that Han Feng had transformed automatically appeared in his mind.


The first one is complete! Seeking flowers!

Although it was mentioned at the end of the third update yesterday, there are still readers today asking whether the explosion will break out, so let's talk about it. The outbreak will be postponed to tomorrow, and tomorrow will be eighty to twenty thousand words. ()