Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2123: Arrived in the spirit world

Over the past 30 years, Han Feng is still very low-key, or more accurate after more than 30 years of retreat.

For more than 30 years, Han Feng was not only familiar with the power of the mid-level ancient god's ultimate limit, but also to enhance his faculty. There have been too many upgrades in cultivation base, and the faculties in all aspects are a little bit unable to keep up, and they must be upgraded.

Today, Han Feng's ancient Yan **** body, ancient Yan **** fist, ancient Yan **** seal, and ancient Yan **** armor have broken through to the second stage of the initial stage.

Before Han Feng had fully mastered the power of the four faculties, the Xuangu Merchant Ship arrived.

After boarding the Xuangu merchant ship, Han Feng continued to practice in retreat.

This time, because he did not make a name for himself in the Nine Star God Realm, he did not receive the courtesy of the senior officials of Xuangu Merchant Ship because of Han Feng’s external middle-ranking ancient god’s cultivation base. He just lived in a decent residence and did not live in. VIP area.

Han Feng's purpose on boarding the Xuan Bone Merchant Ship was to reach the spiritual world. He didn't have much requirements for accommodation, as long as it was a single room, so he didn't have any opinions about his current residence.


Xuangu Merchant Ship, Han Feng's low-key practice.

The four unique levels of Gu Yan Shen body, Gu Yan Shen Quan, Gu Yan Shen Yin, and Gu Yan Shen Jia are rising day by day.

From the initial stage of the second stage, I don't know how long it has passed before, and it went straight to the third stage across the three small realms of the middle stage, the late stage, and the peak.

The Ancient Yan Divine Body, Gu Yan Shen Fist, Ancient Yan God Seal, and Ancient Yan God Armor in the third stage are completely comparable to the top-grade Chaos Divine Skills. Once integrated into the Indestructible Golden Flame, the power will be even more terrifying.

It is worth mentioning that the Nine Flames Different Fire Art has also broken through from the middle of the eighth layer to the latter period of the eighth.

After breaking through to the initial stage of the third stage, Han Feng did not continue to break through. Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to control the strength of the four unique breakthroughs.

In addition, other faculties have also been promoted to varying degrees.

For example, the Profound Dragon Transformation has been upgraded from the original Ten Wing Elementary Level to the Fourteen Wing Elementary Level, which is also equivalent to the high-grade Chaos Divine Skill.

The clothing of the sacred fox has also been upgraded from the fifth stage to the sixth stage, which is equivalent to the middle-grade chaos magical skill. It is a pity that there is no more fox blood, otherwise the clothing of the **** fox must be able to go further.

Taiyi Immortal Body has also been upgraded to the peak stage through the insight of the Holy Heaven Monument and the Time House, which is also comparable to the top-grade Chaos Divine Body. After that, the Taiyi Immortal Body will have a complete stage, which is equivalent to the Supreme Chaos Divine Body.

Taiyi Immortal Body has been upgraded to this level, in fact, it is already possible to consider the route after the subsequent advancement. It is a pity that even with the Holy Heaven monument, it is quite difficult to fully comprehend the route after the Taiyi Immortal Body, and it cannot be done in a short time.

The Great Sun Flame Body is considered to have reached its limit, and it can no longer be improved, stopping at the level equivalent to the top middle-grade Chaos Divine Body. If it were in the small world of martial arts, the Dahiyan Body might be able to go further, reaching a level comparable to the high-grade Chaos Divine Body.

Han Feng actually had some thoughts on how to improve the Da Ri Yan body.

In the small world of martial arts, Han Feng once obtained a foundation seizure witchcraft, which means to seize the foundation of the divine body and blood of others to make up for himself.

There is no doubt that this is a witchcraft.

The sorcery of seizing the foundation is more suitable for the small world of martial arts. When it comes to the real world of heaven, the sorcery of seizing the foundation is naturally flawed.

Fortunately, there is the Holy Heaven Monument. Through the constant research on the witchcraft of the Holy Heaven Monument, Han Feng finally studied it seven or eighty-eight, and made up for a lot of defects.

Through the sorcery of seizing the foundation, the great sun body can be continuously promoted.

It’s just that the sorcery of seizing the foundation has its own limits. In addition to the difference between the heavenly world and the small world of martial arts, Han Feng estimated that the highest sun body may also be raised to the level of the lower king-level divine body and bloodline. It's impossible.

The king-level divine body and bloodline are high-level divine bodies and bloodlines above the chaotic divine body and bloodline.

Fortune with a king-level deity body and bloodline, after being promoted to the **** queen, they can still rely on the king-level deity body and bloodline to increase their strength, and can even improve their cultivation or breakthrough more easily than other **** kings.

Of course, the premise is that you can break through to the realm of the **** king. Otherwise, even if you have a king-level **** body and bloodline, you can only exert the power of the god-rank bloodline and **** body, or the power of the chaotic **** body and bloodline.

In short, having a king-level **** body and blood does not mean that you can successfully break through to the **** king. If you want to break through to the **** king, having the foundation of heaven is an indispensable condition.

Just like the chaotic divine body and bloodline, only the true **** can be promoted to the ancient gods to exert the power of the chaotic divine body and bloodline.

With a king-level divine body and blood, only at the moment of promotion to the king can he fully awaken.


Xuan Bone Merchant Ship.

Han Feng let out a sigh of breath, and after years of practice, he finally mastered all aspects of his power.

The cultivation base of the mid-term limit of the middle ancient god, the four faculties of the ancient Yan **** body that has reached the third stage of the initial stage, the Taiyi immortal body that has been promoted to the peak stage, and the big sun inflammation body that has reached the limit. These all make Han Feng's synthesis Strength greatly increased.

Han Feng also strengthened his confidence against the **** king.

If the current Han Feng competed against the original mysterious turtle king, it is estimated that a casual slap would be able to slap the mysterious turtle king to death.

How strong Han Feng is now, even Han Feng himself does not know.

Perhaps it was enough to compete with the Second Change God King.

Don't look at the difference between the first change **** king and the second change **** king, it seems that Han Feng has not improved much. However, every time the **** king realm passes through a world disaster, the strength is an earth-shaking change, and the gap is greater than the gap between the three ancient gods.

Under normal circumstances, the Second Change God King is enough to crush the First Change God King. Even if the First Change God King possesses powerful artifacts, unique knowledge, and divine body, it is difficult to compete with the Second Change God King.


"There are still decades to arrive in the spirit It’s better to take advantage of this time to rent out the Holy Heaven Monument again, to upgrade so much, the Chaos Stone consumes too much, and then sit and eat the mountains and the sky, it will not take long. He became poor again."

The rental of the Holy Heaven Monument also caused an uproar in the Xuangu Merchant Ship.

It's just that the Han Feng at this moment is countless times stronger than the Han Feng at the beginning, and it is not afraid of some people's coveting the Holy Heaven Monument.

Anyone who dared to make a move without knowing the life and death would all end miserably.

It didn't take long for Han Feng to receive the courtesy of the senior officials of Xuangu Merchant Shipping. Not only did he send people to take the initiative to help Han Feng take care of the Holy Heaven Monument and punish those ancient gods who had misbehaved, he also arranged a luxurious villa for Han Feng.

After decades of time passed by, Han Feng received a large amount of Chaos Stone, and the Xuan Bone Merchant Ship also landed in the spirit world.

