Nine Flames Sovereign

Chapter 741: Soul transformation, the power of the so

   "Where to go!" The old man shouted sharply.

  Whether it is the greed for the two sacred areas of Liuyan Tenglong and Junyan Qilin Arm, or the desire for ghost fruit and the fear and panic of Han Feng's talent, the old man is absolutely impossible to allow Han Feng to leave.

   The speed of the old man soared to a level in an instant, and the red palm in his hand swung out again. A powerful palm caused a turbulent storm in the space.

   However, what the old man wanted to pursue was a sacred flying sword, which could fly at no less than the level of the great sanctuary with sufficient energy.

  Rao is the old man with extremely fast speed, far behind the holy grade flying sword. He can only watch the hilt of the flying sword, turning into a small black spot in his own eyes, and finally disappears.

   Chi Lian palm didn't hit his eyes and crashed to the ground, destroying a mountain range in the blink of an eye, and the ground was messy.

   "Damn it!!" The old man was extremely angry, his face was distorted, if he had known that the other party had this kind of escape method, he shouldn't have reserved his strength with joking thoughts.

   Thinking of the sacred school and ghost fruit passing by, the old man was extremely unwilling, and when he thought of Han Feng's talent, a trace of panic flashed in his heart at the same time.

   "Damn, this kid has mastered the inferior middle-class sanctuary at a young age. Such talents are really rare. If he grows up, his strength will be extremely terrifying, and I will have no means to resist in the future."

"Huh, the ghost realm has only been opened for two months. I don't believe that this kid will have a huge improvement within two months. When the ghost realm channel is closed and left, this kid will die." The old man hated it. Tao.

   glanced at the direction where Han Feng was escaping again, and the old man left helplessly.


   On the sacred flying sword, Han Feng sat cross-legged. While flying with the flying sword, Han Feng was also recovering from his injuries.

After a while, Han Feng opened his eyes: "Since his strength has far surpassed the heavenly ranks, in addition to the sanctuary level, this is the first half-holy to make me unable to fight back. It is nearly two months before the ghost realm is closed. , I’d better improve my strength and go to Yaqing and Yuan Yijin."

   Controlling the sacred flying sword, Han Feng found a place and fell down.

   Putting away the sacred flying sword, Han Feng was distressed to death: "The sacred stone that I finally got is almost exhausted now. Damn old guy, when I get stronger, I must kill you."

   found a cave, and Han Feng walked in directly.

   sealed the entrance of the cave, and Han Feng flashed himself into the first floor of the Nine-flame Skyfire Pagoda, using all things melting flame cauldron to refine the three ghost fruit into source liquid.

   A ghost fruit is enough to transform a heavenly martial artist whose spiritual power is at the twelve-star peak level into the power of the soul.

   And three ghost fruit, at least half of the spiritual power will be transformed. And if the three ghost fruits are refined into the source liquid, its efficiency will be greatly increased.

   Han Feng took out the three jade bottles and poured the refined ghost fruit source liquid into the jade bottles.

Although the effect of the ghost fruit is good, its value is also beyond the ordinary sky-level spirit fruit, but it is not a sacred spirit fruit, so in the extreme day sacred flame mixed with the fire of the aurora, it quickly completely turned into a source liquid. , It didn’t take Han Feng too much time, not even half a day.

"I am in the early stage of the twelve-star cultivation base, but my mental power has already exceeded the twelve-star level. The Nine Flames Different Fire Art has also reached the early stage of the fifth stage, and the absorption of the ghost fruit source liquid should be fast. The ghost fruit turns into a source. Liquid can also be absorbed more easily, and the efficiency is extremely high. In this case, I should not spend too long in retreat." Han Feng muttered.

   The ghost realm is only open for two months. If the retreat is too long and you are trapped in the ghost realm, the fun will be great.

   "Also, the heaven and earth energy in this ghost realm is abundant, which is also very good for my soul transformation, and it will speed up my soul transformation."

"If you are outside, it will take at least a month to fully absorb these three ghost fruits, and sometimes it is not impossible to spend two months. Now, at most half a month!" Han Feng's eyes flashed. Bright light, ready to swallow.

   Nine Flames and Different Fires, his planting space has been written down by Han Feng's genes of the ghost fruit, only when the cultivation base reaches the 12-star peak limit and can no longer be improved, he will plant the ghost fruit.

   Han Feng believes that with the assistance of a large number of ghost fruits, sooner or later, the mental power will be transformed to the limit that a strong heavenly person can reach.


   Han Feng swallowed the ghost fruit source liquid and began to practice.

  Ghost Fruit Source was liquefied into a series of pure powers, which soon poured into Han Feng's spiritual consciousness. Han Feng's spiritual awareness of the sea suddenly rioted at this moment.

   Spiritual knowledge of the sea is just an invisible ocean of spirit. On the surface, the spiritual power here is illusory.

   All the fluctuations are also slightly transparent.

   But after the energy of the ghost fruit source liquefaction poured into the spirit ocean, these oceans have undergone a qualitative change, gradually transforming from a little transparent to a real ocean.

  The qualitatively changed area converges in the center of the Spiritual Consciousness Sea, forming a small vortex. The vortex is expanding with the influx of energy from the ghost fruit source liquid.

   Gradually, these vortices seemed to transform into real oceans, even with some red flames.

   Han Feng's mental power is undergoing an amazing qualitative change.

   Han Feng sat there cross-legged, motionless, because the soul level was changed this time, the energy in Han Feng's body circulated lightly, without a trace of restlessness.

   Gradually, over Han Feng's head, the invisible space began to twist, and strange energy overflowed.

   Within the Spiritual Consciousness Sea, the whirlpool gradually expands. Suddenly, the Spiritual Consciousness Sea and the sky seem to be attracting the Spiritual Sea. Numerous spiritual water pillars gather in the Spiritual Consciousness Sea and sky like a dragon.

Along with the convergence of these spiritual water columns, a small sphere gradually emerged At the moment when the sphere was successfully condensed, the spiritual consciousness of the sea was stagnant, and then stormy waves occurred. The sea of ​​spiritual consciousness was violently shaking, and a powerful breath rushed out.

   Outside, the distorted space above Han Feng's head expanded in an instant, and the surrounding space was continuously distorted and broken, and a wave of energy belonging to soul fluctuations raged in the surrounding space.

   This sphere is surprisingly the core of the soul that stores the power of the soul.

  The success of the core of the primordial spirit represents the soul of Han Feng. At this moment, the real qualitative change has become the power of the primordial spirit!


   At the moment when Han Feng's soul was successfully transformed, the power of the Primordial Spirit continued to flow into the depths of the cave like a tide.

In the depths of the cave, a certain imaginary figure suddenly opened his eyes, and a thick surprise flashed in his eyes: "This soul fluctuation... is very similar to my soul fluctuation, and the fit is as high as 80%, no, even higher! "

   "Heaven and the world really have a situation where the souls of each other are so high, are they the descendants of this seat?"

   "No, it's impossible. The family of this seat has long been gone. Only some collaterals survive. These collaterals have almost no connection with the blood of this seat, and they cannot be descendants."

   "Great, the hope of leaving this seat is finally here."


   Second! !

   It is reasonable to say that spring has already started, and the sky should be getting warmer and warmer, but the cabbage is still sub-zero here, and the hands are really frozen.