Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 593: 6 star late

   Luo Zhenhong heard what his father said and realized why he didn't know. Cangling fruit is indeed too important. Once the news is known to the outside world, those forces with mid-level heavenly powers will definitely oppress the Luo Family Chamber of Commerce until the Luo Family Chamber of Commerce will trade the Cang Spirit Fruit.

   The less people know, the safer it is.

   Unfortunately, in the end...

   Han Feng's eyes became hot.

   Cang Lingguo, if he absorbs and refines Cang Lingguo now, not only will his injury be recovered in a short period of time, but his cultivation level will be improved a lot in one fell swoop.

   Now Han Feng feels more and more lucky, and he ran into someone who had rescued him, and he happened to have a spirit grass in his hands that increased vitality.

   Choosing to help Luo Family, he got Cang Ling Guo.

   But when he thought that Luo Jing had kept Cang Lingguo for several years, Han Feng hesitated: "'s not appropriate."

Luo Jingshi shook his head: "Being a brother is naturally a little bit reluctant." As a strong heavenly rank, although Luo Jingshi knows that he is more than fifty and is only the peak of rank one, he might not be able to break through to rank four in his lifetime. Star, but who has no expectations?

Luo Jingshi continued: "Although he is reluctant to give up, but since Brother Han is willing to help as his brother, what the brother says will not let him lose, let alone the serious injury of Han who is not healed. If the injury improves, it will be good for the brother. Bigger."

   "If you don't have Brother Han, you will probably fail in the battle with Elder Ma. Cang Lingguo will naturally be handed over by Elder Ma to the leader of the Little Sunflower Bandit Group."

   "Although Brother Han is in the middle of the Celestial Rank, you are not very old, Brother Han, and you must be only a four-star Celestial, and it is also a five-star Celestial. This is not a big advantage to the leader of the Little Sunflower Bandit Group."

"The leader of the Little Sunflower Bandit Group was already at the top of the Heaven-Rank three-star limit a few years ago, half of his foot has reached the Heaven-Rank four-star, and now I am afraid it will be stronger. Brother Han, you refine the Cang Ling Guo to go further. The head is also more sure."

   When Luo Jingshi said so, the little impropriety in Han Feng's heart disappeared immediately.

   It’s just that Han Feng felt a little spit in his heart. If Luo Jingshi knew that he was already in the early stage of the six-star stage, he would not know if he would take out the Cangling Fruit.


   After getting the Cangling Fruit, Luo Jingshi immediately arranged a retreat room for Han Feng, which he said was to heal his injuries.

   Closed room.

   Han Feng took out Cang Ling Guo.

   Cang Ling Guo is a purple spirit fruit. As soon as Han Feng took it out, the entire secret room was filled with abundant spiritual power.

   Han Feng sighed, Cang Ling Guo is good, but he is now a six-star heavenly rank, and he won't improve much.

   If it is taken in the early stage of the four stars, it is likely to reach the peak limit of the four stars.

   The early days of the six-star rank...

  Han Feng didn't know how much he would improve. At this time, Han Feng missed the All-Things Rongyan Cauldron very much. If the All-Things Rongyan Cauldron refined Cangling Fruit into the source liquid, its effect would be more effective.

   Not to mention reaching the six-star peak limit, at least reaching the late stage limit or even reaching the peak is not impossible.


   swallowed the Cangling Fruit, Han Feng sat cross-legged, his five hearts turned towards the sky, and quickly circulated the Nine Flames Different Fire Art.

  As a six-star powerhouse of the heavenly rank, and possessing the Nine Flames and Different Fire Art, Han Feng can absorb it very efficiently.

   In just five days, Cang Lingguo was completely absorbed by Han Feng, and his cultivation was capable of breaking through to the late six-star stage.

   And his injuries have recovered 80 to 90% while his cultivation level has been improved.

   Now it is no problem to deal with the middle stage of the sky.

   At this moment, Han Feng was truly relieved.

