Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2244: Goodbye 4 Emperor Son (1 more!...

In the Battle Soul Continent, in addition to the soul ancestors of the Holy Soul Palace, most of the remaining soul ancestors have been trapped in the lower soul ancestor realm throughout their entire lives, and there are not many who can break through to the middle soul ancestor realm. Full-text reading of the latest chapter -79-

Guiyi Soul Ancestor thinks that his talents and soul ancestors are not bad, but even so, facing the fourth-order Soul Ancestor, Guiyi Soul Ancestor's confidence is not very sufficient, unless he can put down everything on Xuanshan Island, Automatically join the Holy Soul Palace, then there is a slight possibility of breaking through to the realm of the fourth-order soul ancestor.

However, in the Holy Soul Palace, for those who were not cultivated since childhood, they often adopted some relatively compulsory'sex' and slavery' nature contracts. After all, the few who are willing to agree to such contracts belong to the soul ancestors. Obviously not the strong one among these few.

"Xie Wuchang, how are you going to solve that kid?" Demon Soul Blade Ancestor suddenly asked.

Xie Wuchang is the name of Guiyi Soul Ancestor.

When Guiyi Soul Ancestor mentioned the Four Emperors, his intent to kill was somewhat uncontrollable, but even though he was angry, Guiyi Soul Ancestor was also very jealous of the Four Emperors.

To be able to kill the Heavenly Stone Soul Ancestor so easily, his cultivation level is unknown, but in terms of combat power, it must be at least the third-order soul ancestor level, and may even reach the fourth-order!

Facing such a strong man, Guiyi Soul Ancestor did not dare to neglect.

"A half-step soul ancestor of this seat has told someone a piece of news not long ago. If we get help from this person, we will add a helping hand!" Guiyi Soul ancestor's face is solemn.

The Demon Soul Blade Ancestor, suddenly startled.


Kongwu City, Xuanshan Island is the closest city to the port.

Here, Han Feng bought a map and after studying for a while, he has already determined his next route.

The next battle I will go to is a powerful group that is no less than the Manshan Group, and the ship from that group to the Manshan Group will probably be three years later.

In other words, Han Feng will stay on Xuanshan Island for three years.

Of course, Han Feng can also choose other routes. Some ships of these routes will arrive soon, but the destination of these ships is not the group that Han Feng wants to go to.

The route Han Feng chose was basically the closest route from Xuanshan Island to the Holy Soul Continent.

That's right, on Xuanshan Island, Han Feng finally found the Holy Soul Continent on a huge map.

The Holy Soul Continent is obviously far away from the Manshan Group. On that map, in the most northeast corner, only the four characters of the Holy Soul Continent are left, but there are no specific ones.

Obviously, the Manshan area is one of the relatively large groups, and few people return to the Holy Soul Continent, so the description of the Holy Soul Continent is extremely vague. However, for Han Feng, he only needs to know the location of the Holy Soul Continent.

When you get close to the Holy Soul Continent, you can naturally get clues that are more accurate to the Holy Soul Continent from the group there.

In the city, Han Feng did not practice much, but concentrated on studying the Three-Life Reincarnation Secret.

With the help of the Celestial and Human effects of the Time House in the Skyfire Pagoda, Han Feng, the third reincarnation tactic, is about to be thoroughly studied.

Many of these shortcomings have also been remedied.

What Han Feng has to consider now is when to separate his soul and reincarnate.

"If I break through to the realm of the **** king, all reincarnated bodies will also be cultivated to the realm of the **** king. After fusion, what level will I be promoted to?" Thinking of this, Han Feng became more and more looking forward to reads;.

"Huh?" Han Feng frowned in a sudden, "It's finally here."

When he left the port, Han Feng noticed that he was being followed. There was nothing malicious in this tracking. He seemed to just want to know where he was staying.

At that time, Han Feng knew that someone would find him soon.

The purpose is faint, Han Feng guessed some.


The sky of Kongwu City, with the appearance of Guiyi Soul Ancestor, was in an uproar and exclaimed.

Of the nine soul ancestors, none of them constrained their strength, and the surging soul power rolled away like a raging ‘wave’.

Especially the Guiyi Soul Ancestor and Demon Soul Blade Ancestor, they showed the power of Tier 3 Soul Ancestor completely. This was a temptation for Han Feng.

This is definitely how they will face Han Feng later.

Han Feng stepped out into the sky, standing in the void, heavy soul power struck with the ‘wave’, but he could not make Han Feng back the slightest.

Boom boom boom!

The sky's spirit power storm shook the void, and the upper part of Kongwu City was devastated like the end of the world.

Fortunately, several soul ancestors are well-measured, and controlling their own soul power has not affected Kongwu City, otherwise Kongwu City will be destroyed for thousands of miles under the influence of this soul power.

Han Feng narrowed his eyes, suddenly moved, and took a few steps forward.

With this behavior, many soul ancestors' pupils shrank, and their expressions became dignified, and they swept Han Feng's gaze with respect.

The Guiyi Soul Ancestor and Demon Soul Blade Ancestor are overjoyed.

Under the pressure of their soul power, they can still be so relaxed, and their strength must be no small thing.

The soul power and soul pressure of Guiyi Soul Ancestor and Demon Soul Sword Ancestor converged first, and then Guiyi Soul Ancestor solemnly clasped his fists: "Next, Xie Wuchang, I don't know what your Excellency is called?"

"Han Feng reads;!" Han Feng also clasped his fists in return.

The Guiyihun ancestor expressed his gratitude to Han Feng for killing the Soul Eater King and saving everyone on the Xuanshan, and then simply stated the purpose of the trip.

Facing the soul ancestor who is likely to be stronger than himself, Guiyi Soul ancestor did not make a mistake, and that would probably provoke the other party's dislike.

"Brother Han, rest assured, since Xie has invited you, he will definitely give you a reward that satisfies you!"

"As long as you are willing to make a move, Xie will offer a fallen soul branch no matter whether the matter is successful or not."


Except for the Demon Soul Blade Ancestor, the rest of the Soul Ancestor drew a cold breath, and a thick greed flashed in their eyes.

Fallen Soul Branch A powerful soul tree from ancient times, is a branch of the soul tree. By now, the number of fallen soul branches is extremely rare, which is of great benefit to the breakthrough of the bottleneck of the lower soul ancestor level.

For the mid-level soul ancestor, although it can't have a very good effect on breaking through the bottleneck, it can also greatly condense the soul power, making it more solid and powerful.

These soul ancestors did not expect that Guiyi Soul ancestor still had such a treasure in their hands.

He wanted to take it, but considering the strength of Guiyi Soul Ancestor, he was still suppressed.

The Demon Soul Blade Ancestor was a little heart-stirring for a moment, but remembering that he was already at the limit of the third-order soul ancestor, this fallen soul branch had almost no effect on him, and he quickly recovered his normal heart.

More importantly, the ancestor of the Demon Soul Blade learned from ancient books that the fallen soul branch contained fallen soul power. If this trouble is not solved, the soul power in the fallen soul branch will be absorbed, which will cause pollution to the soul power of the soul person. , But affect the exertion of strength.

The Demon Soul Blade Ancestor guessed that Guiyi Soul Ancestor had never used this fallen soul branch before, and it should be the same. Even such a generous invitation to masters is because they don't need it.