Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 1600: The Purple Cloud Tower descends

Princess Crescent and the others are gone, but this does not mean that the matter is over.

How can Han Feng let go of the person who betrayed him, not to mention the other party has nothing to do with him.

Ye Bai saw everything in his eyes from above, already dumbfounded.

From the moment Han Feng rescued Ye Bai, Ye Bai knew that Han Feng was very powerful, and he was definitely ranked among the geniuses within Long Live Yunzhou.

But even so, Ye Bai had never thought that Han Feng would be so strong that he couldn't even compare to Young Master Ziying, and he even dared to confront a genius like Princess Crescent.

This is completely beyond his imagination.

After that, Ye Bai was so excited that he couldn't find North, and with his gaze towards Han Feng, he couldn't help but worshipped, even more than Zhuwei.

"Too...too amazing!" Ye Bai jumped down directly, turning around Han Feng, his face flushed with excitement.

At this time, Ye Bai found that Han Feng's expression was always faint, and Ye Bai couldn't help but shut his mouth, and said in his heart: "Isn't it annoying me." Ye Bai knew that he was a bit chatty.

"Not coming out yet!" Han Feng screamed sharply, making Ye Bai startled.

"Han...Brother Han..." Zhu Wei and others walked out stiffly with a pale face.

"Brother Han, big brother, this is..." No matter how naive Ye Bai is, he is not an idiot. There is no difference in the atmosphere between Han Feng and Zhu Wei.

In Ye Bai's shocked gaze, Han Feng made a move instantly, and the powerful gods blasted out like a flood, blasting fiercely on Zhu Wei and the others.

Puff puff……

Zhu Wei and others vomited blood instantly and flew out with a blast.

Ye Bai was completely stunned, wondering why Han Feng would make a sudden move.

Han Feng was about to continue his shot, but he sensed that the Ziyun Guard was flying over again.

Immediately, Han Feng took back the gods that were about to spew out, and said indifferently: "Fighting and killing are forbidden in Ziyun City. Han will spare your life for the time being. I hope you don't meet me in the Ziyun Tower, otherwise I won't Let go of betraying my situation to the people of the Skyscraper Sword Sect." After saying that, Han Feng turned his head and said to Ye Bai in an indifferent voice: "Don't trust your big brother so much, take a snack."

Han Feng disappeared in front of Ye Bai with a movement.

In fact, Han Feng was absolutely sure to kill Zhu Wei and others before the arrival of the Ziyun Guard, but Han Feng didn't know what punishment would follow.

Judging from the previous behavior of the Ziying Master and others, it should be that he wanted to severely inflict him and capture him instead of killing him. Obviously, the prohibition of murder in Ziyun City even the people of the Skyscraper Sword Sect did not dare to resist. Han Feng is not. Willing to face unknown punishment for the sake of mere blessings.

Of course, if you encounter it later in the Ziyun Tower, it will be another story.

Han Feng didn't know that his decision was correct.

Fighting and killing are forbidden in Ziyun City. Fighting can still be exploited by others, but if you kill, you can't find any loopholes.

Anyone, even a powerful person at the level of ancient gods, as long as they kill people in Ziyun City, Ziyun City will directly drop the destructive thunder that destroys the world and kill them cleanly!

Although Ziyun God Realm is only a small thousand God Realm, but to violate the rules of Ziyun God Realm, at least the power of the **** king level is needed.

If it is in the Great Thousand God Realm, the powerhouse of the God Emperor cannot defy the rules of the Great Thousand God Realm.


After Han Feng disappeared, Ye Bai blankly looked pale and trembling, his eyes were full of fearful Zhu Wei and others.

Just now... what did that sentence mean, could it be...

Ye Bai is naive, but naive but not stupid. Ye Bai's eyes widened and looked at Zhu Wei and the others, as if it was the first time he saw Zhu Wei and the others, his expression was unbelievable.

At the same time, I was also curious about Han Feng's identity. What was the reason that made Heavenly Sword Sect's New Moon Princess recognize Han Feng?


Ziyun City is very large, and the central area is also very large. It is so easy for Han Feng to find an empty house.

Even if someone wants to snatch, Han Feng only needs to release his Five Tribulations True God's high-level cultivation base, it is enough to shock countless geniuses.

In the entire Yunzhou, there are only a few who can reach the high level of the Five Tribulations True God within Long Live. They are the top-level geniuses, second only to the three masters of the Heavenly Devil.

Unexpectedly, news of Han Feng, the unfamiliar high-level true **** of the Five Tribulations, spread in a certain part of the true **** group in the central area of ​​Ziyun City.

After all, the struggle in the Ziyun Tower is fierce. Know in advance which strong people are. Then you can consider joining together or fleeing in advance when you meet, instead of losing the qualification to enter the next level after a blind fight. Even his life was lost.

Therefore, many true gods and geniuses came to visit, but unfortunately they were all rejected.

There are also true gods who want to use their souls to detect Han Feng, but there is little fat, no one can see Han Feng's appearance through the house, so these people do not know that the house is inhabited by the three major forces. Korean style.

The visit was rejected, and the spirits were blocked by something. These geniuses had to retreat and couldn't curse. They came to visit but to form an alliance to fight the three major forces in advance, rather than to grudge.

But soon, these people no longer care about Han Feng.

Guy completely robbed Han Feng from the limelight because of a piece of news.

The domineering son of the King Kong Gate, the son-level genius second only to the King Dragon on the King Kong Gate, whether it is the son-level genius who ranks and prestige more than the Ziying son, was defeated by a strange white swordsman!

If it weren't for Ziyun City's prohibition of killing, maybe this overlord would fall on the spot.

Although it was his carelessness that the domineering son yelled after the incident, and he didn't use his bleeding and full strength, did the white swordsman use his full strength?

Many true **** geniuses speculated that this white-clothed swordman was very likely to be the powerhouse of the Six Tribulations True God.

I heard that this white-clothed swordman has two companions. The strong one will only be companions with the strong one. The white-clothed swordman is so strong, what about the other two?

There are many other things like this, where famous geniuses are defeated by strange geniuses who suddenly rise up, and many geniuses in Yunzhou are amazed.

The three masters of the devil, plus the high-level geniuses of the Five Tribulations True God known in Yunzhou, plus some unfamiliar high-level geniuses of the Five Tribulations True God, including Han Feng, and some strange geniuses who don’t know the level of cultivation, finally Plus three white swordsmen.

The true **** geniuses of Ziyun City were shocked to discover that there are so many geniuses who are second only to or even comparable to the three of the heavenly devil, maybe there are geniuses beyond the three of the heavenly faintly , As if some door had opened, these true **** geniuses discovered that what they had always seen was a corner of the world, a very small corner.

It is precisely because of the existence of these super geniuses that many ordinary geniuses have formed alliances in secret.

Single to single, none of them can compete with the Five Tribulations True God's high-level geniuses, but the combined power may not be necessary.

Regardless of the undercurrent surging in the central area of ​​Ziyun City outside, Han Feng stayed in the room to practice in a low-key manner. Until this day, Ziyun City vibrated violently, and thousands of rays of light descended and flooded Ziyun City.

An incomparably majestic breath descended with thousands of rays of light.

Han Feng opened his eyes suddenly, knowing that the Ziyun Tower had come.



I don't know if there will be a third update, cabbage try hard. ()