Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2353: Shot

Although this black light was not the full blow of the Black Axe God King, with the cultivation base of the Black Axe God King's Three Transformation God Kings, coupled with the low-level artifacts in his hands, the power of this black light could not be underestimated.

At the very least, the Ice Emperor God King made a full blow, and it was difficult to resist this blow.

Just as the black light was about to hit the inn, a white light flew out suddenly, crashing with the black light.


The loud noises spread to the ears of all the strong, and many strong ones had tinnitus.

Especially the fluctuating power destroyed the inn and surrounding buildings.

The black light and white light gradually dissipated, and everyone stared at it, and then a thick expression of surprise flashed across their faces.

A young girl and a giant tiger appeared in the sky, and a young man was still wrapped around the tail of the giant tiger. Is this the person that the Promise Gate is chasing?

The girl's face was pale and beckoned, a white token flew back to the girl's hand.

Obviously, the girl relied on that token to block the black light.

Han Feng hid in the crowd, looking at the girl.

"The peak cultivation base of the middle ancient god, the foundation of the Emperor of Heaven, this girl is not simple." A light flashed in Han Feng's eyes.

Han Feng had such a judgment, besides that the girl had the foundation of the Heavenly Emperor, more importantly was the token in the girl's hand. The token should be a special artifact, and there is no strict hierarchy. The function should be able to seal the power of a strong person, and it can burst out at any time.

That's why it was able to explode before the power that was no less than a blow from the ordinary Three Changes God King.

However, this is the limit of this token, and the power to use the token is also very expensive, and the pale face at the moment is enough.

I'll take over the ship Nuoxue

With the foundation of the Emperor of Heaven, as well as special artifacts, coupled with the half-step God King Yaohu following, how is it a simple girl.

The Black Axe God King has this point. Although the Black Axe God King is strong, his head is a bit dumb.

Seeing that the girl had withstood this blow, the token in the hands of the black axe **** only girl, did not even think that ordinary people would have such an artifact?

"Female?" The Black Axe God King was surprised at first, and then he noticed the young man curled up by the Fairy Tiger Tail. He recognized the young man's identity.

Fighting for the ground, not the ball

"That's it, I said how the remnants of the Song family would kill the boss, it turned out to be your girl."

"But that's the end. With this seat, you will never escape this time."


The Black Axe King gave an order, and many half-steps behind him had already attacked.

As for the powerhouses such as the Ice Emperor God King, they didn't even intend to help the girl. They didn't even have a good impression of the girl who attracted the Promise Gate.

They are eager to catch people quickly and leave.

Sun Didi Yuanxue learns too coldly, so he takes the exam

"Xiao Huang, kill them!" The girl didn't smile again this time, but was full of coldness. Obviously the girl also knew that her situation was a bit dangerous now.

"I knew I brought some guards when I came out." The girl thought with some chagrin in her heart.

Tiannan Sword Lion King roared and rushed up. Although the Tiannan Sword Lion King is not willing to confront so many half-step God Kings in his heart, but the Tiannan Sword Lion King also knows that since he saved the young man and killed those ancient gods, he has had enemies with the Wuji Sect, Wuji. The door would never let him go, it would be better to fight to the end.


The giant tiger and the half-step **** king of the Promise Gate fought together, and the tigers roared to the sky, and the half-step **** king of the Promise Gate also shouted their moves.

Don't use the power of a tiger to contend with many half-step gods, but in fact the giant tiger has the upper hand.

These half-step **** kings of the Promise Gate are either the foundation of heavenly generals, or the foundations of inferior or middle-level heavenly kings, while the foundation of the Tiannan Sword Lion King is the heavenly sovereign!

The huge gap in the foundation has caused the strength of the Tiannan Sword Lion King to be far above these Promise Gate Half-Step God Kings in the same level.

However, the number of half-step **** kings in the Promise Gate was too much after all, and the Tiannan Sword Lion King couldn't solve them in a short time. What's more, the Tiannan Sword Lion King had to protect the young man with his tail curled up.

If the young man died, the secret of the golden key would not be known.

"Huh!" The Black Axe God King's face sank, and he gestured to a God King on the left. This changed God King immediately let out a roar, and the power of the blood veins came out, with a blood-colored tail spread out behind his back. A weapon like a sickle.

"Dead!" The King of Transformation roared at the girl, his blood tail swept away.

The girl looked indifferent, but she suddenly burst out with extremely terrifying power, like a tsunami.

Boom boom boom!

Sun Ke hates Yue hate, so he won't test

In front of this force, the blood tail of the King of Transformation instantly turned into nothingness, and the figure of the King of Transformation rushing to the girl, like being hit hard, spurted blood and flew back.

"What!" The expressions of the Black Axe God King and the other God Kings of the Promise Gate changed drastically. What level of bloodline power is this?

Conflict between the land and the earth

The Ice Emperor God King is even more shocking and inexplicable, just a little girl, but the cultivation of the middle ancient god, this combat power is too powerful.

"Wang-rank top bloodline!" Han Feng was even more sure that this girl was a little uncomfortable. As soon as his eyes rolled, Han Feng suddenly had some thoughts in his heart.

Boom boom boom!

The girl's aura became stronger and stronger, and the force that blasted out spontaneously ignited in an instant. The next moment Songhai City's entire sky was centered on the girl, and a large amount of flames swept out, and the entire sky turned into a sea of ​​flames in the blink of an eye.

Then, a very loud scream resounded through Songhai City, and in the sea of ​​flames, a huge flame phoenix flew proudly.

"Nima, this girl is a phoenix? No, no, he has the blood of the phoenix!" The Tiannan Sword Lion King was also dumbfounded. The bloodline of the ordinary Phoenix is ​​nothing more than that, but the bloodline power of the head has clearly reached the top of the king rank! What is the origin of this girl?

"Wang-rank top bloodline!" No matter how stupid the Black Axe God is, he knows that the person he wants to arrest must have an extraordinary background.

Suddenly, the Black Axe God King hesitated, do you want to make a move?

Shuke Yuanshu hate Ji Mo and Chou Haogang

Thinking of the command issued by the Evil Venerable God King and his boss, the Black Axe God King's face must be: "What about the extraordinary background? What can I do?"

Shuke Yuanshu lonely hate Ji Mo and Chou Haogang    just as the black light was about to hit the a white light flew out suddenly, and the black light crashed together.

With a low shout, the Black Axe God King's body became stronger, his muscles bulged, his clothes almost burst, and the black anger rolled out.

The breath of the Black Axe God King also strengthened in an instant!

With Han Feng's eyesight, it was judged that what the King Black Axe possessed should be a low-level **** body of the king rank.

On the other side, black energy spreads, holding a magic axe like a demon.

The two forces were as terrifying as overwhelming, devouring Songhai City. In front of these forces, the Ice Emperor God King only felt his heart tremble.

The God King of Promise Gate... retreated far, and they were no longer qualified to intervene in this level of battle.

