Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2023: Beyond Emperor Pin (4 more flowers...

"This is..." Han Feng's pupils shrank suddenly as he felt the oppression of the world on him.

Han Feng knew that this was a vision of heaven and earth that only super-grade magic skills could achieve.

His family knew his family's situation, and Han Feng understood that he was able to exert the power of super-quality magical skills. It was because of the fusion of Ziji Tianhuo and Shenyan Zhanquan.

Relying on Shen Yan Zhan Fist alone, it is still far from the super-grade magical skills.

And the emperor Jiuyou emperor displayed at this moment, although in terms of power, it still does not reach the level of super-grade magical skills, but there is no doubt that this trick has touched the essence of super-grade magical skills.

Strictly speaking, this is the embryonic form of the super-grade magical skill, at most a few problems have not been solved by the emperor Jiuyou, so it has been unable to truly promote the super-grade magical skill.

However, with the fusion of the nine ghost fires, this move is almost equal to the true super-quality magical skill.

With the bloodline of Jiuyou, Emperor Jiuyou's combat power has reached the pseudo-extreme level unexpectedly, and it is not low in the pseudo-extreme level, probably 80% of the power of the Blood God Heavenly Emperor.

The blood **** Tiandi is the limit of the heavenly emperor, and the emperor Jiuyou is only a newcomer to the superior heavenly emperor. It seems that the realm is not so stable yet, and the gap between them can be seen.


Nine ghosts fire rolled in the void, forming a sea of ​​flames. A huge finger suddenly stretched out from the sea of ​​flames, and it ‘slowly’ dropped at a seemingly slow, but in fact, swift and violent speed.

Every time the giant finger approaches Han Feng, the more pressure Han Feng feels.

"Hmph, this emperor doesn't believe you can contend with this trick of Jiuyou Shocking Finger." Emperor Jiuyou sneered in the sea of ​​fire.

Han Feng's eyes flashed, and the three gods unfolded instantly.

The simultaneous increase of the Jinxian Body, the Great Sun Flame Body, and the Shenyan War Body immediately made Han Feng's cultivation level soar to an extremely incredible level.

A dazzling white sun wheel appeared behind him, with flames reaching the sky.

Han Feng turned into the flame **** of war and once again punched out.

If Han Feng's previous punch was only a pseudo-extreme, then the power of the punch at this moment has truly reached the emperor of the extreme.

Before the Nine Nether Earth-shattering Fingers fell, they were blocked in midair by an unstoppable force, and then they were counterattacked back.


Jiuyou Jingtian finger was like a banana that had been squashed from the top and bottom. After only resisting it for a moment, it was crushed into a mess.

The Jiuyou Sea of ​​Fire was penetrated in an instant, and the vast power rolled out an endless flame storm.

This vast force soon spread to Emperor Jiuyou, and the Emperor Jiuyou launched a powerful defense in time, and was unable to resist this force. He was thrown away fiercely, vomiting blood constantly in embarrassment.

In the sky, there was a sudden cry of pain, and a figure flashed out. It turned out to be the emperor of the holy devil, and also the genius emperor of one of the seven emperors.

"Emperor Saint Demon!" Seeing this man, Emperor Jiuyou's expression turned extremely ugly. The scene of his embarrassment was seen by someone who had been trampled under his feet.

The Emperor Saint Demon looked embarrassed. He had only seen the battle taking place here before, and the aura of one of them was very familiar to him. It was Emperor Jiuyou, so he came to have a look. He really wanted to know who was fighting with Emperor Jiuyou.

After coming to the neighborhood, the Emperor Saint Demon condensed his aura and hid aside, how could he think that the power of those who dare to fight the Emperor Jiuyou was too terrifying, and such a powerful blow broke out, even he was affected, from the hiding place Had to expose


"Haha...Hello, Emperor Jiuyou." The Emperor Saint Demon greeted him embarrassingly.

"Not good at all!" Emperor Jiuyou said coldly.

Han Feng silently looked at the two emperors, the holy devil emperor Han Feng had discovered it a long time ago, so he deliberately guided a part of the power of the divine war fist to affect the holy demon emperor when the fist of God Yan Zhan blasted out. The place where the child is hiding, otherwise the Holy Demon Emperor would not be exposed so easily.

Seeing Han Feng's gaze swept over, Emperor Saint Demon shuddered and cursed inwardly: "Where is the perversion? Even Emperor Jiuyou was beaten so badly. It's better for me not to provoke him."

"Haha, you two continue, I won't bother you two." The Emperor Saint Demon is about to leave.

"Wait, since you are here, how about helping me?" Emperor Jiuyou immediately transmitted the voice.

"I'm kidding you, this guy can't even beat you, I can beat you together? Besides, why should I help you?" In the last sentence, the Saint Demon Emperor's tone was quite mocking.

The seven emperors are all in a competitive relationship. The relationship is not harmonious. It is still good if you don't fall into the trap. Do you want to get help?

Then, without a word, the Emperor Saint Demon disappeared into a mass of demonic energy.

"Coward!" Emperor Jiuyou cursed secretly.

Seeing that there was no one to help, Emperor Jiuyou had to retreat, but the gloomy expression made Han Feng understand that the matter was endless.

Until Emperor Jiuyou disappeared from Han Feng's sight, Han Feng still did not do anything.

Killing the Jiuyou Emperor is easy, but after killing the Jiuyou Emperor, you will face the Jiuyou Heavenly Emperor when you leave the small world of Xuanfeng.

For now, Han Feng is not sure to deal with Emperor Jiuyou.

Only when he has the ability to fight against Jiuyou Tiandi, or even the ability to kill Jiuyou Tiandi, can he kill Jiuyou Emperor regardless of his concern and deal with the series of problems that follow.


"I hope that this time the breakthrough of the Nine Flames Different Fire Art can greatly increase my overall strength."

"As long as the strength really rises to the level of fighting against the Jiuyou Emperor, if the Jiuyou Emperor dares to provoke me, I will kill it!"

Han Feng put aside his various thoughts, sank into the Skyfire Hanoi again, and operated the Nine Flames and Different Fire Art.

Surrounded by the power of time, the Nine Flames Different Fire Art soon reached the true seventh-layer late stage, only one step away from the seventh-layer peak.

Shenyuan's quality has also reached the peak of Emperor Product.

Boom boom boom!

In the sky fire Hanoi, the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the power of the sky fire is also increasing, becoming more and more terrifying.

The power of the sky fire continues to gather, almost forming a long dragon.

I don't know how long it has been Feng's body shook suddenly, and the flames of the Ziji sky skyrocketed, soaring to cover the sky and the sun. The sky is full of rich purple flames.

The gods in Han Feng's body have undergone earth-shaking changes. Every trace of the gods contains extremely terrifying power, which is far inferior to the previous gods.

The aura is getting stronger and stronger, and Han Feng's face at this moment has a little more majesty, like a high emperor.

The Nine Flames Different Fire Art has already broken through impressively, breaking through from the late seventh floor to the seventh peak.

And the quality of the gods, also in an instant

In an instant, he surpassed Emperor Pin and reached the realm that Han Feng didn't know what to call it.

Because in the past, no one has reached this level.


