Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2101: Galaxy Great

However, the other party wants too much.

Xinghe Shenjun sneered: "The beauty he wants!"

"One hundred million lower-grade chaotic stones, one million middle-grade chaos stones, and 10,000 high-grade chaos stones, if you really want to hand it over, our Galaxy Sect will be delayed for at least tens of thousands of years."

For sects like the Galaxy Sect, one hundred million lower-grade chaotic stones, one million middle-grade chaotic stones, and 10,000 high-grade chaos stones are almost half of their inventory.

Delaying development for 10,000 years, I don’t know how many second-rate forces will tie them, and now the second-rate forces of the same level as them will inevitably step on them in 10,000 years.

In a sect like the Galaxy Sect, there will always be a few enemies who are surpassed by the enemy, and that's worth it.

Sect Master Galaxy thinks of all the consequences, feels a bit tricky.


"Sir Shenjun, according to the news from the informant of God Zero City, that person... probably already has great emperor-level combat power." The Sect Master of Galaxy was a little bitter.

Xinghe Shenjun's face condensed, and then he said faintly: "Nearly twenty years ago, this talent was a half-step ancient god, and being chased and killed by Wanxing Shenjun could only escape in embarrassment. You think that just twenty years can make one and a half Bu Gu God has the great power of the emperor at once?"

"Even if there is an adventure, I have never heard of such an adventure."

Sect Master Xinghe nodded hesitantly. Indeed, from the half-step ancient **** to the upper ancient **** equivalent to the great emperor's combat power, what an amazing improvement was this.

In just twenty years, it is equivalent to an incomparably huge power pouring into that person at all times. Is that acceptable? I'm afraid my body broke down long ago.

But even if what the informant said was a bit exaggerated, it was an indisputable fact that the Ten Thousand Star God Lord died in the hands of that person. Thinking of this, Sect Master Xinghe said: "My Lord God, don't be careless."

But the next moment, Sect Master Galaxy's eyes widened.

I saw an extremely terrifying aura suddenly rolled out of the body of God King Galaxy, and that aura burst out like a torrent.

At the same time, a lotus platform floated above the head of the **** of galaxy, it was the chaotic lotus platform!

The silver chaos lotus platform used to bloom with two layers of lotus flowers, each with twelve petals.

But now, on the second layer of lotus, there is a third layer, and a lotus is growing.

"God... Lord God! You broke through!!" After the Sect Master of the Galaxy Sect was shocked, he was overjoyed, and the other senior members of the Galaxy Sect were also dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the Star River God Lord did not show up for a long time, and when he appeared, he was the upper ancient god.

God of Galaxy, no, it should be called Emperor Galaxy now. A touch of sorrow appeared on Emperor Galaxy's face: "This constellation has now been promoted to a high-ranking ancient god. That kid wants to rob my Emperor Galaxy, and he is looking for death!"

Sect Master Galaxy did not mention compensation and reconciliation.

Obviously, the Star River God Sovereign became the Galaxy Great Emperor, which gave the Galaxy Sect Master a lot of confidence.

At exactly this moment, the Great Emperor Galaxy suddenly raised his head, the above ancient god-level spirit, the Great Emperor Galaxy could easily perceive a strange aura outside the Galaxy Sect approaching.

"Very well, are you here... I want to see where the kid who can kill the Ten Thousand Star God Monarch came from."

In the next instant, Emperor Galaxy disappeared in the hall.


In the distant sky of the sky, a rainbow light pierced through the sky and approached quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he approached the Galaxy Sect.

"I have deliberately let someone release the news to the Galaxy Sect. Now I don't know how to tell the Galaxy Sect." Han Feng acquired a lot of Chaos Stones from the Wanxing God Sovereign, and coveted the Chaos Stones of the Galaxy Sect.

Now he has been promoted to an ancient god, but the seven beasts are not yet.

Further down, there are Satan and the emperor.

It was only when he was approaching the Galaxy Sect that Han Feng suddenly stopped, and saw a terrifying aura suddenly appeared not far away, and the vast aura fluctuated out vastly, like a tsunami.

"Xinghe Shenjun? No, this power...has it been promoted to the upper ancient god, it is really good to hide it." Han Feng's eyes condensed.

The Great Emperor Galaxy said coldly: "Boy, but the pinnacle of the lower ancient gods dare to threaten to blackmail this seat, I have to say that you are very courageous. However, being bold sometimes means that there is a problem with the head. The pinnacle of the lower ancient gods, although not I know how you die of the Ten Thousand Star God Lord, but if you want to compete with this constellation, it's too far."

The Great Emperor Galaxy made a bold move, and chains of galaxies suddenly appeared in the void. These galaxies roared like real dragons, and burst out in an instant.

Han Feng still made a simple punch. The Galaxy Great's offensive looked quite spectacular, but compared to Han Feng's attack, it seemed a bit flashy.

If the Chaos Qi of the Galaxy Great is described as a piece of wood, Han Feng's Chaos Qi is like a sharp sword, which can easily pierce the Chaos Qi of the Galaxy Great.

The quality of the Chaos Qi between the two is not in the same dimension at all.

In the unbelievable gaze of the Great Emperor, Han Feng's punch was like a broken bamboo, and all the chains of the Galaxy were broken in front of the chaotic fist of He Han Feng.

The next moment, Han Feng's punch hit the body of Emperor Galaxy.

In an instant, the divine body collapsed, and Emperor Galaxy vomited blood, like a star blasting into the Galaxy Sect.

Boom boom boom...

A large number of palaces were directly knocked down by Emperor Galaxy.

Sect Master Galaxy and many high-level officials just flew out, they opened their mouths after seeing this scene.

The Galaxy Great, who has already been promoted to the upper rank ancient god, is so unbearable in front of the opponent!

Where is the opponent's newcomer to the emperor level? This level of combat power is definitely not bad at the emperor level.

"This... how is this possible..." The Great Emperor Star River staggered to his feet, his eyes on Han Feng no longer had the arrogance he had before ~ ​​ but was full of fear.

Han Feng slowly fell, and smiled softly: "It seems that Guizong does not intend to compensate Han. If this is the case, then Han should settle the case that the Galaxy Sect wanted Han more than ten years ago."

"And..." Han Feng took out the Star River God Map, a force in his palm ready to go, with a power that destroys the world, it seems that the Star River God Map will be completely destroyed in the next instant.

With Han Feng's current strength, it is completely possible.

"Stop it!" The Great Emperor Galaxy was shocked and said anxiously.

The Galaxy God Turtle Spirit has been following the Galaxy God for a long time, and the relationship is close. Where can the Galaxy God sit and watch Han Feng destroy the Galaxy God.

Seeing Han Feng's gaze swept over, Emperor Galaxy gritted his teeth and said decadently: "This seat recognizes it. This seat is willing to compensate you for 100 million low-grade chaotic stones, one million middle-grade chaotic stones, and 10,000 top-grade chaotic stones. , I only hope your Excellency will let go of the Galaxy God Map."

