Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 1559: On the water cave

   Han Feng and Zhu Tian Yunque broke through successively, they focused on the stable state, and absorbed more energy for the three beasts.

   As mentioned before, breaking through to the Four Tribulations True God, the energy in this divine sea has little effect on one person and one beast, and it is difficult to improve if it is absorbed. It might as well be used to improve the strength of the three beasts.

   During this period, Qixing Lihuazhen urged Han Feng again.

   This time, Han Feng did not shield the Qixing Pear Flower Needle, but dived into the depths of the Shenhai with the Qixing Pear Flower Needle.

   was shielded before, in order to prevent the Qixing Lihuazhen from messing up, and also because there are too many Han Fengs to contend with the four-level green scale ghost shark. However, now his cultivation level has been upgraded to the Four Tribulations True God, his strength has greatly increased, and it is different to face the fourth-level Jade Scale Ghost Shark.



   A green scale ghost shark roared, the seven-star pear flower needle penetrated into the green scale ghost shark's body, destroying the body of the green scale ghost shark.

   The strength of this green scale ghost shark is at the fourth level, which is equivalent to the mid-level powerhouse of the Four Tribulations True God.

   "Shen Yan combat body, condensate!"

   "Golden fairy body, condensate!"

   "Purple and mysterious fire, fusion!"

   "Fusion-Shenyan Fighting Fist!"

   The power of this punch has reached the high-level level of the Four Tribulations True God, even if this green scale ghost shark has not been severely injured, Han Feng can kill it, not to mention this green scale ghost shark has been severely injured by the seven-star pear flower needle.

   With a punch, this green scale ghost shark was wiped out in the roar.

   Under the cooperation of Han Feng and Seven Star Pear Flower Needle, one after another, the Green Scale Ghost Shark fell. Soon, the Seven Star Pear Flower Needle reached the critical point, and the Fourth Divine Tribulation came.

   After a bombardment by the gods, the Seven-Star Pear Flower Needle successfully crossed the Tribulation and became the artifact of the Four Tribulations.

   The Seven-Star Pear Flower Needle, the artifact of the Four Tribulations, has been able to communicate with Han Feng like a normal person.

  Different from the Supreme Profound Sword, the Seven-Star Pear Flower Needle was subdued by Han Feng when it was still in the Second Tribulation artifact, so it is logical to call it Han Feng and Master.

   As for the Supreme Profound Sword, although it has already surrendered, Han Feng's cultivation is still low, and it is far from complete control of the Supreme Profound Sword. Therefore, the Supreme Profound Sword is still called Han Feng by the name of Han Feng.

  Only when Han Feng's strength is recognized by the Supreme Profound Sword, and he fully grasps the Supreme Profound Sword, and can exert its full power, will the Supreme Profound Sword call Han Feng the sword master.


   returned to the surface of the sea, Han Feng was practising Taixuan Tianling Slash, while waiting for the completion of the four beasts.

   However, Han Feng has already cultivated the Supreme Profound Sky Spirit Slash to the sixth level, and the flying flame lion and four beasts have been unable to break through for a long time, and are trapped at the high-level peak of the Three Tribulations True God.

"It's because of the bloodlines. The four beasts are all the bloodlines of the junior gods. It is still a bit difficult to be promoted to the true gods of the Four Tribulations. If you have the **** stone of the middle rank... wait, Han Feng, you have already been promoted to the true gods of the middle rank. The second floor of the Cloud Temple Treasury is now." Xiaopang said in surprise.

   Han Feng also remembered now.

   Xiaopang knotted his hands and brought Han Feng to the second floor of Cangyun Temple.

   The Cangyun Temple on the second floor still has many treasures.

   There are many middle-grade divine fruits, but these are the accumulation of various attributes, and the fire divine fruits alone are not too many.

   And these middle-grade divine fruits are mostly low-level middle-grade ones, and very few high-level ones.

   It's a pity Xiaopang said: "If you can absorb and refine all these fire attribute divine fruits, you can reach the middle level of the Four Tribulations True God without saying less."

   Han Feng said, "This was originally left by God King Zhu Yan to his descendants. How can we be greedy, just take one."

