Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 1494: Under the demigod

"God, did you notice anything strange when you got this Old Sage crystal?" Han Feng pondered for a moment, and thought it was better to ask Cat Tianyou first.

"Strange?" Mao Tianyou looked puzzled.

Yaqing, Qingshan, Skylark and other beasts think of Han Feng's dignified complexion before, is there something wrong with this ancient sage crystal?

But what can be wrong with the ancient sage crystal?

Han Feng saw that everyone looked puzzled, and explained: "Little Fatty said that the ancient sage crystal has a mark set by a powerful warrior, which has a tracking effect. This strong person is likely to be a demigod, and he may have left now. Follow us."

World of Warcraft is no stranger to Xiaopang. Since the two women knew about the Nine Flames Skyfire Tower, Xiaopang's existence naturally couldn't be concealed. Since they all knew, Han Feng didn't mind to mention Xiaopang.

"Half-God!" Everyone's breathing was stagnant at first, but they were relieved when they thought there was a Zhu Tian Lark here.

Before Zhu Tian Skylark's cultivation base had reached the perfection of Dzogchen, his combat power was already at the demigod level, and it was not weak at the demigod level, and at that time, Skylark had not yet fully exerted his bleeding power.

At this moment, Zhu Tian Yunque's cultivation base has reached the extreme of Dzogchen, and the bloodline of the gods has been able to exert all its power, and its strength will only be stronger.

Against demigods, one enemy three or even one enemy four is not a problem.

Now that they let go of their hearts, the two girls and the beasts put their attention on the mark.

How did that unknown strong man do it? Why do you do this?

All kinds of questions filled the hearts of everyone.

At this time, Mao Tianyou uttered an ‘ah’, and everyone looked over.

Mao Tianyou said at this moment: "Boss, I remembered that the ancient holy spirit body is very clean, it is a woman, not as unkempt as other spirit bodies, and it is also well dressed."

"If I hadn't known that the other party was an ancient spirit body, I would have thought that the other party was a certain princess."

"Clearly dressed? Very clean?" Everyone looked at each other. They didn't fight against the ancient spirit bodies. Those ancient spirit bodies had no spiritual intelligence. They lived like beasts for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. He can take care of himself, no matter how he looks at it, he won't be what Mao Tianyou said.

Han Feng's eyes flashed brightly: "This situation can only show one thing, that ancient holy spirit is taken care of."

"Yes, at least the creature with wisdom is taking care of the ancient holy spirit body." Meng Yaqing nodded.

"Can anyone live that long? Even if it is a war beast, the Dzogchen level may not be able to live that long." Lin Qingshan asked questions everywhere.

As we all know, a demigod is just a mind clone of the true god, and only when in contact with the body can it have a long life like the true god.

If it loses contact with the true God, the life span of the powerful Dzogchen is no different.

Thinking of this, everyone's complexion didn't look good. If the semi-god powerhouse had taken care of the ancient Holy Spirit body for hundreds of thousands of years, then the body would probably be in this ancient battlefield.

"Boss, if the other party is really a true god, so many people here are not enough to squeeze their teeth. Why don't we leave this ancient sage crystal and run away." Aoyan Sirens swallowed a look of worry and fear.

Sanctuary and True God are completely different levels.

No matter how many people there are, there are many who are beyond the ultimate strength of Dzogchen, but facing the true god, they are ants, extremely vulnerable.

Han Feng smiled calmly: "This is the War Qi Continent. Although the Ancient Sage Battlefield is in a different space, this different space also exists on the War Qi Continent. Without the War Qi Continent, this ancient sage battlefield is also necessary. It's done."

"The War Qi Continent is a complete plane, unlike the Forgotten Continent, there is a true god, and it has already ascended into the God Realm."

"A complete plane like Zhanqi Continent will never tolerate the existence of true gods."

"That..." The beasts felt that what Han Feng said was reasonable, but how could a demigod live so long?

Meng Yaqing seemed to have thought of something, her eyes flashed by.

"It seems Yaqing has figured it out." Han Feng said with a smile.

"Really? What the **** is going on?" Lin Qingshan immediately rushed to Meng Yaqing to find the answer.

Meng Yaqing covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Qingshan, think about it carefully. What did Feng say when he introduced the ancient holy spirit body before?"

Lin Qingshan frowned and thought hard, her eyes widened after a long while: "Could it be..."

Han Feng chuckled: "Yes, if you guessed it correctly, that demigod should be the legendary tenth-level ancient holy spirit body."

"Although the ancient spirit body is a spirit body, it is different from the ordinary spirit body because it was born in the ancient sage battlefield."

"Compared to Qing Shan, as a spirit body, life span is not much higher than that of a human race of the same level, but the spirit body here can live for millions of years."

Qing Shan rolled her eyes: "What kind of spirit body is here, it's a beast without wisdom. Even if it's a monster, it will greatly increase its spirituality when it reaches the profound stage, and it is even more capable of vomiting."

Han Feng nodded: "Indeed, this ancient Holy Spirit body can no longer be said to be a spirit body, but it must be reasonable for the ancient Holy Spirit body to be born and exist."

"It is indeed the legendary ancient holy spirit body. If I am not wrong, the tenth-level ancient holy spirit body should have restored the memory of her life. The woman should be the vital person of the tenth-level ancient holy spirit body, so she will It leaves marks in its body."

Speaking of this Feng's eyes flashed with great interest: "Perhaps, from the mouth of the tenth-level ancient holy spirit, we can understand the truth of the war in ancient times, and how did the ancient sage battlefield arise? "

Zhu Tian Yunque laughed straightly: "Then let's just wait here, after the tenth-level ancient holy spirit manifests, I will deal with it."

Lin Qingshan said cautiously: "Han Feng, anyway, it's best to be careful, what if the other party really has a true **** body here and doesn't ascend to the **** realm?"

"Well, Qingshan is right. We can't care about it at any time. Let's go back to the Cangyun Temple first. If only me and Skylark are left here, and there are only two of us, even if there is a true **** behind the other party , The two of us will have time to enter the Cangyun Temple and escape." Han Feng is not a person who can't listen to suggestions. After listening, he pondered for a while and made a decision.


"Come!" Only Han Feng and Skylark were left, one person and one beast. After waiting, Han Feng felt a great pressure drop from the sky, and the sky dimmed at this moment.

Han Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the strong man who appeared. Judging from his angry face, his previous guesses were correct.

The gaze of the Saint Zhantian was condensed on Han Feng from the moment he appeared, and the hatred in his gaze, even Han Feng, was a little frustrated.

"Boy, let the old man's daughter be buried with him!" The Saint Zhantian found the murderer and couldn't help it anymore and immediately started.


Second! [End of this chapter]