Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2020: Tianhuohe

At this moment, a white light burst from the sky, trying to break through the golden giant gate at an unparalleled speed and enter the small world of Xuanfeng.

"Looking for death!" Tiangang Quandi's eyes condensed, and he blasted out a punch.

The Qi of Tiangang gushes out frantically, transforming into a terrifying Tiangang fist, which is truly a Tiangang divine fist that achieves super-grade magical skills.

As soon as the Tiangang God's fist was thrown out, the entire world was engulfed in the terrifying Tiangang Cyclone, the Tiangang Cyclone with extremely sharp cutting power, the trees within a radius of thousands of miles were instantly cut into pieces by the Tiangang Cyclone.

Except for the other six super heavenly emperors, the leaders of the other four-star forces looked shocked and tried their best to resist.

Bai Guang was blasted, and suddenly let out a scream, revealing the figure of a white-haired old man.

"Emperor Ripples Light?" Tiangang Boxing Emperor's face was dazzling, this Emperor Ripples Light, but also a supreme emperor, ranked more than forty on the list of Emperors of Heaven.

Emperor Likongguang had already hid aside, just wanting to enter the small world of Xuanfeng to find an opportunity. Now that he was blocked, Emperor Likongguang would immediately turn into a white light and flee.

"Where to escape?" The Slaughter Emperor gave a grinning laugh, and a huge phantom of the Slaughter Emperor suddenly appeared behind him, and then the terrifying killing aura condensed into a great axe, as if to cut the sky in half, and slashed towards it fiercely. Split the sky light emperor.

The Dark Thunder Emperor, Wu Tiantian Emperor, and Eight-legged Lei Emperor also took action.

A majestic emperor of heaven, who is also famous on the list of emperors of heaven, the emperor of the sky, fell in the wild forest.

The people of the four-star forces swallowed and spit, and it was a dream to break through the defenses of the seven five-star forces and enter the small world of Xuanfeng.


Xuanfeng's small world.

Everyone landed here, Han Feng glanced roughly, and found that there were many volcanoes in this small world of Xuanfeng.

The terrifying temperature made some emperors and deities feel uncomfortable.

The seven emperors looked at each other and ran in seven completely different directions to find their own opportunities.

Han Feng, Qing Yao Tiandi, and Shenjing Tiandi followed Litian's son to fly forward.

After flying for about a quarter of an hour, the scene in everyone's sight did not change much, except for a volcano.

The emperor Litian suddenly said: "You all scattered around, looking for your own chances. If there is something to do with this emperor, I will definitely summon everyone through correspondence." The emperor Litian is very good at being a human being. The small world of Xuanfeng is so big that so many people. Follow him to find, even if you really have a chance, who will it belong to? Li Tianzi knew that with his strength he could not suppress such a powerful emperor as the Azure Demon Heavenly Emperor. If he really monopolized the opportunity, he might offend such a powerful emperor as the Azure Demon Heavenly Emperor.

Instead of this, it is better to let everyone separate. Whoever finds an opportunity will have the opportunity. No one can blame anyone.


"The holy heaven stele comes every three months after the opening of the small world. After three months, it is best for you to follow the emperor's order to gather together, otherwise you will suffer a loss if you act alone."

Every time the holy stele descends, an enchantment will be formed around it, and only by staying in the enchantment can one understand the genius through the holy stele.

And the closer you are to the Holy Heaven monument, the more benefits you will get.

Alone, let alone occupy the forefront position, it is good not to be forced out of the barrier by other gangs.

Even the seven emperors dare not say that they can occupy the forefront position by themselves.

Everyone naturally knew the importance of the matter, and they all nodded in awe, including the Azure Demon Heavenly Emperor, and there was no objection.

The emperor Litian sent the correspondence jade to Han Feng and others, and left first.

After that, the emperors also chose one direction to leave. The Azure Demon Tiandi wanted to invite Han Feng, but was rejected by Han Feng. Han Feng only wanted to explore by himself, and there was no need to worry about the'uneven distribution of the spoils' and all kinds of things. contradiction.


Han Feng spent three days in Xuanfeng's small world, but he didn't find any chance. After opening the Xuanfeng small world so many times, treasures have been provoked long ago, and the rest are of little value or It is unborn or undiscovered.

On the way, Han Feng also encountered many Tianzun and Tiandi. Looking at the appearance of those Tianzun and Tiandi, I am afraid that he didn't get anything.

After another two days, Han Feng's eyes condensed, and he saw a wide river flowing not far away. The river didn't know its source or where it was going. The reason why this river attracted Han Feng's attention was that this river was entirely composed of flames.

The red flames rushed endlessly, sending out waves of amazing power.

"This is..." Han Feng didn't know what flame river this was, but vaguely felt that this flame river should be good for him.

Thinking of this, Han Feng speeded up and quickly rushed to this flame river.

Approaching, a terrible temperature hit, Han Feng frowned, jumped up, and jumped into the flame river.


The river that was originally just flowing quietly suddenly surging up, and a trace of flame power actually poured into Han Feng's body.

Han Feng's meridians gradually began to feel pain. After this flame power entered his body, he actually began to burn his own meridians.

"This flame power... can not only forge my meridians, but also forge my divine body, divine soul and divine essence, and make the foundation more stable after some forging!" Han Feng was surprised and delighted.

Using the power of time to break the cultivation base to the peak of the middle emperor, because of the sudden increase in power and the short time, Han Feng did not completely control his power at all.

Normally, there is no seven or eight years to control one's own power to 80/90%.

This control is basically the degree to which most warriors control their own energy. If you want to avoid wasting a single bit, it is difficult to find one out of a hundred warriors.

Regardless of the difference between mastering 90% and mastering 10%, there is only 10% difference.

But now in this flaming river, through the calcination of the flame power, the soul and the body are tempered, and the foundation is Han Feng found that within one or two months at most, he can control his own power To 90%.

At that time, there will be no more situations where you can't control your breath and let people see through.

A few years and a month or two, what a big gap is this.

Thinking of this, Han Feng settled down and decided to dive in the crimson flame river. As for other opportunities, Han Feng didn't care about it.


Unknown to Han Feng, a figure galloped over at the other end of the flame river.

This figure was full of faint blue flames tumbling, exuding a powerful and rolling aura.

"The Tianhuo River that my father said should be nearby?" The person who came was surprisingly Emperor Jiuyou, one of the seven emperors.



