Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2505: The Dragon King is here

Han Feng sighed, didn't mind the patriarch's attitude, but slowly told his own affairs. w.anwen.

The patriarch's mouth was still taunting, and he slowly pursed his mouth, his expression also changed. When Han Feng finished speaking, the patriarch hesitated: "You mean... Dragon Wind is just a part of the soul origin reincarnated from you?"

Han Feng nodded, and the patriarch was silent, not knowing whether he believed it or not.

Han Feng smiled bitterly, knowing that the patriarch would not be so easy to believe, so Han Feng first used almost violent means to remove the seal on the patriarch, restore the patriarch to his cultivation base, and then unlock the origin of his soul without any defense.

"If the patriarch still doesn't believe it, you can carefully feel the soul aura of the younger generation." Han Feng looked solemn.

"You..." The patriarch looked at Han Feng in surprise, and was not defended by outsiders looking at the origin of the soul. Unless you trust the other party extremely, if the opponent is malicious, the undefended soul origin is very likely to be severely damaged.

Seeing Han Feng doing this, the patriarch was moved. Could it be that what this guy said is true? Is he really Longfeng? Have all the memories and emotions of Longfeng?

With suspicion, the patriarch separates his own soul to sense the origin of Han Feng's soul.

In fact, Han Feng is willing to open up his soul origin to let the patriarch investigate and not defend him. In addition to believing in the patriarch, it is also because the patriarch has insufficient cultivation skills. Even if he really wants to do something to him, he cannot really hurt him.

The patriarch's cultivation base has been banned for a long time, and during this period he has been tortured. Now it is only a glimpse, and the power that can be used is equivalent to the level of a mere lower ancient god.

"Feng... Feng'er... It's really you!" After a long while, the patriarch shouted in surprise.

Han Feng nodded again and again: "Patriarch, it's really me."

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect it." After the surprise, the patriarch became sad again. He thought that the Primordial Burning Dragon was about to rise, but he didn't expect it to be the case.

"By the way, Feng'er, your Aunt Yue is pregnant now, you must take him out!" The patriarch confirmed Han Feng's identity, and immediately wanted Han Feng to take his wife out, and he said it carefully while leaning away. On the other side, he was worried that the king of the Thunder Dragon clan would suddenly appear.

Han Feng calmed down and said: "The patriarch can rest assured that the younger Aunt Yue will definitely be rescued. As for the Xiaotian Thunder Dragon clan, the price has already been paid, and the Dragon God Realm will no longer have a foothold for the Xiaotian Thunder Dragon clan in the future."

The patriarch was still worried that the king of the Thunder Dragon clan would suddenly appear, so not to mention that his wife could not be rescued, I am afraid that it would hurt others, but suddenly heard Han Feng say this, a little bit stunned.

"Feng...Feng'er, what do you mean?"

Han Feng smiled faintly: "Naturally, the younger generation has already exterminated the Xiaotian Thunder Dragon clan. Even if it is not extinct, those **** kings, half-step **** kings and **** kings will definitely not survive."

"What!" The patriarch was startled, unbelievable: "This... how is this possible."

The Xiaotian Thunder Dragon family, but there is a **** emperor, can it be said...

Han Feng said: "The juniors have had many opportunities in the Divine King's space. They are now the Nine Transformation Divine King, and the Divine Body has also evolved to a high level of immortality." I am afraid that no one will believe the Supreme Divine King, even the patriarch. Han Feng simply described his supreme **** king realm as the nine changes **** king.

"Nine Changes God King! Good... well..." The patriarch smiled comfortedly, his eyes moist. Although I know that Longfeng is only a reincarnation of Han Feng, Han Feng is also a human race, and I am afraid that he will still be dominated by human races in the future, but at least he grew up watching Longfeng from a young age. After confirming that Han Feng is a dragon wind, I heard Han Feng reached the ultimate **** king realm, and he was still very happy in his heart.

After hearing that Han Feng had a high-level immortal body, he no longer had any doubts about Han Feng's words.