The cultivation base broke through to the six-star celestial rank, and the true combat power was not weaker than that of the ordinary nine-star celestial powerhouse. He was accustomed to this powerful force, and suddenly suffered heavy damage, which caused him to deal with a small one. It was also quite difficult in the early and middle stages of the Heavenly Order, which made Han Feng feel very insecure.

   Now that the injury is almost completely recovered, Han Feng finally feels completely settled down.

   is equivalent to the combat power of the late stage of the ordinary sky, traveling in the lower three empires, the security is as high as 90%.

   The remaining 10% is really bad luck and encounters the existence of the sanctuary, so as to provoke the sanctuary strong.

   "The breakthrough in the late six-star stage is not stable. Take a day to stabilize before leaving."

   "In six days, it is estimated that Elder Ma is about to test."


   Han Feng’s guess is correct.

   That night, Elder Ma called his grandson Ma Gang into his room.

   "Grandpa, what do you want your grandson to come here?"

   Maan Steel is a well-known gangster, there is no shortage of eating, drinking, and gambling.

   At this time, Ma Steel had just solved the major events in his life, and he was a little dissatisfied that he was suddenly called over.

Seeing his grandson sitting with his legs crossed and not sitting, his face still had the blush after doing that kind of thing, Elder Ma was extremely angry: "You bastard, you all said not to go to such a place, in case you get caught. What should I do if I get sick?"

   Ma Gang said impatiently: "This time it wasn't the person who came out of that place. I ran into a pretty good woman on the road and grabbed it. It's still a place."

   "Otherwise, my grandson will come so soon."

  Elder Ma eased his expression: "Since it's the place, just do it with you, as long as you pay attention to it clean."

   "Calling you here this time, it's actually..."

   After hearing Elder Ma’s words, Ma Gang yelled: "Grandpa, that little Nizi has never looked so good at me, so I won’t look for it."

  Elder Ma stared: "When is it now, how can you bear it? When the laozi who solves the little Nizi, then the little Nizi will not rub it with you. On the contrary, you are up to you to get revenge."

   Ma Gang's face yy rose, thinking about the wonderful life in the future, his saliva almost flowed out.

   wiped his saliva, Ma Gang immediately said: "Grandpa don't worry, grandson will complete the task tomorrow."

   Elder Ma nodded: "Well, go get it."

   Ma Steel said goodbye and left.


   The next day.

Han Feng stabilized the level of the six-star post-secondary stage of the Houtian Rank. It was already afternoon when he left the Hong Ling was waiting anxiously, and when he saw Han Feng, he immediately stepped forward and said: "Young Master Han, the surname Ma The dude has been pestering the lady all day, isn't it..."

   Han Feng's eyes flashed: "Yes, this is indeed the elder Ma who started to test. It just so happened that my injury was almost completely recovered, so let's practice with those guys."

   Seeing Han Feng so confident, Hong Ling unknowingly relaxes too.


   At a martial arts training site in Luofu, Ma Gang kept pestering Luo Zhenhong.

   "Sister Luo, I found a fun place outside. Shall we two go take a look?"

   Ma Gang broke into pieces beside Luo Zhenhong.

   Luo Zhenhong said indifferently: "It's not that Miss Ben outside the city hadn't been there when she was a child, there is no place for fun."

Ma Gang said anxiously: "It is true. It seems to be a natural maze. I asked the guards to try it. The Xuanjie cultivation base was trapped for several days before coming out. Sister Luo, you are not the most interested in these things. Huh? If you go and see, maybe you can study something."

   "Oh? Natural maze? This is interesting, Zhenhong, how about we go and see?" A male voice suddenly sounded.


   Third! !

   The code in this chapter and the previous chapter feels very bad, and the content of the code is not very satisfactory. Let's watch three times today. It may be the reason for the lack of energy yesterday.

  Also, I recommend a good-looking novel called Xiexin. You can find it by searching the website.