Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 1518: Golden fairy body

   Han Feng was stunned. He felt that Xiao Fatty's words made sense, and the panic in his heart was weakened a bit, and he calmed down slightly.

   Indeed, if the God King really locked himself in, he would kill himself directly. The arrest of Yaqing and Qingshan would be unnecessary.

   As for the ancestors of the true gods of the Qin family, since Xiaopang said that it is impossible, it is in all likelihood that it has nothing to do with the Qin family.

   But since the Qin family has nothing to do with it, what is going on?

   "Little fat, you know what's going on, don't you?" After Han Feng calmed down, he noticed the abnormality.

   To the fact that the two women would be forced to ascend to the God Realm and could not enter the small world of the Cangyun Temple at all, Xiaopang seemed to have known it a long time ago, and he did not show any surprise at all.

   If Xiaopang knew...

   Han Feng's expression sank, his face was very ugly, even his tone became a little cold.

  Pang sighed: "Yes, I knew it would be like this a long time ago."

   As expected.

   Han Feng breathed fiercely, suppressed the anger that spread out, and said lightly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because if I told you earlier, you will ascend to the God Realm first, so that Yaqing and Qing Shan will cross the tribulation in the God Realm." Xiaopang ignored Han Feng's anger. Xiaopang knew it long before he made the decision to conceal this. This matter will arouse Han Feng's anger.

   But this matter, Xiaopang must conceal it.

   This is not only for Han Feng, but also for the two girls.

   Han Feng said with a cold face, waiting for Xiao Pang to continue to explain.

Xiao Chuan said: "Han Feng, you also know that when we penetrated into this universe, I slept for many years. First, I needed energy, and second, I was fusing the universe, so I knew everything clearly, but Due to the heavenly laws of this universe, I can't tell you some news in advance. Now that Yaqing and Qingshan have soared, I can talk about it."

   "As we all know, a warrior who cultivates to the limit of the sanctuary has to cross the divine calamity to be promoted to the true god, and once he is promoted to the true god, he will fly into the **** realm. As for the **** realm to which he flies, it depends on which **** realm his lower plane belongs to."

   "From which **** realm you belong, you will fly into which **** realm after becoming a true god."

   "But this is only for the masses, some have special bloodlines but not necessarily, no matter which lower plane they are in, they will ascend into their own race after ascending."

"Such a group usually has a strong **** emperor sitting in town. The strong **** emperor understands the power of immortality, and his own power has reached an incredible level. Such a strong person can completely affect the divine calamity. They will be in the divine calamity. Leaving the aura of the blood of one's own race, once the lower plane has such blood to promote to the true god, it will be directly transmitted to the race by the divine calamity."

"The Yan Clan where Yaqing belongs, and the Spirit Clan where Qingshan is located are all famous in the Great Thousand God Realm. There are God Emperor powerhouses in the clan, so I knew before they ascended to Xuan Meng. The God Realm that the mainland belongs to is the God Realm where the Yan Clan and the Spirit Clan are located."

   "Even the small world in the Cangyun Temple has no way to block the connection between the two women and the God Realm. After all, the Cangyun Temple is just a world artifact and cannot fight against the power of the God Emperor."

"Of course, all this is only effective on the lower planes. In the God Realm, the power of the Divine Tribulation is not strong enough to be directly transmitted between the God Realms, and the God Emperor does not have the ability to let a warrior directly transmit from one God Realm to another God Realm. ."

   Han Feng was stunned, never expected that there would be such a thing.

   No wonder Xiaopang would say that he would ascend to the God Realm first when he knew it, and once he ascended to the God Realm, the two women would still be able to stay with him even if they crossed the catastrophe.

   "Is it wrong to let my wife stay by my side?" Han Feng said angrily.

"It's not wrong to be with my wife." Xiaopang said, paused, and continued: "But the problem is that your Profound Immortal Body and Saint Flame's Booming Heaven Seal have not yet been upgraded to Divine Grade. Isn’t it because you’ve ascended to the God Realm ahead of time? The more the sanctuary’s unique knowledge is promoted to the divine rank, the greater the good fortune you will get after the tribulation."

   "And Yaqing and Qingshan continue to stay with you, are they really good to them?"

   Han Feng's face changed slightly.

Xiaopang ignored Han Feng’s expression, and then said: "First talk about Yaqing. Yaqing is a physique of ten fires, and ten different fires merge, and the power will increase to an incredible level. May I ask Yaqing for so many years with you, the fusion of different fires. Can the variety increase?"

   Han Feng's face changed again.

   "No change, right?"

   "In the Forgotten Continent, there are several kinds of different fire fusions, and it is basically the same now, but the degree of fusion is deeper." Xiaopang's tone was a little serious.

   "Yaqing's ten-fire physique is definitely stronger than you. As long as there are more types of different fires, and the degree of integration is deeper, Yaqing should be stronger than you in the same level, but in fact?"

"In terms of cultivation, the gap between Yaqing and you is getting bigger and bigger. If you don’t want to upgrade all the great geniuses to the gods, when you first came to Xuanmeng Continent, you would be able to attack the true gods and ascend to the gods, instead of squandering them. Now. If it weren't for this, how could Yaqing hit the true **** before you."

"Following you, Yaqing will be farther and farther away from you in terms of combat power or cultivation, and eventually become a burden. In the past, in the Forgotten Flame Clan on the mainland, Yaqing's strength increased rapidly Because there is a strong person to teach, and now that Ziyun ancestor can no longer teach Yaqing, Yaqing wants to increase her strength quickly, increase combat power, integrate more different fires, and integrate more deeply, only to go to the real Yan clan in the gods. ."

   "Do you want Yaqing to become a burden who can only rely on you? Or a real powerhouse?"

   Hearing this, Han Feng was silent, and following him, would it really only delay Ya Qing?

   Xiaopang said again: "Qingshan's situation is the same. Without the spirit body, Qingshan's strength must not be as good as you and Yaqing, but if it is in the **** realm where the spirit race is, it will be different."

   "And the devouring spirit I transformed Qing Shan back then also has its limits. Presumably in the **** realm where the spirit race is, masters are like clouds, Qing Shan will find a way to break the limit and have a broader future."

   Han Feng smiled bitterly: "Okay, needless to say, I understand. If Yaqing and Qingshan leave me and I can really be stronger, I am willing to separate for a while."

   "But when my strength reaches a certain level, I will definitely bring them back!" Han Feng said firmly.

Seeing Han Feng’s anger dissipated, Xiao Pang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, “Then you have to work hard. Whether it’s Yaqing’s ten-fire physique or Qingshan’s devouring spirit, it will inevitably cause a lot of Pay attention to the strong, maybe the two of them will worship the masters. When you go to find them, maybe they are already ancient gods or kings. Don't fall behind too much."