The Nine Transformation God King plus the high-level immortal divine body is indeed not comparable to the second-order God Emperor. The patriarch did not know that although Long Leimu was a second-order **** against the sky, he possessed a lot of immortal artifacts, and even possessed the dragon-burning formation method snatched from the Primordial Burning Dragon clan, forming the Thunder Primordial Burning Dragon comparable to the fourth-tier. Ordinary **** emperor.

If it is really only the Nine Transformation God King, even with a high-level immortal body, the possibility of defeat is extremely high. Because the Nine Transformation God King, it is impossible to wield all the power of the high-level immortal divine body at all, otherwise the body will be burst in the end.

Han Feng also talked about the fate of Snake Dragon Island and Ice Dragon Island. Hearing that Snake Dragon Island had been destroyed, the patriarch showed an expression of hatred. He heard that the companions on Ice Dragon Island were still alive but fell into a coma. The elder burst into tears. , Crying and laughing, finally the Primordial Burning Dragon clan has not been extinct.

"The younger generation intends to temporarily seal Aunt Yue and bring Aunt Yue into the inner world of the younger generation. When the younger generation is ready to break through the **** emperor, the seal will be unlocked. In that case, Aunt Yue will give birth when the younger generation is promoted to the **** emperor."

"Feng'er, you are planning to..." The patriarch's eyes were complicated.

Han Feng nodded: "The younger generation intends to make the children born to Aunt Yue become the first creature after the complete perfection of my inner world."

Under normal circumstances, unless the soul is reincarnated in Han Feng's inner world, it cannot become a creature in Han Feng's inner world. Those who are not in the inner world naturally cannot cultivate the inner world's cultivation system.

For example, those Primordial Burning Dragons who were thrown into the inner world before, unless they are willing to reincarnate in the inner world, they cannot practice in Han Feng's inner world.

Han Feng was able to cultivate in Battle Soul Grand 6 at the beginning. It was the creation of God Emperor of Battle Soul Grand 6 that had fallen, and the heavens had fallen, and the restrictions were naturally greatly weakened. Outsiders could easily reincarnate through the reincarnation of Battle Soul Grand 6.

If the **** emperor who created Battle Soul Big 6 is still there, if Han Feng enters Battle Soul Big 6, promotion will be extremely difficult, because the cultivation system is completely different. Similarly, it is impossible for Han Feng to want to reincarnate in Battle Soul 6 at unless the **** emperor agrees.

Today, the inner world of Han Feng has not been perfected, and the passage of reincarnation has not yet appeared, but when Han Feng breaks through the **** queen, the inner world will be completely perfected. At that time, if Aunt Yue gave birth, he would be subconsciously classified as beings in the inner world by Heaven. in.

And as the first batch of creatures after the perfection of the heavenly way, the benefits they received are also huge. It is easy to cultivate to a high and deep state, and later it is difficult for people to catch up.

Aunt Yue’s son may not be able to break through the **** emperor after becoming a creature of Han Feng’s inner world, but in Han Feng’s inner world, it can make the Primordial Burning Dragon multiply and grow and regain its glory.

For the patriarch at this moment, of course, what he most hopes is that his son can grow up safely. As for whether he becomes a **** emperor, that is no longer a matter of importance.

Becoming the first creatures of an inner world, apart from being restricted to the inner world and unable to see the real excitement of the real world outside, the patriarch cannot refuse all the other benefits.

"Feng'er...thank you." Thousands of words finally turned into a thank you.

Then the patriarch began to talk to Han Feng about the days he had been on Burning Dragon Island. Gradually, his voice became lower and lower, and finally there was no sound.

At the end of the back light, the patriarch finally fell.

With a heavy heart, Han Feng put away the patriarch's body, and then took Aunt Yue into the inner world, and left the prison.

Before Han Feng left Leilong Island, two trembling dragon roars suddenly came from a distance, and then two behemoths flew in quickly.

The next moment, the two giant dragons turned into human forms, and one of them was the Dragon King.



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