Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 1903: Forbidden World 4

"What!" Han Feng was taken aback, Cangyun Temple didn't even have the ability to resist, and was instantly sucked in.

"What is this!" Tan Laozu and others were shocked.

When the tornado-like suction charge came, several ancestors were shocked.

They found that if they were really attracted by this suction, they might not be able to resist as a half-step **** king.

No one knows what's in the whirlpool, or whether it was strangulated or transported to other places after being sucked in.

Even if several ancestors were greedy for Han Feng's plane heart and world artifacts, they had to retreat quickly at this moment. No matter how important the heart of the plane and the artifacts of the world are, their safety and life are not as important.

It's just that stormy suction, so fast, several ancestors approached in the blink of an eye.

This frightened several ancestors and Lu Zhenggu's face pale, each of them didn't care about hiding their strength, and Mou Zuo fled with all his strength.

Old ancestor Tan was behind at this time, because he still had the burden of Patriarch Wen in his hands.

Seeing that the suction storm was getting closer and closer to him, Old Ancestor Tan actually abandoned Patriarch Wen when he gritted his teeth.

"No, ancestor!" Patriarch Wen let out a desperate voice, and was soon swallowed by the suction storm.

Under such horrible suction power, as a middle-ranked ancient god, Patriarch Wen didn't have much resistance, and the huge vortex that flew up into the starry sky instantly was swallowed by the vortex.


After fleeing for about a quarter of an hour, several ancestors were still affected.

But within a quarter of an hour, several old ancestors and Lu Zhenggu had already escaped a long way, even if they were affected, they were still on the edge of the suction storm.

The suction of this part is not as scary and irresistible as the center of the suction storm.

The ancient **** Lu Zheng and the three ancestors have been able to withstand such suction.

The four strong men stood in the starry sky, looking at each other.

They never expected that following Han Feng would end up with such a result.

Not only did the Heart of the Plane and the World Sacred Tool not get it, but one person was lost, and even they were almost sucked in.

The four of them didn't look good, they didn't get any benefits after spending so much effort.

"Boy Lu Zheng, do you know what this whirlpool is?" Tan Laozu knew that the ancient **** Lu Zheng had read many cheats, and couldn't help asking.

The ancient **** Lu Zheng shook his head: "I don't know this constellation. The starry sky is already huge and mysterious. Don't say me, even the **** emperor might not know all the secrets of the starry sky. Who knows what this vortex is?"

"Fine, maybe the Heart of the Plane and the World Sacred Tool have no chance with me." First Ancestor Su looked away, as long as the Universe Sect did not get it, before the ancient **** Lu Zheng broke through the **** king, the eastern boundary of the Ziyun God Realm would still be Qiankunzong, Taibai Jianzong, and Tianluozong stand on top of each other.

As for the ancient **** Lu Zheng after he was promoted to the king...

Ancestor Su gave a sneer in his heart, but he barely condensed Chaos Qinglian, although he was more hopeful than them to be promoted to the king, but it was only more hopeful, not certain.

Is God King so easy to break through?

If it were such a good breakthrough, Ziyun God Realm would not have had a god-king powerhouse for so many years.

Taishang Laozu, Tan Laozu, and Lu Zhenggushen are not so open, especially Tan Laozu and Lu Zhenggushen.

You know, as the people of the Universe Sect, they had a great advantage, but they still let Han Feng run away.

But thinking that Han Feng was also involved in the whirlpool, the two were gloating again.

"Hmph, if you give the heart of the plane to this seat in the Qiankun Sect, where there will be such a disaster, deserve it!" The ancient **** Lu Zheng was unwilling and happy.

The heart of not getting the plane is a foregone conclusion, the four of them had to turn around and fly to the Ziyun God Realm.


Do not mention the four Luzheng ancient gods.

At this moment, Cangyun Temple and Patriarch Wen were involved in the whirlpool.

The suction storm in the vortex was even more terrifying, and the Cangyun Temple flipped up and down, and Rao Han Feng, as the true **** of the Nine Tribulations, was also dizzy.

However, Han Feng was already much better than the Wen Family Master, he was protected by the Cangyun Temple anyway.

The Wen Patriarch screamed again and again in the whirlpool.

The suction storm inside the vortex contains terrible tearing power.

This tearing force was enough to easily tear a powerful man at the limit of the Nine Tribulations True God into pieces.

Even the lower ancient gods would definitely not be able to resist for long.

In the suction storm, I don’t know how long it took to turn around, but Cangyun Temple and Patriarch Wen were ‘spit out’ one after another.

Han Feng endured his nausea and separated part of his spirit power, and immediately realized that his current position was completely different from before, and everything around him was different.

It's like being teleported, being teleported from side to side.

At the same time, Han Feng had already discovered through the Cangyun Temple that there was a vast plane not far away.

But what makes people palpitate is that this egg-like plane, but the membrane is blood red, making people feel uneasy.

"Little fat, let's go!" Uneasy, Han Feng was about to leave here immediately.

"Can't leave." Xiaopang sighed.

Without waiting for Han Feng to inquire carefully, Han Feng's spirit has already observed the blood-colored vortex around the plane of the blood-colored membrane.

This **** vortex swallowed like a beast, swallowing the Cangyun Temple in one bite.

The literary master was shocked and was about to make a move, but was also sucked in by the Scarlet Vortex.

The Cangyun Temple was sucked in and immediately fell into the plane, but Patriarch Wen let out a terrifying scream.

The **** energy in the **** vortex crazily squeezed into Patriarch Wen's body, destroying the meridian energy in Patriarch Wen's body.

Before long, even the chaotic silver lotus in the main body of Wen's family was completely destroyed.

As the root of the Chaos Ancient God, the Master Wen was wiped out in an instant, leaving only the broken body of the Ancient God.

The broken body of the ancient god, due to heavy damage, was less than one-two-tenth of the strength of the heyday, which is estimated to be equivalent to that of the lower ancient god.

"No, why!" Patriarch Wen wailed.

The chaotic silver lotus was broken, which meant that the ancient **** was broken at all, it was like a martial artist's Dantian was broken.

As a former ancient **** powerhouse, the patriarch would naturally not become a useless person because of the destruction of the Chaos Silver Lotus, but he would definitely no longer be an ancient god.

How miserable it was for the ancient gods that once stood high to fall to the realm of true gods all at once.

Thinking that all of this was due to Old Ancestor Tan and Han Feng, Patriarch Wen resented: "Damn Han Feng, **** old things, it's all you! It's all your fault!"

The broken body of the ancient **** plus the cultivation base that fell to the true **** of heaven, combined it may be comparable to the stronger true **** of heaven and the weaker true **** of heaven.

"Wait...Why does this face destroy my Chaos Silver Lotus?" While Patriarch Wen resented, suddenly doubts arose. Planar consciousness directly deprives an ancient **** of the roots, why does this kind of thing happen to oneself?

There are so many planes in the starry sky world, including three thousand **** realms,...never have any **** realm planes be like this, otherwise, where is the **** realm quotient.

The so-called God Realm Plane Merchant is a merchant who travels to and from different God Realms and exchanges items from different God Realms for profit.

If the God Realm Planar Consciousness will hurt others, where will there be God Realm Planar Quotient.

The patriarch thought of a legend, and his eyes were shocked: "Could it be that this plane is the realm of the forbidden antiquity in the legend? The plane that prohibits the existence of all ancient gods?"

