Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2237: anger

c_t; In the past few days, Han Feng hasn't taken a step out of the room. When he reaches the realm of Han Feng, he can fully rely on the ability to absorb heaven and earth to sustain him, without the need for food. []access:.

But Tang Li was different, he obviously couldn't bigu in the realm of a second-order soul.

So these days, at noon every day, Tang Li would go out to buy food with soul crystals. The reason why it was only a lunch at noon was that Tang Li didn't have many soul crystals. With the soul crystals on Tang Li, he was just barely able to'pay' enough for the accommodation.

In the end, Han Feng couldn't pass it anymore, and it was no wonder that he was so underdeveloped if he ate such a little food in one day.

At any rate, she is also a'girl' child, so she doesn't want to be majestic, but she should be a small bun. Now... it's just a flat'chest', without any ups and downs.

"Handing over" some soul crystals to Tang Li, in Tang Li's incredible gaze, Han Feng said: "Han is also very interested in the food on the Xuanshan, and I will "hand over" three meals a day to your kid."

Tang Li blushed, eyes moist: "Don't worry, adults, juniors will definitely choose the best food for adults."

Tang Li is not stupid, and he naturally understands that the adult in front of him is buying three meals for himself, so he doesn't need to have a deep sense of gratitude.

On Tianxin Island, since the death of her mother, she has lived a life like a slave and a maid, or an unfavored slave and maid. How ever she has been cared for like this.

To be honest, Han Feng didn't do much, but Tang Li hadn't met her good in these years, so Han Feng was so good, he was immediately magnified countless times reads;.

The following days will be a bit boring.

To reach Xuanshan Island, there are still many islands on the way, and it will take at least one or two years to arrive. In other words, Han Feng will stay here for one or two years.

In the Battle Soul Continent, the heavens and the earth are flooded with the heavens and the earth's soul power. Although Han Feng can convert it into the ‘chaotic’ power of chaos after absorbing it, the conversion efficiency is really too low. [Quick update, refreshing website pages, few advertisements, I like this kind of website the most, I must praise it]

In addition, this is the place where the subordinates live, and the heaven and earth soul power contained in the air is scarce, which causes Han Feng to practice cross-legged for two years without any progress.

As for the comprehension space and the nature of the world, this is not the three thousand **** realms, and comprehension can't improve much.

All in all, in this Battle Soul Continent, Han Feng's cultivation is basically at a standstill, and it is not wrong if he does not go backwards.

The practice had no effect, and Han Feng was too lazy to practice, so staying in this room would naturally start to be bored.

In boredom, Han Feng suddenly became interested in guiding Tang Li.

Tang Li was so excited when he learned that Han Feng was going to guide her, he wanted to kneel on the ground and beg Han Feng to accept his apprentice.

Unfortunately, Han Feng refused. Han Feng knew that although his combat power was strong, his cultivation system was different after all. Tang Li could not inherit his mantle, and he could only guide Tang Li with his vision of a profound realm.

Although Tang Li was disappointed, he was not a greedy person. Tang Li was already very satisfied to be guided by Han Feng.

Under the guidance of Han Feng, Tang Li's cultivation base rose steadily, and unexpectedly broke through to three levels within a month.

The reason why he can improve so quickly has nothing to do with Tang Li's accumulation over the years. The low cultivation base does not mean that Tang Li's aptitude is low. It's just that Tang Li has no resources and guidance from the strong, which has kept Tang Li squandering, trapped in the second level and did not improve.

Now with guidance, the profound accumulation of the previous years has begun to take effect. After Tang Liming realized himself, he completely controlled the second-order in a short time.

Power, stepped into the third order.

"This little girl has good qualifications. Reads;." Han Feng was secretly surprised.

If this aptitude had been cultivated by the great forces of Tianxin Island from the very beginning, I am afraid it would have already entered the seventh rank.

Not only that, Tang Li's battle spirit is also extremely'colorful', with a high-grade gold level, and it is a golden sword.

"The best golden battle soul! This little Nizi has a long history, and it is definitely not a native of Tianxin Island!"

Judging that Tang Li had extraordinary aptitude and golden battle spirit, Han Feng was shocked and his teaching became more serious.

Probably this is a common problem of teachers. Seeing students who show ‘color’, they always want to make students learn better.

Three months later.

Tang Li lived up to Han Feng's expectations and broke through again, becoming a Tier 4 soul person.

Since then, the accumulation of Tang Li's cultivation in the previous years has been completely consumed, and even with the guidance of Han Feng, it will not be possible to grow as rapidly as it is now.

In Han Feng's words, before reaching Xuanshan Island, Tang Li was able to break through to Tier 5 even if it was God's favor.

Time is always passing by inadvertently.

In a blink of an eye, it has been half a year since Han Feng boarded the Xuanshan.

On this day, Han Feng opened his eyes and frowned: "At this time, Tang Li, this little girl should be back, why..."

"Could it be that……"

Suddenly, Han Feng's heart jumped, and he felt a little bad, and he immediately burst out, focusing on the Xuanshan restaurant.


The Xuanshan restaurant is in a huge inner hall.

Tang Li knelt on the ground, held by a few souls, with a red'color' mark on his face, which was slapped by someone.

In front of Tang Li, several youngsters in mysterious robes raised their heads, and one of them pointed to Tang Li and said, "Send this kid to this young man's room, and I will enjoy it when I go back."

After that, the young man Jiejie smiled strangely, and pinched Tang Li's chin with his fingers in a molesting manner: "Tsk tsk, what a delicate kid, it is your blessing reads to be favored by Ben Shao!"

Some people around recognized the identity of the teenager and couldn't help but swept towards Tang Li sympathetically.

"This kid is so unlucky that he was taken by Chi Shao. I heard that Chi Shao boys and girls are not taboo, and have a hobby of'sexual abuse. Anyone who is favored by Chi Shao has nothing to end. Disabled."

"Hey, if someone stops it at this time, maybe this young man will be spared."

"You're kidding, who would dare to stop? This Scarlet Shao is from the Scarlet Family on Xuanshan Island. There is a half-step Soul Ancestor-level ancestor in the family. It is also a big power that is secretly guarding this Scarlet Shao at this moment. Soul Emperor, stop it? That's death!"

Tang Li listened to the comments of the people around him, but no one was willing to take action, and could not help but show despair.

Tang Li hasn't developed much body, but his face is indeed'pretty'. It is easy to mistakenly think that this is a handsome boy.

In despair, Tang Li didn't know where his courage came from. He suddenly tilted his mind back, then bit forward, and bit one of Chi Shao's ah ah ah ! !

Chi Shao's screams sounded, and he slapped Tang Li's slap fiercely, directly shifting Tang Li's head to one side.


p; Even so, Tang Li bit Chi Shao hard and didn't let go, seeming to bite Chi Shao's fingers off.

The finger was bitten, and Shao Chi’s face was sorely distorted, and he didn’t care about ‘pity and cherish the ‘Jade’, and directly ordered the servant: “Ben Shao’s break his neck!”

The neck was broken, naturally unable to bite again.

The souls who held Tang Li's hands were about to start immediately.

"Looking for death!!" In the room, Shenhun noticed the Han Feng in this scene, instantly raging, and in the next instant, his body disappeared directly into the room.


