Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 1782: Small world


   "The small world will not disappear!"

   "Floating into the dimensional space?"

   Everyone showed a look of astonishment.

  This, they really don't know.

   Han Feng's gaze condensed, and then he was astonished: "The secret realm exists in the dimensional space, and the small world also flows into the dimensional space. Is it because the chaotic secret realm shakes this time because the small world collides with the chaotic secret realm?"

   Before Han Feng felt that something had hit the chaos secret realm, then a part of it fell into the chaos secret realm, that is, the dark hole.

   Is it a small world?

Xi Huansheng hesitated for a moment and said, "According to the record in that ancient book, after the collision between the small world and the chaos secret realm, it will cause a violent shock in the dimensional secret realm, just like it is about to collapse or the end of the world. Many dimensional secrets are destroyed in this way. But there are also some powerful mysteries that are inherently strong, so they will not be destroyed by the small world."

"The previous chaos secret realm vibrated as if it was about to collapse. This is the same as the record, so I suspect that the small world of the gods and the chaotic secret realm have collided, but it is not certain whether we need to observe the place of the collision. "

   Everyone looked at each other. They thought it was the Chaos Secret Realm that had reached the end of their lifespan, so they were about to collapse. Now that they are being hit by the small world?

   "No, I heard that the king of the gods has fallen, and the small world in the body is about to collapse. It is the kind of complete destruction, how can it fall into the dimension space!" Huang Zheqi couldn't believe it.

   This time, the commentator was replaced by Lu Xinfan.

"Indeed, this is true. If the strong **** king falls, the small world in his body will be ruined. But please remember clearly, it is a strong **** king level!" Lu Xinfan emphasized the word'king of god', and then said: " Brother Xi said before, but there is a prerequisite, it is the small world of God Emperor!"

   Huang Zhe Qi recalled, as if Xi Huansheng had said that after the **** king and the **** emperor had a small world at the beginning, the small world he said later specifically referred to the **** emperor small world.

   Han Feng thoughtfully: "It turns out that both the **** king and the **** emperor have small worlds, but only the small world of the **** emperor will not collapse after the death of the **** emperor and will stay in the dimensional space. Why is this?"

   "It's very simple, the small world of God King is not complete!" Xi Huansheng looked solemn and talked freely.

   "As everyone knows, the small world in the **** king needs to experience the world's calamity. The more you experience, the more complete it is, but no matter how complete the small world is, it cannot compete with the **** king's small world."

"The small world of the emperor has the will of the emperor engraved by the emperor, and the will of the emperor is like the way of heaven, dominating the small world. Also because the laws of the emperor’s small world are close to complete, life and humans can be born, There is also a cultivation system."

   "After the fall of the **** emperor, the will left by the **** emperor will not die immediately, but will turn into the will of the small world, replacing the supreme rule of the **** emperor over the small world."

   "This small world that was born will be very rudimentary and has no wisdom, so it can't compete with the will of our real world. It can only hide in the realm of dimensional secrets."

   "According to ancient records, the small world above the **** emperor will also turn into the small world will after the fall, but the small world will turned into the dominating will is extremely powerful and advanced, and even has preliminary thinking and wisdom."

   "With the passage of time, the thinking and wisdom of the will to dominate the small world will become higher and higher. Eventually, the will to dominate the small world will be reborn, just like dominating the rebirth, possessing everything once dominated."

   "However, after the will to dominate the small world is regenerated into a human, you will never be able to advance to the dominator, and at most you will cultivate to the high level of the emperor."

   "Because the will to dominate the small world is very advanced, this dominating the small world can often appear in our world grandiosely."

   Everyone was shocked. This knowledge is actually not that precious. As long as it is a powerful force with a deep foundation, there should be such records.

   But the Ziyun God Realm is only a small thousand God Realm, the level is too low, and there are no strong God Kings. Naturally, no one will deliberately study these, and the research is useless.

   Xi Huansheng was only inadvertently seen from ancient books while inquiring about some ancient deeds.

   Wei Xu said excitedly: "In other words, the previous Chaos Secret Realm vibration was only because of the collision with the small world, not because I was about to collapse?"

   Xi Huansheng nodded.

   Everyone is relieved, in this way, there is no need to worry about the chaos secret realm collapsing at any time, causing them to flow into the space turbulence.

   I don't know, when everyone was relieved, Xi Huansheng poured cold water on everyone.

   "Whether the chaos secret realm will collapse depends on the level of the **** emperor small world. If the **** emperor small world is too powerful, the chaos secret realm will not last long." Xi Huansheng said coldly.

   Everyone looked awe-inspiring.

   Wei Xu is incredible: "Can the small world crash into the Secret Realm of Chaos?"

"What's impossible, that is the small world born in the **** emperor's body, especially when the small world in the **** emperor's body multiplies to the extreme, it may not be the strongest or even half-step divine emperor who can bear this How strong will the small world where the strong exist? I have said before that there are not many dimensional secrets destroyed by the small world."

   "Although the Chaos Secret Realm is powerful, but in terms of endurance, it is estimated that any **** king can cause the Chaos Secret Realm to be severely and even collapse." After Xi Huansheng finished speaking, his eyes also showed a trace of worry.

   There is still a long time before the Chaos Secret Realm sends everyone away. If the Chaos Secret Realm cannot withstand the impact of the small world during this period, it will still collapse.

   The expressions of Wei Xu and the others were miserable again.

Everyone was panicked, and Han Feng's voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Xi, if the small world wants to destroy the chaos secret realm, then the power of the chaotic secret shock should be stronger and stronger, but now it seems that the shaking power is getting more and more Weak, now calming down, what's going on?"

   Yes, this is not right.

   Everyone's spirits were shaken, their eyes pierced at Xi Huansheng, waiting for Xi Huansheng's answer.

   Xi Huansheng opened his mouth: "Han Feng, is it really getting weaker?"

   "Yes!" Han Feng replied solemnly.

   "This..." Xi Huansheng closed his eyes for a while, then opened them again, with a smile on his face: "I remember it, it was said in ancient books."

   "The small world of the **** emperor is very rudimentary and has no wisdom, so he can't practice, nor can he keep the small world of the **** emperor running.

   "Fortunately, the **** emperor is here. Without the **** emperor, when there is only the will of the primary small world, the world energy of the small world will become weaker and lower, lower and lower levels, and the law will become weaker and weaker.

   "This directly leads to lower and lower levels of the small world, fewer strong people in the small world, and weaker levels."

