Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 2599: Master of Tier 8

Although it was a retreat, Han Feng still set aside a part of his mind to pay attention to the outside world. This is the Sky Fire Tower. There is no need to worry about being disturbed by others during the cultivation. So there is no need to enter a deep retreat. ?一 has reached the realm of dominance, Han Feng has no good resources to submerge, only relying on retreat and time accumulation, so pure retreat does not have any effect on Han Feng’s cultivation base Obvious improvement, so leaving a part of the mind naturally does not matter.

So thousands of years later, Han Feng finally found a heavenly world, but it was only a low-level heavenly world, and it seemed that it hadn't been born long, not even an era.

For the low-level heavenly world, less than an epoch, it is estimated that there will not even be a **** emperor.

Tens of thousands of years later, Han Feng saw the second heavenly world, but unfortunately this heavenly world is still at a low level.

Time passed faintly, and the flight of the Skyfire Tower was a million years of time.

For millions of years, Han Feng has seen a lot of heavenly worlds. Unfortunately, most of them are low-level heavenly worlds. The difference is that some exhibitions are long and some are short. As for the intermediate heavenly worlds, you can’t see them. many.

The world of high-level heavenly Dao is even more unseen.

What's interesting is that Han Feng saw a low-level Heavenly Dao world being invaded by a celestial demon race in the middle of the journey, and the master of the celestial demon seemed to have only initially stepped into the realm of the seventh-order ruler. To read 1·

Xu was thinking about the situation in his own world. Han Feng and Xiaopang said that the Sky Fire Tower instantly exploded with golden light, directly extinguishing the heavenly demons. In that low-level heavenly world, they didn't know who helped them from beginning to end.

Million years is not short, at least for Han Feng. From the original small Fan-level to the current Domination Realm, Han Feng's cultivation time is less than a million years. But in these millions of years, the Sky Fire Tower has not yet reached the Supreme Heavenly Dao World.

Han Feng once again had a deeper understanding of the vastness of the endless void, and a clearer idea of ​​the scarcity of the Supreme Heavenly Dao world.

However, the good news is not without it. When Han Feng walked across nine Supreme Bridges and stepped on the tenth Supreme Platform, that good fortune directly caused Han Feng to soar to the peak of Tier 7, or quasi-eighth level.

Now that millions of years have passed, Han Fengshun has naturally broken through to eight levels.

Breaking through to the eighth-level master, Han Feng is stronger. In terms of momentum alone, he has already crossed the ninth level. The various gains add up, and with the help of Hongmeng Supreme Fist and other half-step supreme mastery, it is enough to fight the half-step supreme in the early stage Power.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Han Feng secretly sighed, if there is such a huge power, if you don’t have the resources to accumulate only by time, I really don’t know how long and how long will he be able to cultivate to the peak of the eighth level. It is estimated that there is no one or two thousand years or even thousands of years. Time is impossible.

And if you want to break through from the eighth to the ninth, roughly it takes an epoch. One Reading w?ww?·1?·

"Stepping on the tenth supreme platform, it is so difficult to cultivate with such a great good fortune. No wonder the four elders improve so slowly." Han Feng shook his head, only hope that he can find a supreme suitable for his practice in the shortest time. In the world of Heavenly Dao, if there are resources that are helpful to the improvement of the dominance, it may be possible to shorten the time for countless times to break through to Tier 9. With the strength of his supreme ruler, Tier 9 is enough to contend with the half-step supreme or even exceed it.

"When you reach the eighth level, the rest can only be accumulated by time. I don't know how long it will take to find a new Supreme Heavenly Dao World. After such a long time, let's find something to do." Thinking of this, Han Feng dodges and arrives. Little fairy world.

Xiaoxianjie, an endless ocean, floats a huge island. This island is also famous in Xiaoxianjie. It is the first strongest in Xiaoxianjie and the only place where the gods of Da Luo and Longhan live.

On this island, the Primordial Burning Dragon family lived, except for the older generation, the rest were basically Dragon Han blood.

In a certain valley, this is the forbidden area of ​​Burning Dragon Island, because this is the training place of the strongest person on Burning Dragon Island, Longhan God.

Suddenly, Longhan Divine Venerable's eyes opened, and a fierce color flashed by: "Who is it!" Long Han's heart trembled, and who was it, came to him silently.

Afterwards, Longhan Shenzun saw a young man in a green robe and looked at him with a smile.

"My lord!" Long Han immediately recognized Han Feng. Since the birth of Xiaoxianjie, although Han Feng has not been to Xiaoxianjie many times, he has been there several times. Longhan has naturally seen Han Feng.

In the entire Little Immortal Realm, the local people are afraid that only Long Han knows the origin of the Little Immortal Realm and the difference between the Little Fairy Realm and the three thousand gods outside.

"I have already cultivated to the seventh-order Da Luo Divine Venerable, yes, yes." Han Feng nodded in satisfaction when seeing Long Han's cultivation realm.

In the Little Immortal Realm, there are nine levels of Daluo Shenzun, among which the first to third levels are equivalent to the heavenly king, the fourth to sixth levels are equivalent to the heavenly king, and the seventh to ninth levels are equivalent to the heavenly king.

The seventh-order Daluo **** is already equivalent to the Seven Transformed Heavenly Emperor God King, placed in the Three Thousand God Realm, and can be regarded as a strong person.

It is not easy to be able to cultivate to such a level in Xiaoxianjie.

"My lord!" Long Han was so excited and excited by Han Feng's praise, and then embarrassed: "How can the juniors have this strength compared to adults."

Han Feng smiled, without replying, the gap between the seventh-order Daluo **** and the eighth-order ruler is indeed huge.

Afterwards, Han Feng said: "Longhan, the Little Fairy World has been born for so long, and this seat has not taken good care of it. This time I intend to give some guidance to the martial arts powerhouses of the entire Xiaoxian World. Let Longhan spread the news."

"As for the guidance location..." Han Feng suddenly pointed a point in the void, the next moment the void not far from the Burning Dragon Island burst into a colorful light, the light condensed, and quickly turned into a majestic palace, surrounded by clouds. Cohesion, brilliant momentum.

"Just there." As he said, Han Feng teleported and appeared directly in the palace. On the palace door plaque, the three characters of Supreme Hall appeared. These three characters of Supreme Hall contained Han Feng's own martial arts will. , Also contains Han Feng's ambition for supreme.

"My lord, are you finally going to teach martial arts in the Little Immortal Realm." Long Han was also excited, although now Long Han has cultivated to the level of the seventh-order Daluo **** but that is because Longhan was born. At the beginning, under the influence of Han Feng’s thoughts, this small fairy world gave Longhan great fortunes. Those innate creatures such as the first cloud, the first sea, the first mountain, etc., are not as good as Longhan. .

In addition, because he has seen Han Feng several times, and has been taught by Han Feng several times, his horizons have been widened, and Longhan can cultivate to the level of the seventh-order Da Luo god.

At this level, Long Han has already felt that cultivation is getting more difficult. If there is no one to guide him, God knows when he can cultivate to the realm of the eighth-order Daluo God Venerable or even the 9th-order Daluo God Venerable.

As for the immortal emperor, he has no clue.

Finally, Han Fengneng spared time for guidance. How could Longhan not seize this opportunity? If it weren’t for Han Feng’s famous saying that Longhan would invite the strong from the small fairy world to teach, Longhan would not want to share such a precious opportunity with others. share it.



