Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2314: 10 consecutive victories

c_t; Because of his fame, Han Feng didn't know that many dragon geniuses regarded him as a great enemy. After all, he was the foundation of the emperor of heaven, and he would not want to be warned. (At present, the strong foundations of the Emperor of Heaven who are still alive in the Dragon God Realm, including the younger generation on the Dragon Lord’s list of the older generation who have not entered the Dragon Lord’s list, the foundation of the Emperor who has just grown up, plus some low-key and unknown geniuses, I am afraid it is not more than three hundred.

Among them, more than 80% are older generations who have grown up, as well as giants.

Among the younger generation, there are not many geniuses of the Emperor of Heaven, and each one is enough to make people wary.

Someone wants to ask, since the foundation of the Emperor of Heaven is so rare, why the foundation of the Emperor of Heaven is more than that of the younger generation?

It is worth mentioning here that the so-called younger generation specifically refers to the ancient gods who are not more than one hundred thousand years old.

As for the older generation, it can cover much more.

Millions of years are the older generation, tens of millions of years are also the older generation, and millions of years are also the older generation.

In every age, there will always be some geniuses of the emperor of heaven among the younger generation. Although it is only a small part of them that can truly become the strong and even giants of the older generation, even if it is only one, after so many years, it is enough to accumulate enough. The Emperor of Heaven is based on the older generation and giants. .

This is the reason why the foundation of the heavenly emperor of the older generation is more than that of the younger generation. They are all accumulated through generations.

Therefore, the heavenly emperors of the world seem to have a lot of foundations. The ones that have grown up and those that have fallen are probably thousands, but they are accumulated in one era.

Moreover, the Dragon God Realm is among the most powerful God Realms in the Great Thousand God Realm.

Those who ranked the bottom of the Great Thousand God Realm had no such background.

At the bottom of the Great Thousand God Realm, there are still active foundations of the Heavenly Emperor, it would be nice to have a hundred reads;. (advertising)

Sun Budike hates the planet far away

As the foundation genius of the Emperor of Heaven, Han Feng is a strange thing to not receive attention.

Of course, some people are jealous, and there are others who want to challenge Han Feng, and become famous by defeating Han Feng and stepping on Han Feng.

The genius of the heavenly foundation is certainly powerful, but in history, there is no lack of the existence of the heavenly foundation to defeat the heavenly foundation.

The foundation of the Emperor of Heaven can only show that your foundation is strong. In the case of only the foundation, the combat power of the same level is stronger than the rest of the foundation.

But the measurement index of combat power is not just the foundation. In addition to the foundation, the bloodline of the artifact and other factors are indispensable.

The foundation of the Emperor of Heaven is just the primary bloodline of the king rank.

After Ke Ke Ke Ke Ke Ke Di hates me most alone

Tianzun has the foundation, but has the top bloodline of the king rank.

Hou Ke Ke Ke Ke Ke Ke Di hates me the bottom-ranked Great Thousand God Realm, but there is no such background.

When the two are at the same level, the former may not be able to beat the latter.

Of course, the foundation is strong and the future is always bright. This is indisputable.

The talents of the Dragon Race who provoked Han Feng's heart, they admitted that perhaps their future achievements were not as good as Han Feng, but they did not think that they were inferior to Han Feng without breaking through the realm of the king.

Especially after some dragon talents found out that Han Feng was probably from the declining Primordial Burning Dragon Clan through the clan forces behind them, it made those dragon talents with good bloodline more eager.


bsp; In this atmosphere, ten years passed in a flash.

The ring match finally started.

Han Feng was still in retreat because he had to digest the gains gained from exchanging martial arts with Long Shihao a few days ago, and missed the first battle of the arena.

Half a month after the ring competition started, Han Feng digested his new exit.

If Han Feng only entered the half-step God King realm ten years ago, now he has already entered a relatively high level in the half-step God King realm.

Sun Yuandi Dike Qiu Yuanshu overcomes the enemy too

Half-step God King realm, there is no so-called early, middle and late peaks, because the gap from the first half-step God King to the half-step God King peak is extremely limited.

Sun Yuandi Branch Qiu Yuanshu overcomes the enemy too "No one wants more competitors in the second round."

"You finally came out, the ring competition has already started for half a month." Long Shihaofeng said with a smile.

Han Feng was taken aback: "It's been half a month? It's not too late for me to make a shot.

Long Shiling covered her mouth and smiled: "What's the night? It's not a strong one who shot at the beginning. The real strong have not published a book yet."

"Oh? That's it." Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "So how many consecutive victories are there now?"

"There is no one. It is not a master who played in the front. In the case of continuous battles, few can win ten games in a row. Even if there are really good players who are about to win ten games, there will be real masters who will stop them."

Qiu Qiu Yuan and Ke Yuan stars are not secretly revealed

"No one wants more competitors in the second round."

"In the ring competition, the reason why the real masters at this stage did not make a move is to observe and confirm, looking for a real threat."

"When there is a real threat, some masters will unite and challenge continuously until they are defeated."

"But..." Long Shihao shook his head and sneered: "This can only hinder some ordinary masters. The truly top masters will not be defeated by these methods. Of course, if there is a combination of top masters, it will be another time. It's wrong, but this is unlikely."

"True masters are generally very proud and will not unite with others."

Han Feng smiled lightly: "That's it, such a genius who has really won ten games in a row is generally of a good level and can be recognized by you."

Long Shihao nodded: "Of course, I don't want to go to the second round with a fellow who is not a gold jade, it is a humiliation to me."

"Long Feng, are you interested in going?" Long Shiling said suddenly.

A textual research on Jie Ji, the star of Jie Ke, Yuan Yuan and Ke Hate

"Of course." Han Feng smiled.


In the central square of the Southern Imperial City, there is a huge ring, occupying a radius of one hundred meters.

There is also an enchantment on the ring.

Sun Yuan Dike Yuanke Geosciences Fengtong Institute

This enchantment is a weakened version of the southern imperial city enchantment, which is sufficient to withstand the blow of the four-changing **** king.

The half-step God King genius of the Dragon God Realm, although the combat power is against the sky, is far from being comparable to the Xiaoqian God Realm and the Zhongqian God Realm, but it can be said that the fighting power of the half step God King realm reaches the level of the ordinary Four Change God King. It is also rare in history, or even none.

Therefore, this enchantment can basically withstand the surplus generated by the fierce battle between two geniuses.

Wave bombardment.

Around the ring the crowd is surging, whether it is dragon genius or it, they all gather here.

Han Fenglong, Shiling, and Long Shihao came here, and there were more than a dozen disciples of the Dragon Temple in the costumes of the disciples of the Dragon Temple. These more than a dozen disciples formed a circle, and there was a lot of space around. Not many dragons dared near.

Although these talented disciples of the Dragon God Palace were not included in the Dragon King's list, many talented disciples possessed the top ten combat power of the Dragon King's list.

Afterwards, no hatred against science and land

Of course, the more than ten Dragon God Palace disciples here are obviously not so strong, but it is not difficult to rank in the top 1,000.

In the ring, two talented dragons were fighting fiercely.

Houdi is far from being a player

Houdi Ke is far from the star Moqiu. "No one wants more competitors in the second round."