If God Zhu Yan left the treasures in this treasure house at the beginning, he said that he was free to pick, then Han Feng would have no pressure, but God Zhu Yan didn’t actually say that, he just promised to hand over the Cangyun Temple to the queen. People will be rewarded.

   These treasure houses were opened by Xiaopang by temporarily becoming the tool spirit of the Cangyun Temple. They were opened in an abnormal way.

   has a guilty conscience, if you take more treasures, it will not be a guilty conscience but a shame.

   That's it, Han Feng also decided to help Zhu Yanshen Queen a little bit in the future to offset his own behavior of taking the **** fruit and stone.

   Xiaopang didn't force Han Feng, since Han Feng was unwilling, then forget it.

However, thinking of the fire spirit fruit that is not yet mature in the planting space, Xiaopang's face is weird: "The fire spirit fruit was originally used to improve your cultivation or to attack the four major martial arts to a higher level. With you, you have already been promoted to the Four Tribulations True God, and the four major martial arts have also been promoted to the second stage of the middle stage. The fire spirit divine fruit will not have much effect by then."

   "Yes, it is indeed a pity." Han Feng also had some regrets.

   Fire Spirit God Fruit is just a lower grade God fruit, although it is the top grade among the lower grade God fruit, it is still a lower grade God fruit.

After    is refined into the source liquid, the effect is only comparable to directly swallowing some relatively low-grade middle-grade divine fruit.

   Such an effect, for the True God of the Four Tribulations, the cultivation base will not improve quickly. And the four major martial arts have also been upgraded to the second mid-stage, which is equivalent to the middle-grade magical skills. If you want to continue to improve, you need a relatively high-grade middle-grade magic fruit, like the fire spirit fruit, which is refined into the source liquid to absorb all After that, it is estimated that one or two martial arts will be promoted to the second late stage.

   It is impossible to upgrade all to the second stage.

   "With the power of my current Zizhi Xuanhuo, it is enough to refine the middle-grade **** stone. The middle-grade **** stone is transformed into the source liquid and then transported into the planting space. In all likelihood, it will greatly reduce the maturity time of the fire spirit **** fruit."

Just do it if you think about it, take out the middle-grade sacred stone from the second floor of the treasure house and give it to Xiaopang The middle-grade sacred stone on the second floor is still hundreds of millions, so Han Feng is not too big. Psychological burden.

   Of course, there are still a lot of artifacts from the Four Tribulations to Six Tribulations on the second floor. It's just that the Four Tribulations artifact has the Seven Star Pear Flower Needle, and the sneak attack effect is even more unparalleled. The Six Tribulations artifact has the clone Taixuan Divine Sword, the artifact on the second floor of the treasury, Han Feng can't use it. And even if Han Feng wanted to use it, those artifacts would not easily recognize Han Feng, the true God of Four Tribulations.

   Xiaopang spurred the Zizhi Xuanhuo, and a large amount of medium grade **** stone source liquid was transported to the planting space.

  Originally, it took hundreds of years for the fire spirit fruit to mature, but now it only takes less than a hundred years.

   At the same time, Xiao Pang used a secret method to enhance the bloodlines of the five beasts through the middle-grade divine stone.

  In the Lingquan space, the purple Lingquan made by Zhongpin Shenshi, Han Feng soaked in it, also improved his aptitude.

   Absorbed time and time again, Lingquan was absorbed cleanly again and again, and Han Feng's aptitude was upgraded to the high level of the intermediate gods, only one step away from the advanced gods.

The flying flame lion four beasts have also been upgraded to the highest level of intermediate divine rank. In the process of transformation, the four beasts have increased in strength. Now they have passed the fourth divine calamity and become the true **** of the four calamities, and they are still improving all the way to the four calamities. True God Intermediate.

   And Zhu Tianyunque, his bloodline can be upgraded to a high-level divine rank, and his own cultivation base has also been upgraded to the high-level pinnacle of the Four Tribulations True God in the process of transformation.

   In short, the strength of the five beasts has grown rapidly with this bloodline transformation.

